erik.pilkington added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/lib/Lex/ModuleMap.cpp:1198-1203
+    // If the header in the module map refers to a symlink, Header.Entry
+    // refers to the actual file. The callback should be notified of both.
+    if (!FullPathAsWritten.empty() &&
+        !FullPathAsWritten.equals(Header.Entry->getName())) {
+      Cb->moduleMapAddHeader(FullPathAsWritten, Mod->IsSystem, Imported);
+    }
vsapsai wrote:
> vsapsai wrote:
> > It is strange but after removing this part the tests are still passing. I 
> > suspect the code is correct but the test allows some roundabout way to add 
> > symlink to dependencies. In my experiments only 
> > `DFGMMCallback::moduleMapAddHeader` affects the tests. Is it expected?
> Looks like you have 3 cases:
> 1. Add all files in module map to dependencies, even if a file isn't 
> `#include`d anywhere (this turned out to be `link.h`).
> 2. For `-fmodule-file` replace header files in dependencies with .pcm file 
> (that's what `Imported` achieves).
> 3. Some scenario with symlinks. Here I haven't found a representative test 
> case.
3 and 1 should be the same; the problem is that a `FileEntry`'s name mutates 
over the course of the compile to refer to the most recent reference to it. 
(see FileManager::getFile() and the FIXME from 2007). This puts us in a pretty 
awkward position here: we're trying to recover the set of symlinks that clang 
used to refer to this file, but I think that that information is lost in the 
general case. The Right Thing To Do is probably to actually track that 
somewhere. I think we could also probably work around this by attaching the 
DependencyFileGenerator callback to the module builder thread, in which case 
we'd be able to ensure we use the most-recent version of a `FileEntry`.

I'll keep trying to get a reproducer for this, but FYI you can check it out in 
action for the file `ncurses.h` in the SDK.

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