hliao added a comment.

In D62603#1521788 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D62603#1521788>, @tra wrote:

> >> NVCC also allows that: https://godbolt.org/z/t78RvM
> > 
> > BTW, that code posted looks quite weird to me, how the code could make 
> > sense by return a pointer of device variable? or a pointer of shadow host 
> > variable?
> Magic. :-)
>  More practical example would be something like this:
>   __device__ int array[10];
>   __host__ func() {
>     cudaMemset(array, 0, sizeof(array));
>   }
> cudaMemset is a host function and it needs to use something that exists on 
> the host side as the first argument.
>  In order to deal with this, compiler:
> - creates uninitialized `int array[10]` on the host side. This allows ising 
> sizeof(array) on the host size.
> - registers its address/size with CUDA runtime. This allows passing address 
> of host-side shadow array to various CUDA runtime routines. The runtime knows 
> what it has on device side and maps shadow's address to the real device 
> address. This way CUDA runtime functions can make static device-side data 
> accessible without having to explicitly figure out their device-side address.

that should assume that variable is not declared with `static`. that's also the 
motivation of this patch.

  rC Clang



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