This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.
Closed by commit rG4f80fc2491cc: [clangd] Implement rename by using 
SelectionTree and findExplicitReferences. (authored by hokein).

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/RenameTests.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/RenameTests.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/RenameTests.cpp
@@ -38,27 +38,27 @@
   return Result;
-TEST(RenameTest, SingleFile) {
-  // "^" points to the position of the rename, and "[[]]" ranges point to the
+TEST(RenameTest, WithinFileRename) {
+  // rename is runnning on all "^" points, and "[[]]" ranges point to the
   // identifier that is being renamed.
   llvm::StringRef Tests[] = {
-      // Rename function.
+      // Function.
-        void [[foo]]() {
+        void [[foo^]]() {
-      // Rename type.
+      // Type.
-        struct [[foo]]{};
+        struct [[foo^]] {};
         [[foo]] test() {
            [[f^oo]] x;
            return x;
-      // Rename variable.
+      // Local variable.
         void bar() {
           if (auto [[^foo]] = 5) {
@@ -66,18 +66,313 @@
+      // Rename class, including constructor/destructor.
+      R"cpp(
+        class [[F^oo]] {
+          [[F^oo]]();
+          ~[[Foo]]();
+          void foo(int x);
+        };
+        [[Foo]]::[[Fo^o]]() {}
+        void [[Foo]]::foo(int x) {}
+      )cpp",
+      // Class in template argument.
+      R"cpp(
+        class [[F^oo]] {};
+        template <typename T> void func();
+        template <typename T> class Baz {};
+        int main() {
+          func<[[F^oo]]>();
+          Baz<[[F^oo]]> obj;
+          return 0;
+        }
+      )cpp",
+      // Forward class declaration without definition.
+      R"cpp(
+        class [[F^oo]];
+        [[Foo]] *f();
+      )cpp",
+      // Class methods overrides.
+      R"cpp(
+        struct A {
+         virtual void [[f^oo]]() {}
+        };
+        struct B : A {
+          void [[f^oo]]() override {}
+        };
+        struct C : B {
+          void [[f^oo]]() override {}
+        };
+        void func() {
+          A().[[f^oo]]();
+          B().[[f^oo]]();
+          C().[[f^oo]]();
+        }
+      )cpp",
+      // Template class (partial) specializations.
+      R"cpp(
+        template <typename T>
+        class [[F^oo]] {};
+        template<>
+        class [[F^oo]]<bool> {};
+        template <typename T>
+        class [[F^oo]]<T*> {};
+        void test() {
+          [[Foo]]<int> x;
+          [[Foo]]<bool> y;
+          [[Foo]]<int*> z;
+        }
+      )cpp",
+      // Template class instantiations.
+      R"cpp(
+        template <typename T>
+        class [[F^oo]] {
+        public:
+          T foo(T arg, T& ref, T* ptr) {
+            T value;
+            int number = 42;
+            value = (T)number;
+            value = static_cast<T>(number);
+            return value;
+          }
+          static void foo(T value) {}
+          T member;
+        };
+        template <typename T>
+        void func() {
+          [[F^oo]]<T> obj;
+          obj.member = T();
+          [[Foo]]<T>::foo();
+        }
+        void test() {
+          [[F^oo]]<int> i;
+          i.member = 0;
+          [[F^oo]]<int>::foo(0);
+          [[F^oo]]<bool> b;
+          b.member = false;
+          [[Foo]]<bool>::foo(false);
+        }
+      )cpp",
+      // Template class methods.
+      R"cpp(
+        template <typename T>
+        class A {
+        public:
+          void [[f^oo]]() {}
+        };
+        void func() {
+          A<int>().[[f^oo]]();
+          A<double>().[[f^oo]]();
+          A<float>().[[f^oo]]();
+        }
+      )cpp",
+      // Complicated class type.
+      R"cpp(
+         // Forward declaration.
