sammccall accepted this revision.
sammccall added a comment.
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.

Only really significant thing is I think the name "build graph" is confusing, 
and we should specifically mention includes.
Rest is just nits to take or leave...

Comment at: clangd/Headers.h:52
+// Contains information about one file in the build grpah and its direct
+// dependencies.
+struct BuildGraphNode {
May be worth explicitly noting:
`Does not own the strings it references (BuildGraphInclusions is 

Comment at: clangd/Headers.h:53
+// dependencies.
+struct BuildGraphNode {
+  bool IsTU;
I think we should be more specific and call this the "include graph".
Build graph can suggest other build-system related things (bazel and ninja have 
a very formal concept of a build graph, other systems have less formalized but 
may still use the term)

Comment at: clangd/Headers.h:54
+struct BuildGraphNode {
+  bool IsTU;
+  llvm::StringRef FileURI;
this is worth a comment (e.g. `A "main file" as opposed to a header.`)

Comment at: clangd/Headers.h:55
+  bool IsTU;
+  llvm::StringRef FileURI;
+  FileDigest Digest;
This is slightly ambiguous: URI of the file, or URI with the `file` scheme?
I think you mean the former.
I think `URI` is actually the best name for this field, even though it's taken 
by the class. As a member of a struct, there's not really any ambiguous cases.

Comment at: clangd/Headers.h:57
+  FileDigest Digest;
+  std::vector<llvm::StringRef> FileInclusions;
nit: I don't think "File" actually adds anything here, the whole struct is 
scoped to a file.
I'd add a comment that this is only direct inclusions, if you choose not to 
mention it in the name.
(The comment seems more useful here than it does on the struct)

Comment at: clangd/SourceCode.h:26
+using FileDigest = std::array<uint8_t, 20>;
Probably worth a comment, especially since there are no functions here using it.

  rCTE Clang Tools Extra


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