nridge added a comment.

In D56370#1390359 <>, @sammccall wrote:

> - in 'XRefs.h', I think the API to introduce is `findTypeAt(Position) -> 
> Decl*` +  `typeAncestors(Decl*)` and later `typeDescendants(Decl*)`, rather 
> than a single more complex `typeHierarchy` call. These two operations have 
> little in common implementation-wise, and it's easy to imagine editors 
> preferring to expose them separately. In clangdserver of course we need to 
> expose a single operation because of transactionality. The stitching together 
> could go in clangdserver, or a higher-level function exposed by xrefs - but I 
> think the separate functions are what we should be unit-testing.

In the latest update I introduced these helpers. I made the first one 
`findRecordTypeAt()` instead of `findTypeAt()`, since `findTypeAt()` suggests 
it also works for built-in types like `int`, but I don't think we can get a 
`Decl*` for `int`.

As far as reworking the tests to use these functions, I've thought about that a 

- These functions return AST nodes. It's not clear to me how I would come up 
with "expected" AST nodes to test the return values against.
- Even if we find a way to get "expected" AST nodes, we would be losing test 
coverage of functions like `declToTypeHierarchyItem()` (though I suppose we 
could write separate tests for that).
- We could instead test against the //properties// of the AST nodes, such as 
their names and source ranges, but then the test code to query those properties 
would basically be duplicating code in `declToTypeHierarchyItem()`. It would 
seem to make more sense to just test the resulting `TypeHierarchyItem` instead 
(as the tests are doing now).

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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