jvesely added a comment.

In D66068#1627706 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D66068#1627706>, @beanz wrote:

> I want to dissect this a bit.
> In D66068#1627451 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D66068#1627451>, @E5ten wrote:
> > I am in favour of adding a user-facing option to disable generating this 
> > duplicate library for users that don't need it
> Why do you call this duplicate? It is unique. There is no other library in 
> the clang build that serves the role of this library.

It duplicates functionality provided by separate/component libraries.
Why can't this be an option the same way I can pick when building llvm?

>> there should be an option to disable linking a library that takes a long 
>> time to link and isn't necessary for a lot of users.
> I think this is nuanced. When you say "takes a long time to link", I'm 
> curious why you say that. For me it takes 45s to link on my laptop in a Linux 
> VM using LLD in a build configuration that also includes all our backends 
> (which is kinda a worst-case scenario), and 10s to link if I only include 
> X86. That doesn't seem like a super long time, and it doesn't rely on any 
> billion-dollar compute farms.

Is this a debug build?

> While it does slow down full-build times (slightly), I think the benefit is 
> less broken bots which benefits the community as a whole.

do you have any numbers to support that claim?

> Going back to @jvesely's original email, I'm not sure why this adds minutes 
> to your build time. I'd be curious if there are other low-hanging fruit that 
> would improve your productivity without the community cost of adding new 
> build configurations that disable building and testing things that we 
> actually ship.

My first guess would be the difference between debug and release build 
(presence of debug info). the size of the library is 1.6GB on my system:

  $ du -h /usr/local/llvm-git/lib/libclang-cpp.so.10svn 
  1.6G  /usr/local/llvm-git/lib/libclang-cpp.so.10svn

just reading the inputs and writing the output library will take 30s on a 
100MB/s hdd (my laptop is slower than that) and it hasn't done any linking yet.

  rC Clang



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