+        class [[Fo^o]];
+        class Baz {
+          virtual int getValue() const = 0;
+        };
+        class [[F^oo]] : public Baz  {
+        public:
+          [[Foo]](int value = 0) : x(value) {}
+          [[Foo]] &operator++(int);
+          bool operator<([[Foo]] const &rhs);
+          int getValue() const;
+        private:
+          int x;
+        };
+        void func() {
+          [[Foo]] *Pointer = 0;
+          [[Foo]] Variable = [[Foo]](10);
+          for ([[Foo]] it; it < Variable; it++);
+          const [[Foo]] *C = new [[Foo]]();
+          const_cast<[[Foo]] *>(C)->getValue();
+          [[Foo]] foo;
+          const Baz &BazReference = foo;
+          const Baz *BazPointer = &foo;
+          dynamic_cast<const [[^Foo]] &>(BazReference).getValue();
+          dynamic_cast<const [[^Foo]] *>(BazPointer)->getValue();
+          reinterpret_cast<const [[^Foo]] *>(BazPointer)->getValue();
+          static_cast<const [[^Foo]] &>(BazReference).getValue();
+          static_cast<const [[^Foo]] *>(BazPointer)->getValue();
+        }
+      )cpp",
+      // CXXConstructor initializer list.
+      R"cpp(
+        class Baz {};
+        class Qux {
+          Baz [[F^oo]];
+        public:
+          Qux();
+        };
+        Qux::Qux() : [[F^oo]]() {}
+      )cpp",
+      // DeclRefExpr.
+      R"cpp(
+        class C {
+        public:
+          static int [[F^oo]];
+        };
+        int foo(int x);
+        #define MACRO(a) foo(a)
+        void func() {
+          C::[[F^oo]] = 1;
+          MACRO(C::[[Foo]]);
+          int y = C::[[F^oo]];
+        }
+      )cpp",
+      // Macros.
+      R"cpp(
+        // no rename inside macro body.
+        #define M1 foo
+        #define M2(x) x
+        int [[fo^o]]();
+        void boo(int);
+        void qoo() {
+          [[foo]]();
+          boo([[foo]]());
+          M1();
+          boo(M1());
+          M2([[foo]]());
+          M2(M1()); // foo is inside the nested macro body.
+        }
+      )cpp",
+      // MemberExpr in macros
+      R"cpp(
+        class Baz {
+        public:
+          int [[F^oo]];
+        };
+        int qux(int x);
+        #define MACRO(a) qux(a)
+        int main() {
+          Baz baz;
+          baz.[[Foo]] = 1;
+          MACRO(baz.[[Foo]]);
+          int y = baz.[[Foo]];
+        }
+      )cpp",
+      // Template parameters.
+      R"cpp(
+        template <typename [[^T]]>
+        class Foo {
+          [[T]] foo([[T]] arg, [[T]]& ref, [[^T]]* ptr) {
+            [[T]] value;
+            int number = 42;
+            value = ([[T]])number;
+            value = static_cast<[[^T]]>(number);
+            return value;
+          }
+          static void foo([[T]] value) {}
+          [[T]] member;
+        };
+      )cpp",
+      // Typedef.
+      R"cpp(
+        namespace std {
+        class basic_string {};
+        typedef basic_string [[s^tring]];
+        } // namespace std
+        std::[[s^tring]] foo();
+      )cpp",
+      // Variable.
+      R"cpp(
+        namespace A {
+        int [[F^oo]];
+        }
+        int Foo;
+        int Qux = Foo;
+        int Baz = A::[[^Foo]];
+        void fun() {
+          struct {
+            int Foo;
+          } b = {100};
+          int Foo = 100;
+          Baz = Foo;
+          {
+            extern int Foo;
+            Baz = Foo;
+            Foo = A::[[F^oo]] + Baz;
+            A::[[Fo^o]] = b.Foo;
+          }
+          Foo = b.Foo;
+        }
+      )cpp",
+      // Namespace alias.
+      R"cpp(
+        namespace a { namespace b { void foo(); } }
+        namespace [[^x]] = a::b;
+        void bar() {
+          [[x]]::foo();
+        }
+      )cpp",
+      // Scope enums.
+      R"cpp(
+        enum class [[K^ind]] { ABC };
+        void ff() {
+          [[K^ind]] s;
+          s = [[Kind]]::ABC;
+        }
+      )cpp",
+      // template class in template argument list.
