riccibruno created this revision.
riccibruno added a project: clang.
Herald added a subscriber: cfe-commits.

Various cleanups to GenericSelectionExpr, factored out of D57104 
<https://reviews.llvm.org/D57104>. In particular:

1. Move the friend declaration to the top.
2. Introduce a constant `ResultDependentIndex` instead of the magic "-1".
3. clang-format
4. Group the member function together so that they can be removed as one block 
by D57106 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D57106>.


  rC Clang



Index: lib/Serialization/ASTWriterStmt.cpp
--- lib/Serialization/ASTWriterStmt.cpp
+++ lib/Serialization/ASTWriterStmt.cpp
@@ -969,13 +969,13 @@
 void ASTStmtWriter::VisitGenericSelectionExpr(GenericSelectionExpr *E) {
+  Record.push_back(E->ResultIndex);
   for (unsigned I = 0, N = E->getNumAssocs(); I != N; ++I) {
-  Record.push_back(E->isResultDependent() ? -1U : E->getResultIndex());
Index: lib/Serialization/ASTReaderStmt.cpp
--- lib/Serialization/ASTReaderStmt.cpp
+++ lib/Serialization/ASTReaderStmt.cpp
@@ -1023,16 +1023,18 @@
 void ASTStmtReader::VisitGenericSelectionExpr(GenericSelectionExpr *E) {
   E->NumAssocs = Record.readInt();
-  E->AssocTypes = new (Record.getContext()) TypeSourceInfo*[E->NumAssocs];
-  E->SubExprs =
-   new(Record.getContext()) Stmt*[GenericSelectionExpr::END_EXPR+E->NumAssocs];
+  E->ResultIndex = Record.readInt();
-  E->SubExprs[GenericSelectionExpr::CONTROLLING] = Record.readSubExpr();
+  E->AssocTypes = new (Record.getContext()) TypeSourceInfo *[E->NumAssocs];
+  E->SubExprs = new (Record.getContext())
+      Stmt *[GenericSelectionExpr::AssocExprStartIndex + E->NumAssocs];
+  E->SubExprs[GenericSelectionExpr::ControllingIndex] = Record.readSubExpr();
   for (unsigned I = 0, N = E->getNumAssocs(); I != N; ++I) {
     E->AssocTypes[I] = GetTypeSourceInfo();
-    E->SubExprs[GenericSelectionExpr::END_EXPR+I] = Record.readSubExpr();
+    E->SubExprs[GenericSelectionExpr::AssocExprStartIndex + I] =
+        Record.readSubExpr();
-  E->ResultIndex = Record.readInt();
   E->GenericLoc = ReadSourceLocation();
   E->DefaultLoc = ReadSourceLocation();
Index: lib/AST/Expr.cpp
--- lib/AST/Expr.cpp
+++ lib/AST/Expr.cpp
@@ -3774,55 +3774,55 @@
   memcpy(SubExprs, Exprs.data(), sizeof(Expr *) * Exprs.size());
-GenericSelectionExpr::GenericSelectionExpr(const ASTContext &Context,
-                               SourceLocation GenericLoc, Expr *ControllingExpr,
-                               ArrayRef<TypeSourceInfo*> AssocTypes,
-                               ArrayRef<Expr*> AssocExprs,
-                               SourceLocation DefaultLoc,
-                               SourceLocation RParenLoc,
-                               bool ContainsUnexpandedParameterPack,
-                               unsigned ResultIndex)
-  : Expr(GenericSelectionExprClass,
-         AssocExprs[ResultIndex]->getType(),
-         AssocExprs[ResultIndex]->getValueKind(),
-         AssocExprs[ResultIndex]->getObjectKind(),
-         AssocExprs[ResultIndex]->isTypeDependent(),
-         AssocExprs[ResultIndex]->isValueDependent(),
-         AssocExprs[ResultIndex]->isInstantiationDependent(),
-         ContainsUnexpandedParameterPack),
-    AssocTypes(new (Context) TypeSourceInfo*[AssocTypes.size()]),
-    SubExprs(new (Context) Stmt*[END_EXPR+AssocExprs.size()]),
-    NumAssocs(AssocExprs.size()), ResultIndex(ResultIndex),
-    GenericLoc(GenericLoc), DefaultLoc(DefaultLoc), RParenLoc(RParenLoc) {
-  SubExprs[CONTROLLING] = ControllingExpr;
-  assert(AssocTypes.size() == AssocExprs.size());
+    const ASTContext &Context, SourceLocation GenericLoc, Expr *ControllingExpr,
+    ArrayRef<TypeSourceInfo *> AssocTypes, ArrayRef<Expr *> AssocExprs,
+    SourceLocation DefaultLoc, SourceLocation RParenLoc,
