sammccall created this revision.
sammccall added a reviewer: hokein.
Herald added subscribers: cfe-commits, kadircet, arphaman, jkorous, MaskRay, 
Herald added a project: clang.

Previously TranslationUnitDecl would never be selected.
This means root() and commonAncestor() are now never null, and therefore changed
them to references.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/TweakTests.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/TweakTests.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/TweakTests.cpp
@@ -269,13 +269,13 @@
   checkNotAvailable(ID, "/*c^omment*/ int foo() return 2 ^ + 2; }");
   const char *Input = "int fcall(int); int x = fca[[ll(2 +]]2);";
-  const char *Output = R"(TranslationUnitDecl 
-  VarDecl int x = fcall(2 + 2)
-   .CallExpr fcall(2 + 2)
-      ImplicitCastExpr fcall
-       .DeclRefExpr fcall
-     .BinaryOperator 2 + 2
-       *IntegerLiteral 2
+  const char *Output = R"( TranslationUnitDecl 
+   VarDecl int x = fcall(2 + 2)
+    .CallExpr fcall(2 + 2)
+       ImplicitCastExpr fcall
+        .DeclRefExpr fcall
+      .BinaryOperator 2 + 2
+        *IntegerLiteral 2
   EXPECT_EQ(Output, getMessage(ID, Input));
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/SelectionTests.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/SelectionTests.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/SelectionTests.cpp
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
 #include "Selection.h"
 #include "SourceCode.h"
 #include "TestTU.h"
+#include "clang/AST/Decl.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
 #include "gmock/gmock.h"
 #include "gtest/gtest.h"
@@ -34,28 +36,26 @@
-Range nodeRange(const SelectionTree::Node *N, ParsedAST &AST) {
-  if (!N)
-    return Range{};
+Range nodeRange(const SelectionTree::Node &N, ParsedAST &AST) {
   const SourceManager &SM = AST.getSourceManager();
   const LangOptions &LangOpts = AST.getASTContext().getLangOpts();
   StringRef Buffer = SM.getBufferData(SM.getMainFileID());
+  if (llvm::isa_and_nonnull<TranslationUnitDecl>(N.ASTNode.get<Decl>()))
+    return Range{Position{}, offsetToPosition(Buffer, Buffer.size())};
   auto FileRange =
-      toHalfOpenFileRange(SM, LangOpts, N->ASTNode.getSourceRange());
+      toHalfOpenFileRange(SM, LangOpts, N.ASTNode.getSourceRange());
   assert(FileRange && "We should be able to get the File Range");
   return Range{
       offsetToPosition(Buffer, SM.getFileOffset(FileRange->getBegin())),
       offsetToPosition(Buffer, SM.getFileOffset(FileRange->getEnd()))};
-std::string nodeKind(const SelectionTree::Node *N) {
-  if (!N)
-    return "<null>";
-  return N->ASTNode.getNodeKind().asStringRef().str();
+std::string nodeKind(const SelectionTree::Node &N) {
+  return N.ASTNode.getNodeKind().asStringRef().str();
 std::vector<const SelectionTree::Node *> allNodes(const SelectionTree &T) {
-  std::vector<const SelectionTree::Node *> Result = {T.root()};
+  std::vector<const SelectionTree::Node *> Result = {&T.root()};
   for (unsigned I = 0; I < Result.size(); ++I) {
     const SelectionTree::Node *N = Result[I];
     Result.insert(Result.end(), N->Children.begin(), N->Children.end());
@@ -65,16 +65,16 @@
 // Returns true if Common is a descendent of Root.
 // Verifies nothing is selected above Common.
-bool verifyCommonAncestor(const SelectionTree::Node *Root,
-                          const SelectionTree::Node *Common,
+bool verifyCommonAncestor(const SelectionTree::Node &Root,
+                          const SelectionTree::Node &Common,
                           StringRef MarkedCode) {
-  if (Root == Common)
+  if (&Root == &Common)
     return true;
-  if (Root->Selected)
+  if (Root.Selected)
     ADD_FAILURE() << "Selected nodes outside common ancestor\n" << MarkedCode;
   bool Seen = false;
-  for (const SelectionTree::Node *Child : Root->Children)
-    if (verifyCommonAncestor(Child, Common, MarkedCode)) {
+  for (const SelectionTree::Node *Child : Root.Children)
+    if (verifyCommonAncestor(*Child, Common, MarkedCode)) {
       if (Seen)
         ADD_FAILURE() << "Saw common ancestor twice\n" << MarkedCode;
       Seen = true;
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@
             #define CALL_FUNCTION(X) X^()^
             void bar() { CALL_FUNCTION(foo); }
-          nullptr,
+          "TranslationUnitDecl",
@@ -230,13 +230,13 @@
       {"[[struct {int x;} ^y]];", "VarDecl"},
       {"struct {[[int ^x]];} y;", "FieldDecl"},
-      {"^", nullptr},
+      {"^", "TranslationUnitDecl"},
       {"void foo() { [[foo^^]] (); }", "DeclRefExpr"},
       // FIXME: Ideally we'd get a declstmt or the VarDecl itself here.