+      R"cpp(
+        template<typename T>
+        class [[Fo^o]] {};
+        template <template<typename> class Z> struct Bar { };
+        template <> struct Bar<[[Foo]]> {};
+      )cpp",
   for (const auto T : Tests) {
     Annotations Code(T);
     auto TU = TestTU::withCode(Code.code());
     auto AST =;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(AST.getDiagnostics().empty())
+        << AST.getDiagnostics().front() << Code.code();
     llvm::StringRef NewName = "abcde";
-    auto RenameResult =
-        renameWithinFile(AST, testPath(TU.Filename), Code.point(), NewName);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(bool(RenameResult)) << RenameResult.takeError();
-    auto ApplyResult = llvm::cantFail(
-        tooling::applyAllReplacements(Code.code(), *RenameResult));
-    EXPECT_EQ(expectedResult(Code, NewName), ApplyResult);
+    for (const auto &RenamePos : Code.points()) {
+      auto RenameResult =
+          renameWithinFile(AST, testPath(TU.Filename), RenamePos, NewName);
+      ASSERT_TRUE(bool(RenameResult)) << RenameResult.takeError() << T;
+      auto ApplyResult = llvm::cantFail(
+          tooling::applyAllReplacements(Code.code(), *RenameResult));
+      EXPECT_EQ(expectedResult(Code, NewName), ApplyResult);
+    }
@@ -148,12 +443,32 @@
       {R"cpp(// foo is declared outside the file.
         void fo^o() {}
-      )cpp", "used outside main file", !HeaderFile /*cc file*/, Index},
+      )cpp",
+       "used outside main file", !HeaderFile /*cc file*/, Index},
          // We should detect the symbol is used outside the file from the AST.
          void fo^o() {})cpp",
        "used outside main file", !HeaderFile, nullptr /*no index*/},
+      {R"cpp(
+         void foo(int);
+         void foo(char);
+         template <typename T> void f(T t) {
+           fo^o(t);
+         })cpp",
+       "multiple symbols", !HeaderFile, nullptr /*no index*/},
+      {R"cpp(// disallow rename on unrelated token.
+         cl^ass Foo {};
+       )cpp",
+       "no symbol", !HeaderFile, nullptr},
+      {R"cpp(// disallow rename on unrelated token.
+         temp^late<typename T>
+         class Foo {};
+       )cpp",
+       "no symbol", !HeaderFile, nullptr},
   for (const auto& Case : Cases) {
@@ -191,6 +506,36 @@
+TEST(RenameTest, MainFileReferencesOnly) {
+  // filter out references not from main file.
+  llvm::StringRef Test =
+      R"cpp(
+        void test() {
+          int [[fo^o]] = 1;
+          // rename references not from main file are not included.
+          #include ""
+        })cpp";
+  Annotations Code(Test);
+  auto TU = TestTU::withCode(Code.code());
+  TU.AdditionalFiles[""] = R"cpp(
+      #define Macro(X) X
+      &Macro(foo);
+      &foo;
+    )cpp";
+  auto AST =;
+  EXPECT_TRUE(AST.getDiagnostics().empty())
+      << AST.getDiagnostics().front() << Code.code();
+  llvm::StringRef NewName = "abcde";
+  auto RenameResult =
+      renameWithinFile(AST, testPath(TU.Filename), Code.point(), NewName);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(bool(RenameResult)) << RenameResult.takeError() << Code.point();
+  auto ApplyResult =
+      llvm::cantFail(tooling::applyAllReplacements(Code.code(), *RenameResult));
+  EXPECT_EQ(expectedResult(Code, NewName), ApplyResult);
 } // namespace
 } // namespace clangd
 } // namespace clang
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/refactor/Rename.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/refactor/Rename.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/refactor/Rename.cpp
@@ -8,14 +8,16 @@
 #include "refactor/Rename.h"
 #include "AST.h"
+#include "FindTarget.h"
 #include "Logger.h"
 #include "ParsedAST.h"
+#include "Selection.h"
 #include "SourceCode.h"
 #include "index/SymbolCollector.h"
-#include "clang/Tooling/Refactoring/Rename/RenamingAction.h"
-#include "clang/Tooling/Refactoring/Rename/USRFinder.h"
+#include "clang/AST/DeclCXX.h"
+#include "clang/AST/DeclTemplate.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
 #include "clang/Tooling/Refactoring/Rename/USRFindingAction.h"
-#include "clang/Tooling/Refactoring/Rename/USRLocFinder.h"
 namespace clang {
 namespace clangd {
@@ -34,6 +36,17 @@
   return *Path;
+// Returns true if the given location is expanded from any macro body.
