JonasToth added a comment.

In D54757#1316899 <>, @donat.nagy wrote:

> I applied this check to the llvm + clang codebase, and I was surprised to see 
> that it produced about 600 results (for comparison, the clang-tidy checks 
> which are enabled by default produce approximately 6000 results together). I 
> didn't go through the whole list, but after examining a few dozen random 
> reports it seems that most of these are true positives: relatively short 
> branches (usually one or two lines of code) are repeated for no obvious 
> reason. I would guess that most of these fall into the "correct but too 
> verbose" case, because otherwise the tests would have caught the problem, but 
> I didn't try to understand their context.
> I have seen a few false positives related to preprocessor trickery: when an 
> `.inc` file is included to create a huge switch, sometimes it will become a 
> huge switch with lots of identical branches. There were also some situations 
> where the check reported identical branches which are annotated with 
> different comments; I don't know if this should be considered a false 
> positive.
> If this is acceptable, then I would be grateful if someone would commit this 
> patch for me as I don't have commit rights.

Thank you!
Are the cases with `.inc` files easily silenceable with `// NOLINT` comments? 
In general code-generation through macros is not easily handled with 
clang-tidy, so all checks have the problem (e.g. GoogleTest is extremly chatty 
with everything), but would be interesting to know :)

All other cases sound like "a human should look and evaluate" and that's ok for 
clang-tidy as it doesn't claim finding ONLY bugs, but all kind of issues.

Thank you for the patch, if there are no objections by other reviewers I will 
commit tomorrow( ~24 hours from now)

  rCTE Clang Tools Extra


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