       // This doesn't happen now; the RAV doesn't traverse a node containing ;.
-      {"int x = 42;^", nullptr},
-      {"int x = 42^;", nullptr},
+      {"int x = 42;^", "TranslationUnitDecl"},
+      {"int x = 42^;", "TranslationUnitDecl"},
       // Node types that have caused problems in the past.
       {"template <typename T> void foo() { [[^T]] t; }", "TypeLoc"},
@@ -257,8 +257,7 @@
     if (Test.ranges().empty()) {
       // If no [[range]] is marked in the example, there should be no selection.
-      EXPECT_FALSE(T.commonAncestor()) << C.Code << "\n" << T;
-      EXPECT_FALSE(T.root()) << C.Code << "\n" << T;
+      EXPECT_EQ(&T.root(), &T.commonAncestor()) << C.Code << "\n" << T;
     } else {
       // If there is an expected selection, both common ancestor and root
       // should exist with the appropriate node types in them.
@@ -285,7 +284,7 @@
   auto AST = TestTU::withCode(Annotations(Code).code()).build();
   auto T = makeSelectionTree(Code, AST);
   ASSERT_EQ("CXXRecordDecl", nodeKind(T.commonAncestor())) << T;
-  auto *D = dyn_cast<CXXRecordDecl>(T.commonAncestor()->ASTNode.get<Decl>());
+  auto *D = dyn_cast<CXXRecordDecl>(T.commonAncestor().ASTNode.get<Decl>());
@@ -314,10 +313,10 @@
           void foo(^$C[[unique_ptr<$C[[unique_ptr<$C[[int]]>]]>]]^ a) {}
       R"cpp(int a = [[5 >^> 1]];)cpp",
-      R"cpp(
+      R"cpp([[
         #define ECHO(X) X
         ECHO(EC^HO([[$C[[int]]) EC^HO(a]]));
-      )cpp",
+      ]])cpp",
   for (const char *C : Cases) {
     Annotations Test(C);
@@ -327,9 +326,9 @@
     std::vector<Range> Complete, Partial;
     for (const SelectionTree::Node *N : allNodes(T))
       if (N->Selected == SelectionTree::Complete)
-        Complete.push_back(nodeRange(N, AST));
+        Complete.push_back(nodeRange(*N, AST));
       else if (N->Selected == SelectionTree::Partial)
-        Partial.push_back(nodeRange(N, AST));
+        Partial.push_back(nodeRange(*N, AST));
     EXPECT_THAT(Complete, UnorderedElementsAreArray(Test.ranges("C"))) << C;
     EXPECT_THAT(Partial, UnorderedElementsAreArray(Test.ranges())) << C;
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/refactor/tweaks/SwapIfBranches.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/refactor/tweaks/SwapIfBranches.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/refactor/tweaks/SwapIfBranches.cpp
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
 bool SwapIfBranches::prepare(const Selection &Inputs) {
-  for (const SelectionTree::Node *N = Inputs.ASTSelection.commonAncestor();
+  for (const SelectionTree::Node *N = &Inputs.ASTSelection.commonAncestor();
        N && !If; N = N->Parent) {
     // Stop once we hit a block, e.g. a lambda in the if condition.