+bool isInMacroBody(const SourceManager &SM, SourceLocation Loc) {
+  while (Loc.isMacroID()) {
+    if (SM.isMacroBodyExpansion(Loc))
+      return true;
+    Loc = SM.getImmediateMacroCallerLoc(Loc);
+  }
+  return false;
 // Query the index to find some other files where the Decl is referenced.
 llvm::Optional<std::string> getOtherRefFile(const Decl &D, StringRef MainFile,
                                             const SymbolIndex &Index) {
@@ -56,12 +69,41 @@
   return OtherFile;
+llvm::DenseSet<const Decl *> locateDeclAt(ParsedAST &AST,
+                                          SourceLocation TokenStartLoc) {
+  unsigned Offset =
+      AST.getSourceManager().getDecomposedSpellingLoc(TokenStartLoc).second;
+  SelectionTree Selection(AST.getASTContext(), AST.getTokens(), Offset);
+  const SelectionTree::Node *SelectedNode = Selection.commonAncestor();
+  if (!SelectedNode)
+    return {};
+  // If the location points to a Decl, we check it is actually on the name
+  // range of the Decl. This would avoid allowing rename on unrelated tokens.
+  //   ^class Foo {} // SelectionTree returns CXXRecordDecl,
+  //                 // we don't attempt to trigger rename on this position.
+  // FIXME: make this work on destructors, e.g. "~F^oo()".
+  if (const auto *D = SelectedNode->ASTNode.get<Decl>()) {
+    if (D->getLocation() != TokenStartLoc)
+      return {};
+  }
+  llvm::DenseSet<const Decl *> Result;
+  for (const auto *D :
+       targetDecl(SelectedNode->ASTNode,
+                  DeclRelation::Alias | DeclRelation::TemplatePattern))
+    Result.insert(D);
+  return Result;
 enum ReasonToReject {
+  AmbiguousSymbol,
 // Check the symbol Decl is renameable (per the index) within the file.
@@ -125,6 +167,8 @@
       return "symbol may be used in other files (not eligible for indexing)";
     case UnsupportedSymbol:
       return "symbol is not a supported kind (e.g. namespace, macro)";
+    case AmbiguousSymbol:
+      return "there are multiple symbols at the given location";
     llvm_unreachable("unhandled reason kind");
@@ -134,22 +178,38 @@
 // Return all rename occurrences in the main file.
-findOccurrencesWithinFile(ParsedAST &AST, const NamedDecl *RenameDecl) {
-  const NamedDecl *CanonicalRenameDecl =
-      tooling::getCanonicalSymbolDeclaration(RenameDecl);
-  assert(CanonicalRenameDecl && "RenameDecl must be not null");
-  std::vector<std::string> RenameUSRs =
-      tooling::getUSRsForDeclaration(CanonicalRenameDecl, AST.getASTContext());
-  std::string OldName = CanonicalRenameDecl->getNameAsString();
-  tooling::SymbolOccurrences Result;
+std::vector<SourceLocation> findOccurrencesWithinFile(ParsedAST &AST,
+                                                      const NamedDecl &ND) {
+  // In theory, locateDeclAt should return the primary template. However, if the
+  // cursor is under the underlying CXXRecordDecl of the ClassTemplateDecl, ND
+  // will be the CXXRecordDecl, for this case, we need to get the primary
+  // template maunally.
+  const auto &RenameDecl =
+      ND.getDescribedTemplate() ? *ND.getDescribedTemplate() : ND;
+  // getUSRsForDeclaration will find other related symbols, e.g. virtual and its
+  // overriddens, primary template and all explicit specializations.
