NoQ added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/cert/StrChecker.cpp:201-207
+void CERTStrChecker::evalGets(const CallEvent &Call, const CallContext &CallC,
+                              CheckerContext &C) const {
+  unsigned DestPos = *CallC.DestinationPos;
+  const Expr *DestArg = Call.getArgExpr(DestPos)->IgnoreImpCasts();
+  SVal DestV = Call.getArgSVal(DestPos);
+  auto Report = getReport(*BT, Call, CallC, C);
All right, so basically what you're saying is that literally every invocation 
of `gets()` deserves a warning. This means that for all practical purposes your 
checker //is// an AST-based checker, just implemented with path-sensitive 
callbacks. A path-sensitive checker emits warnings based on multiple events 
that happen sequentially along the path (use-after-free: "memory deallocated - 
that same memory used", division by zero: "value constrained to zero - 
something is being divided by that same value", etc.) but your checker emits 
the warning by looking at only one statement: "`gets()` is invoked".

Do i understand correctly that your plan is to use path-sensitive analysis for 
fixits only? But you can't emit fixits for any truly path-sensitive warning 
anyway. Fixits must work correctly on all execution paths, so you cannot emit a 
correct fixit by looking at only one execution path. In order to emit fixits, 
you need to either resort to a pure AST check anyway ("this expression refers 
to an array of fixed size"), or maybe implement auxiliary data-flow analysis 
for a certain must-problem (eg., "the buffer argument may have exactly one 
possible value across all paths that reach `gets()`"). But in both cases the 
path-sensitive engine does literally nothing to help you; all the data that 
you'll need for your fixit will be available from the AST.


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