akhuang marked an inline comment as done.
akhuang added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/lib/CodeGen/CGAtomic.cpp:1691
   } else {
-    // Build new lvalue for temp address
+    // Build new lvalue for temp address.
     Address Ptr = Atomics.materializeRValue(OldRVal);
rnk wrote:
> I don't have an issue with these changes if you want to make them, but they 
> should be committed separately.
Whoops, these were supposed to be a separate test commit but I guess they ended 
up in here too. 

Comment at: clang/lib/CodeGen/CGCall.cpp:4384-4385
+    if (TargetDecl && TargetDecl->hasAttr<MSAllocatorAttr>())
+      CI->setMetadata("heapallocsite", getDebugInfo()->
+                       getMSAllocatorMetadata(RetTy, Loc));
+  }
rnk wrote:
> I think we should make CGDebugInfo responsible for calling setMetadata. In 
> some sense, "heapallocsite" metadata is debug info, so it makes sense that it 
> would be documented there. Also, if there are other places where we need to 
> add this metadata, we won't have to duplicate this string literal.
> So, CGDebugInfo should have some new method 
> `addHeapAllocSiteMetadata(Instruction *CallSite, QualType Ty)`, and that can 
> call the private getOrCreateType method. Sound good?
Makes sense.



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