rjmccall added a comment.

In D66121#1673233 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D66121#1673233>, @aprantl wrote:

> I'm afraid I'm going to give up on fixing the AST and return to my 
> debuginfo-only patch.
> While I was correct in figuring out that ObjCMethodDecl implementations are 
> not linked up as redeclarations of ObjCMethodDecl decls in the interface, 
> that wasn't the whole story: `ObjCMethodDecl::getNextRedeclarationImpl()` 
> links them up *implicitly* by finding the implementation for a decl and vice 
> versa by looking up the selector in the interface/implementation (See 
> https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/blob/244e738485445fa4b72bfef9b9b2f9625cee989e/clang/lib/AST/DeclObjC.cpp#L905).
> I can make this mechanism work by adding the method to the 
> ObjCImplementationDecl, so it gets found by getNextRedeclarationImpl(). But 
> if I do that, CodeGen falls over completely, because the new property 
> accessor redeclarations don't actually have any function bodies. CodeGen in 
> several places special-cases property accessors to generate them on-the-fly. 
> I think this may work neatly if we actually created an AST for the function 
> body in SemaObjCProperty too, and remove the functionality from CodeGen, but 
> that is beyond what I'm prepared to do.

Can you just check for a method that doesn't have a body and use that as the 
trigger for emitting the synthetic getter/setter body, and get rid of the old 
IRGen code that looks for property implementations and emits them?



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