+    bool ContainsUnexpandedParameterPack, unsigned ResultIndex)
+    : Expr(GenericSelectionExprClass, AssocExprs[ResultIndex]->getType(),
+           AssocExprs[ResultIndex]->getValueKind(),
+           AssocExprs[ResultIndex]->getObjectKind(),
+           AssocExprs[ResultIndex]->isTypeDependent(),
+           AssocExprs[ResultIndex]->isValueDependent(),
+           AssocExprs[ResultIndex]->isInstantiationDependent(),
+           ContainsUnexpandedParameterPack),
+      NumAssocs(AssocExprs.size()), ResultIndex(ResultIndex),
+      AssocTypes(new (Context) TypeSourceInfo *[AssocTypes.size()]),
+      SubExprs(new (Context) Stmt *[AssocExprStartIndex + AssocExprs.size()]),
+      GenericLoc(GenericLoc), DefaultLoc(DefaultLoc), RParenLoc(RParenLoc) {
+  assert(AssocTypes.size() == AssocExprs.size() &&
+         "Must have the same number of association expressions"
+         " and TypeSourceInfo!");
+  assert(ResultIndex < NumAssocs && "ResultIndex is out-of-bounds!");
+  SubExprs[ControllingIndex] = ControllingExpr;
   std::copy(AssocTypes.begin(), AssocTypes.end(), this->AssocTypes);
-  std::copy(AssocExprs.begin(), AssocExprs.end(), SubExprs+END_EXPR);
+  std::copy(AssocExprs.begin(), AssocExprs.end(),
+            SubExprs + AssocExprStartIndex);
-GenericSelectionExpr::GenericSelectionExpr(const ASTContext &Context,
-                               SourceLocation GenericLoc, Expr *ControllingExpr,
-                               ArrayRef<TypeSourceInfo*> AssocTypes,
-                               ArrayRef<Expr*> AssocExprs,
-                               SourceLocation DefaultLoc,
-                               SourceLocation RParenLoc,
-                               bool ContainsUnexpandedParameterPack)
-  : Expr(GenericSelectionExprClass,
-         Context.DependentTy,
-         VK_RValue,
-         OK_Ordinary,
-         /*isTypeDependent=*/true,
-         /*isValueDependent=*/true,
-         /*isInstantiationDependent=*/true,
-         ContainsUnexpandedParameterPack),
-    AssocTypes(new (Context) TypeSourceInfo*[AssocTypes.size()]),
-    SubExprs(new (Context) Stmt*[END_EXPR+AssocExprs.size()]),
-    NumAssocs(AssocExprs.size()), ResultIndex(-1U), GenericLoc(GenericLoc),
-    DefaultLoc(DefaultLoc), RParenLoc(RParenLoc) {
-  SubExprs[CONTROLLING] = ControllingExpr;
-  assert(AssocTypes.size() == AssocExprs.size());
+    const ASTContext &Context, SourceLocation GenericLoc, Expr *ControllingExpr,
+    ArrayRef<TypeSourceInfo *> AssocTypes, ArrayRef<Expr *> AssocExprs,
+    SourceLocation DefaultLoc, SourceLocation RParenLoc,
+    bool ContainsUnexpandedParameterPack)
+    : Expr(GenericSelectionExprClass, Context.DependentTy, VK_RValue,
+           OK_Ordinary,
+           /*isTypeDependent=*/true,
+           /*isValueDependent=*/true,
+           /*isInstantiationDependent=*/true, ContainsUnexpandedParameterPack),
+      NumAssocs(AssocExprs.size()), ResultIndex(ResultDependentIndex),
+      AssocTypes(new (Context) TypeSourceInfo *[AssocTypes.size()]),
+      SubExprs(new (Context) Stmt *[AssocExprStartIndex + AssocExprs.size()]),
+      GenericLoc(GenericLoc), DefaultLoc(DefaultLoc), RParenLoc(RParenLoc) {
+  assert(AssocTypes.size() == AssocExprs.size() &&
+         "Must have the same number of association expressions"
+         " and TypeSourceInfo!");
+  SubExprs[ControllingIndex] = ControllingExpr;
   std::copy(AssocTypes.begin(), AssocTypes.end(), this->AssocTypes);
-  std::copy(AssocExprs.begin(), AssocExprs.end(), SubExprs+END_EXPR);
+  std::copy(AssocExprs.begin(), AssocExprs.end(),
+            SubExprs + AssocExprStartIndex);
Index: include/clang/AST/Expr.h
--- include/clang/AST/Expr.h
+++ include/clang/AST/Expr.h
@@ -5014,98 +5014,118 @@
 /// which means that the choice of result expression is dependent.