+  // FIXME: get rid of the remaining tooling APIs.
+  std::vector<std::string> RenameUSRs = tooling::getUSRsForDeclaration(
+      tooling::getCanonicalSymbolDeclaration(&RenameDecl), AST.getASTContext());
+  llvm::DenseSet<SymbolID> TargetIDs;
+  for (auto &USR : RenameUSRs)
+    TargetIDs.insert(SymbolID(USR));
+  std::vector<SourceLocation> Results;
   for (Decl *TopLevelDecl : AST.getLocalTopLevelDecls()) {
-    tooling::SymbolOccurrences RenameInDecl =
-        tooling::getOccurrencesOfUSRs(RenameUSRs, OldName, TopLevelDecl);
-    Result.insert(Result.end(), std::make_move_iterator(RenameInDecl.begin()),
-                  std::make_move_iterator(RenameInDecl.end()));
+    findExplicitReferences(TopLevelDecl, [&](ReferenceLoc Ref) {
+      if (Ref.Targets.empty())
+        return;
+      for (const auto *Target : Ref.Targets) {
+        auto ID = getSymbolID(Target);
+        if (!ID || TargetIDs.find(*ID) == TargetIDs.end())
+          return;
+      }
+      Results.push_back(Ref.NameLoc);
+    });
-  return Result;
+  return Results;
 } // namespace
@@ -165,30 +225,41 @@
   if (locateMacroAt(SourceLocationBeg, AST.getPreprocessor()))
     return makeError(UnsupportedSymbol);
-  const auto *RenameDecl =
-      tooling::getNamedDeclAt(AST.getASTContext(), SourceLocationBeg);
-  if (!RenameDecl)
+  auto DeclsUnderCursor = locateDeclAt(AST, SourceLocationBeg);
+  if (DeclsUnderCursor.empty())
     return makeError(NoSymbolFound);
+  if (DeclsUnderCursor.size() > 1)
+    return makeError(AmbiguousSymbol);
+  const auto *RenameDecl = llvm::dyn_cast<NamedDecl>(*DeclsUnderCursor.begin());
+  if (!RenameDecl)
+    return makeError(UnsupportedSymbol);
   if (auto Reject =
           renamableWithinFile(*RenameDecl->getCanonicalDecl(), File, Index))
     return makeError(*Reject);
-  // Rename sometimes returns duplicate edits (which is a bug). A side-effect of
-  // adding them to a single Replacements object is these are deduplicated.
   tooling::Replacements FilteredChanges;
-  for (const tooling::SymbolOccurrence &Rename :
-       findOccurrencesWithinFile(AST, RenameDecl)) {
-    // Currently, we only support normal rename (one range) for C/C++.
-    // FIXME: support multiple-range rename for objective-c methods.
-    if (Rename.getNameRanges().size() > 1)
+  for (SourceLocation Loc : findOccurrencesWithinFile(AST, *RenameDecl)) {
+    SourceLocation RenameLoc = Loc;
+    // We don't rename in any macro bodies, but we allow rename the symbol
+    // spelled in a top-level macro argument in the main file.
+    if (RenameLoc.isMacroID()) {
+      if (isInMacroBody(SM, RenameLoc))
+        continue;
+      RenameLoc = SM.getSpellingLoc(Loc);
+    }
+    // Filter out locations not from main file.
+    // We traverse only main file decls, but locations could come from an
+    // non-preamble #include file e.g.
+    //   void test() {
+    //     int f^oo;
+    //     #include ""
+    //   }
+    if (!isInsideMainFile(RenameLoc, SM))
-    // We shouldn't have conflicting replacements. If there are conflicts, it
-    // means that we have bugs either in clangd or in Rename library, therefore
-    // we refuse to perform the rename.
     if (auto Err = FilteredChanges.add(tooling::Replacement(
-            AST.getASTContext().getSourceManager(),
-            CharSourceRange::getCharRange(Rename.getNameRanges()[0]), NewName)))
+            SM, CharSourceRange::getTokenRange(RenameLoc), NewName)))
       return std::move(Err);
   return FilteredChanges;
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