     if (dyn_cast_or_null<CompoundStmt>(N->ASTNode.get<Stmt>()))
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/refactor/tweaks/RawStringLiteral.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/refactor/tweaks/RawStringLiteral.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/refactor/tweaks/RawStringLiteral.cpp
@@ -78,10 +78,8 @@
 bool RawStringLiteral::prepare(const Selection &Inputs) {
-  const SelectionTree::Node *N = Inputs.ASTSelection.commonAncestor();
-  if (!N)
-    return false;
-  Str = dyn_cast_or_null<StringLiteral>(N->ASTNode.get<Stmt>());
+  const SelectionTree::Node &N = Inputs.ASTSelection.commonAncestor();
+  Str = dyn_cast_or_null<StringLiteral>(N.ASTNode.get<Stmt>());
   return Str &&
          isNormalString(*Str, Inputs.Cursor, Inputs.AST.getSourceManager()) &&
          needsRaw(Str->getBytes()) && canBeRaw(Str->getBytes());
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/refactor/tweaks/ExtractVariable.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/refactor/tweaks/ExtractVariable.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/refactor/tweaks/ExtractVariable.cpp
@@ -33,10 +33,10 @@
 // information regarding the Expr that is being extracted
 class ExtractionContext {
-  ExtractionContext(const SelectionTree::Node *Node, const SourceManager &SM,
+  ExtractionContext(const SelectionTree::Node &Node, const SourceManager &SM,
                     const ASTContext &Ctx);
   const clang::Expr *getExpr() const { return Expr; }
-  const SelectionTree::Node *getExprNode() const { return ExprNode; }
+  const SelectionTree::Node &getExprNode() const { return ExprNode; }
   bool isExtractable() const { return Extractable; }
   // Generate Replacement for replacing selected expression with given VarName
   tooling::Replacement replaceWithVar(llvm::StringRef VarName) const;
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
   bool Extractable = false;
   const clang::Expr *Expr;
-  const SelectionTree::Node *ExprNode;
+  const SelectionTree::Node &ExprNode;
   // Stmt before which we will extract
   const clang::Stmt *InsertionPoint = nullptr;
   const SourceManager &SM;
@@ -89,11 +89,11 @@
   return false;
-ExtractionContext::ExtractionContext(const SelectionTree::Node *Node,
+ExtractionContext::ExtractionContext(const SelectionTree::Node &Node,
                                      const SourceManager &SM,
                                      const ASTContext &Ctx)
     : ExprNode(Node), SM(SM), Ctx(Ctx) {
-  Expr = Node->ASTNode.get<clang::Expr>();
+  Expr = Node.ASTNode.get<clang::Expr>();
   if (isExtractableExpr(Expr)) {
     ReferencedDecls = computeReferencedDecls(Expr);
     InsertionPoint = computeInsertionPoint();
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
       return true;
     return false;
-  for (const SelectionTree::Node *CurNode = getExprNode();
+  for (const SelectionTree::Node *CurNode = &getExprNode();
        CurNode->Parent && CanExtractOutside(CurNode);
        CurNode = CurNode->Parent) {
     const clang::Stmt *CurInsertionPoint = CurNode->ASTNode.get<Stmt>();
@@ -216,13 +216,12 @@
 bool ExtractVariable::prepare(const Selection &Inputs) {
-  const ASTContext &Ctx = Inputs.AST.getASTContext();
-  const SourceManager &SM = Inputs.AST.getSourceManager();
-  const SelectionTree::Node *N = Inputs.ASTSelection.commonAncestor();
   // we don't trigger on empty selections for now
-  if (!N || Inputs.SelectionBegin == Inputs.SelectionEnd)
+  if (Inputs.SelectionBegin == Inputs.SelectionEnd)
     return false;
-  Target = llvm::make_unique<ExtractionContext>(N, SM, Ctx);
+  Target = llvm::make_unique<ExtractionContext>(
+      Inputs.ASTSelection.commonAncestor(), Inputs.AST.getSourceManager(),
+      Inputs.AST.getASTContext());
   return Target->isExtractable();
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/refactor/tweaks/ExpandAutoType.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/refactor/tweaks/ExpandAutoType.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/refactor/tweaks/ExpandAutoType.cpp
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
 bool ExpandAutoType::prepare(const Selection& Inputs) {
   CachedLocation = llvm::None;
-  if (auto *Node = Inputs.ASTSelection.commonAncestor()) {
+  if (auto *Node = &Inputs.ASTSelection.commonAncestor()) {
     if (auto *TypeNode = Node->ASTNode.get<TypeLoc>()) {
       if (const AutoTypeLoc Result = TypeNode->getAs<AutoTypeLoc>()) {
         CachedLocation = Result;
@@ -94,8 +94,8 @@
-  std::string PrettyTypeName = printType(*DeducedType,
-      Inputs.ASTSelection.commonAncestor()->getDeclContext());
+  std::string PrettyTypeName = printType(
+      *DeducedType, Inputs.ASTSelection.commonAncestor().getDeclContext());
       Expansion(SrcMgr, CharSourceRange(CachedLocation->getSourceRange(), true),