 /// Result-dependent generic associations are both type- and value-dependent.
 class GenericSelectionExpr : public Expr {
-  TypeSourceInfo **AssocTypes;
-  Stmt **SubExprs;
+  friend class ASTStmtReader;
+  friend class ASTStmtWriter;
+  /// The number of association expressions and the index of the result
+  /// expression in the case where the generic selection expression is not
+  /// result-dependent. The result index is equal to ResultDependentIndex
+  /// if and only if the generic selection expression is result-dependent.
   unsigned NumAssocs, ResultIndex;
+  enum : unsigned {
+    ResultDependentIndex = std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max(),
+    ControllingIndex = 0,
+    AssocExprStartIndex = 1
+  };
+  /// The location of the "_Generic", "default" and of the right parenthesis.
   SourceLocation GenericLoc, DefaultLoc, RParenLoc;
+  TypeSourceInfo **AssocTypes;
+  Stmt **SubExprs;
-  GenericSelectionExpr(const ASTContext &Context,
-                       SourceLocation GenericLoc, Expr *ControllingExpr,
-                       ArrayRef<TypeSourceInfo*> AssocTypes,
-                       ArrayRef<Expr*> AssocExprs,
-                       SourceLocation DefaultLoc, SourceLocation RParenLoc,
+  GenericSelectionExpr(const ASTContext &Context, SourceLocation GenericLoc,
+                       Expr *ControllingExpr,
+                       ArrayRef<TypeSourceInfo *> AssocTypes,
+                       ArrayRef<Expr *> AssocExprs, SourceLocation DefaultLoc,
+                       SourceLocation RParenLoc,
                        bool ContainsUnexpandedParameterPack,
                        unsigned ResultIndex);
   /// This constructor is used in the result-dependent case.
-  GenericSelectionExpr(const ASTContext &Context,
-                       SourceLocation GenericLoc, Expr *ControllingExpr,
-                       ArrayRef<TypeSourceInfo*> AssocTypes,
-                       ArrayRef<Expr*> AssocExprs,
-                       SourceLocation DefaultLoc, SourceLocation RParenLoc,
+  GenericSelectionExpr(const ASTContext &Context, SourceLocation GenericLoc,
+                       Expr *ControllingExpr,
+                       ArrayRef<TypeSourceInfo *> AssocTypes,
+                       ArrayRef<Expr *> AssocExprs, SourceLocation DefaultLoc,
+                       SourceLocation RParenLoc,
                        bool ContainsUnexpandedParameterPack);
   explicit GenericSelectionExpr(EmptyShell Empty)
-    : Expr(GenericSelectionExprClass, Empty) { }
+      : Expr(GenericSelectionExprClass, Empty) {}
+  /// The number of association expressions.
   unsigned getNumAssocs() const { return NumAssocs; }
-  SourceLocation getGenericLoc() const { return GenericLoc; }
-  SourceLocation getDefaultLoc() const { return DefaultLoc; }
-  SourceLocation getRParenLoc() const { return RParenLoc; }
-  const Expr *getAssocExpr(unsigned i) const {
-    return cast<Expr>(SubExprs[END_EXPR+i]);
-  }
-  Expr *getAssocExpr(unsigned i) { return cast<Expr>(SubExprs[END_EXPR+i]); }
-  ArrayRef<Expr *> getAssocExprs() const {
-    return NumAssocs
-               ? llvm::makeArrayRef(
-                     &reinterpret_cast<Expr **>(SubExprs)[END_EXPR], NumAssocs)
-               : None;
-  }
-  const TypeSourceInfo *getAssocTypeSourceInfo(unsigned i) const {
-    return AssocTypes[i];
-  }
-  TypeSourceInfo *getAssocTypeSourceInfo(unsigned i) { return AssocTypes[i]; }
-  ArrayRef<TypeSourceInfo *> getAssocTypeSourceInfos() const {
-    return NumAssocs ? llvm::makeArrayRef(&AssocTypes[0], NumAssocs) : None;
-  }
-  QualType getAssocType(unsigned i) const {
-    if (const TypeSourceInfo *TS = getAssocTypeSourceInfo(i))
-      return TS->getType();
-    else
-      return QualType();
-  }
-  const Expr *getControllingExpr() const {
-    return cast<Expr>(SubExprs[CONTROLLING]);
-  }
-  Expr *getControllingExpr() { return cast<Expr>(SubExprs[CONTROLLING]); }
-  /// Whether this generic selection is result-dependent.
-  bool isResultDependent() const { return ResultIndex == -1U; }
   /// The zero-based index of the result expression's generic association in
   /// the generic selection's association list.  Defined only if the
   /// generic selection is not result-dependent.
   unsigned getResultIndex() const {
-    assert(!isResultDependent() && "Generic selection is result-dependent");
+    assert(!isResultDependent() &&
+           "Generic selection is result-dependent but getResultIndex called!");
     return ResultIndex;
-  /// The generic selection's result expression.  Defined only if the
-  /// generic selection is not result-dependent.
-  const Expr *getResultExpr() const { return getAssocExpr(getResultIndex()); }
-  Expr *getResultExpr() { return getAssocExpr(getResultIndex()); }
+  /// Whether this generic selection is result-dependent.
+  bool isResultDependent() const { return ResultIndex == ResultDependentIndex; }
-  SourceLocation getBeginLoc() const LLVM_READONLY { return GenericLoc; }
-  SourceLocation getEndLoc() const LLVM_READONLY { return RParenLoc; }
+  /// Return the controlling expression of this generic selection expression.
+  Expr *getControllingExpr() { return cast<Expr>(SubExprs[ControllingIndex]); }
+  const Expr *getControllingExpr() const {
+    return cast<Expr>(SubExprs[ControllingIndex]);
+  }
+  /// Return the result expression of this controlling expression. Defined if
+  /// and only if the generic selection expression is not result-dependent.
+  Expr *getResultExpr() {
+    return cast<Expr>(SubExprs[AssocExprStartIndex + getResultIndex()]);
+  }
+  const Expr *getResultExpr() const {
+    return cast<Expr>(SubExprs[AssocExprStartIndex + getResultIndex()]);
+  }
+  ArrayRef<Expr *> getAssocExprs() const {
+    return {reinterpret_cast<Expr *const *>(SubExprs + AssocExprStartIndex),
+            NumAssocs};
+  }
+  ArrayRef<TypeSourceInfo *> getAssocTypeSourceInfos() const {
+    return {AssocTypes, NumAssocs};
+  }
+  Expr *getAssocExpr(unsigned i) {
+    return cast<Expr>(SubExprs[AssocExprStartIndex + i]);
+  }
+  const Expr *getAssocExpr(unsigned i) const {
+    return cast<Expr>(SubExprs[AssocExprStartIndex + i]);
+  }
+  TypeSourceInfo *getAssocTypeSourceInfo(unsigned i) { return AssocTypes[i]; }
+  const TypeSourceInfo *getAssocTypeSourceInfo(unsigned i) const {
+    return AssocTypes[i];
+  }
+  QualType getAssocType(unsigned i) const {
+    const TypeSourceInfo *TSI = getAssocTypeSourceInfo(i);
+    return TSI ? TSI->getType() : QualType();
+  }
+  SourceLocation getGenericLoc() const { return GenericLoc; }
+  SourceLocation getDefaultLoc() const { return DefaultLoc; }
+  SourceLocation getRParenLoc() const { return RParenLoc; }
+  SourceLocation getBeginLoc() const { return getGenericLoc(); }
+  SourceLocation getEndLoc() const { return getRParenLoc(); }
   static bool classof(const Stmt *T) {
     return T->getStmtClass() == GenericSelectionExprClass;
   child_range children() {
-    return child_range(SubExprs, SubExprs+END_EXPR+NumAssocs);
+    return child_range(SubExprs, SubExprs + AssocExprStartIndex + NumAssocs);
   const_child_range children() const {
-    return const_child_range(SubExprs, SubExprs + END_EXPR + NumAssocs);
+    return const_child_range(SubExprs,
+                             SubExprs + AssocExprStartIndex + NumAssocs);
-  friend class ASTStmtReader;
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