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/refactor/tweaks/DumpAST.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/refactor/tweaks/DumpAST.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/refactor/tweaks/DumpAST.cpp
@@ -33,9 +33,9 @@
   const char *id() const override final;
   bool prepare(const Selection &Inputs) override {
-    for (auto N = Inputs.ASTSelection.commonAncestor(); N && !Node;
+    for (auto *N = &Inputs.ASTSelection.commonAncestor(); N && !Node;
          N = N->Parent)
-      if (dumpable(N->ASTNode))
+      if (N->Parent && dumpable(N->ASTNode))
         Node = N->ASTNode;
     return Node.hasValue();
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
   const char *id() const override final;
   bool prepare(const Selection &Inputs) override {
-    return Inputs.ASTSelection.root() != nullptr;
+    return Inputs.ASTSelection.commonAncestor().Parent != nullptr;
   Expected<Effect> apply(const Selection &Inputs) override {
     return Effect::showMessage(llvm::to_string(Inputs.ASTSelection));
@@ -110,9 +110,8 @@
   const char *id() const override final;
   bool prepare(const Selection &Inputs) override {
-    if (auto *Node = Inputs.ASTSelection.commonAncestor())
-      if (auto *D = Node->ASTNode.get<Decl>())
-        Record = dyn_cast<RecordDecl>(D);
+    if (auto *D = Inputs.ASTSelection.commonAncestor().ASTNode.get<Decl>())
+      Record = dyn_cast<RecordDecl>(D);
     return Record && Record->isThisDeclarationADefinition() &&
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/refactor/tweaks/AnnotateHighlightings.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/refactor/tweaks/AnnotateHighlightings.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/refactor/tweaks/AnnotateHighlightings.cpp
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
   const char *id() const override final;
   bool prepare(const Selection &Inputs) override {
-    for (auto N = Inputs.ASTSelection.commonAncestor(); N && !InterestedDecl;
+    for (auto *N = &Inputs.ASTSelection.commonAncestor(); N && !InterestedDecl;
          N = N->Parent)
       InterestedDecl = N->ASTNode.get<Decl>();
     return InterestedDecl;
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/Selection.h
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/Selection.h
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/Selection.h
@@ -98,11 +98,9 @@
     const DeclContext& getDeclContext() const;
   // The most specific common ancestor of all the selected nodes.
-  // If there is no selection, this is nullptr.
-  const Node *commonAncestor() const;
+  const Node &commonAncestor() const;
   // The selection node corresponding to TranslationUnitDecl.
-  // If there is no selection, this is nullptr.
-  const Node *root() const { return Root; }
+  const Node &root() const { return *Root; }
   std::deque<Node> Nodes; // Stable-pointer storage.
@@ -112,10 +110,7 @@
   void print(llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const Node &N, int Indent) const;
   friend llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &OS,
                                        const SelectionTree &T) {
-    if (auto R = T.root())
-      T.print(OS, *R, 0);
-    else
-      OS << "(empty selection)\n";
+    T.print(OS, T.root(), 1);
     return OS;
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/Selection.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/Selection.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/Selection.cpp
@@ -106,8 +106,14 @@
     assert(V.Stack.size() == 1 && "Unpaired push/pop?");
     assert( == &V.Nodes.front());
-    if (V.Nodes.size() == 1) // TUDecl, but no nodes under it.
-      V.Nodes.clear();
+    // We selected TUDecl if characters were unclaimed (or the file is empty).
+    if (V.Nodes.size() == 1 || V.Claimed.add(Begin, End)) {
+      StringRef FileContent = AST.getSourceManager().getBufferData(File);
+      // Don't require the trailing newlines to be selected.
+      bool SelectedAll = Begin == 0 && End >= FileContent.rtrim().size();
+>Selected =
+          SelectedAll ? SelectionTree::Complete : SelectionTree::Partial;
+    }
     return std::move(V.Nodes);
@@ -408,13 +414,11 @@
 SelectionTree::SelectionTree(ASTContext &AST, unsigned Offset)
     : SelectionTree(AST, Offset, Offset) {}
-const Node *SelectionTree::commonAncestor() const {
-  if (!Root)
-    return nullptr;
+const Node &SelectionTree::commonAncestor() const {
   const Node *Ancestor = Root;
   while (Ancestor->Children.size() == 1 && !Ancestor->Selected)
     Ancestor = Ancestor->Children.front();
-  return Ancestor;
+  return *Ancestor;
 const DeclContext& SelectionTree::Node::getDeclContext() const {
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