rnk added inline comments.

Comment at: llvm/lib/Support/VirtualFileSystem.cpp:1077-1078
+std::error_code RedirectingFileSystem::makeAbsolute(SmallVectorImpl<char> 
&Path) const {
+  if (llvm::sys::path::is_absolute(Path, llvm::sys::path::Style::posix) ||
+      llvm::sys::path::is_absolute(Path, llvm::sys::path::Style::windows))
+    return {};
amccarth wrote:
> amccarth wrote:
> > rnk wrote:
> > > I think Posix-style paths are considered absolute, even on Windows. The 
> > > opposite isn't true, a path with a drive letter is considered to be 
> > > relative if the default path style is Posix. But, I don't think that 
> > > matters. We only end up in this mixed path style situation on Windows.
> > > 
> > > Does this change end up being necessary? I would expect the existing 
> > > implementation of makeAbsolute to do the right thing on Windows as is. I 
> > > think the other change seems to be what matters.
> > Yes, it's necessary.  The Posix-style path `\tests` is not considered 
> > absolute on Windows.  Thus the original makeAboslute would merge it with 
> > the current working directory, which gives it a drive letter, like 
> > `D:\tests\`.  The drive letter component then causes comparisons to fail.
> To make sure I wasn't misremembering or hallucinating, I double-checked the 
> behavior here:  Posix-style paths like `\tests` are not considered absolute 
> paths in Windows-style.
I see, I agree, the platforms diverge here:
  bool rootDir = has_root_directory(p, style);
  bool rootName =
      (real_style(style) != Style::windows) || has_root_name(p, style);

  return rootDir && rootName;

So, on Windows rootDir is true and rootName is false.

I still wonder if this behavior shouldn't be pushed down into the base class. 
If I pass the path `\test` to the real `FileSystem::makeAbsolute` on Windows, 
should that prepend the CWD, or should it leave the path alone?

Comment at: llvm/lib/Support/VirtualFileSystem.cpp:1431
-    if (IsRootEntry && !sys::path::is_absolute(Name)) {
-      assert(NameValueNode && "Name presence should be checked earlier");
amccarth wrote:
> rnk wrote:
> > Is there a way to unit test this? I see some existing tests in 
> > llvm/unittests/Support/VirtualFileSystemTest.cpp.
> > 
> > I looked at the yaml files in the VFS tests this fixes, and I see entries 
> > like this:
> >     { 'name': '/tests', 'type': 'directory', ... },
> >     { 'name': '/indirect-vfs-root-files', 'type': 'directory', ... },
> >     { 'name': 'C:/src/llvm-project/clang/test/VFS/Inputs/Broken.framework', 
> > 'type': 'directory', ... },
> >     { 'name': 
> > 'C:/src/llvm-project/build/tools/clang/test/VFS/Output/vfsroot-with-overlay.c.tmp/cache',
> >  'type': 'directory', ... },
> > 
> > So it makes sense to me that we need to handle both kinds of absolute path.
> > Is there a way to unit test this?
> What do you mean by "this"?  The `/tests` and `/indirect-vfs-root-files` 
> entries in that yaml are the ones causing several tests to fail without this 
> fix, so I take it that this is already being tested.  But perhaps you meant 
> testing something more specific?
> What do you mean by "this"? 
I guess what I meant was, can you unit test the whole change in case there are 
behavior differences here not covered by the clang tests?

Comment at: llvm/lib/Support/VirtualFileSystem.cpp:1448-1449
+      // which style we have, and use it consistently.
+      if (sys::path::is_absolute(Name, sys::path::Style::posix)) {
+        path_style = sys::path::Style::posix;
+      } else if (sys::path::is_absolute(Name, sys::path::Style::windows)) {
amccarth wrote:
> amccarth wrote:
> > rnk wrote:
> > > I wonder if there's a simpler fix here. If the working directory is an 
> > > absolute Windows-style path, we could prepend the drive letter of the 
> > > working directory onto any absolute Posix style paths read from YAML 
> > > files. That's somewhat consistent with what native Windows tools do. In 
> > > cmd, you can run `cd \Windows`, and that will mean `C:\Windows` if the 
> > > active driver letter is C. I think on Windows every drive has an active 
> > > directory, but that's not part of the file system model.
> > I'm not seeing how this would be simpler.
> > 
> > I don't understand the analogy of your proposal to what the native Windows 
> > tools do.  When you say, `cd \Windows`, the `\Windows` is _not_ an absolute 
> > path.  It's relative to the current drive.
> > 
> > I could be wrong, but I don't think prepending the drive onto absolution 
> > Posix style paths read from YAML would work.  That would give us something 
> > like `D:/tests` (which is what was happening in makeAbsolute) and that 
> > won't match paths generated from non-YAML sources, which will still come 
> > out as `/tests/foo.h`.
> > 
> > > I think on Windows every drive has an active directory ....
> > 
> > Yep.  I think of it as "every drive has a _current_ directory" and each 
> > process has a current drive.  When you want the current working directory, 
> > you get the current directory of the current drive.
> > ... I don't think prepending the drive onto absolution Posix style paths 
> > read from YAML would work....
> I misspoke.  The idea of prepending the drive onto absolute Posix-style paths 
> read from the YAML probably could be made to work for the common cases like 
> the ones in these tests.
> But I still don't think that approach would simplify anything.
> Furthermore, I think it could open a potential Pandora's box of weird corner 
> cases.  For example, in a system with multiple drives, the current drive may 
> not always be the "correct" one to use.  Slapping a drive letter onto a 
> Posix-style path creates a Frankenstein hybrid that's neither Windows-style 
> nor Posix-style.  Doing so because we know the subsequent code would then 
> recognize it as an absolute path seems like a way to create an unnecessary 
> coupling between the VFS YAML parser and the LLVM path support.
> In my mind, the model here is that these roots can be in either style.  I 
> prefer to let the code explicitly reflect that fact rather than trying to 
> massage some of the paths into a form that happens to cause the right outcome.
The way in which I see it as being "simpler" is that all absolute paths would 
end up having drive letters on Windows. I was hoping that would avoid some 
corner cases that arise from having a virtual file system tree in memory where 
some files are rooted in a drive letter and some appear in non-drive letter top 
level directories from Posix paths.

In any case, I think the change you have here is definitely correct, and is a 
smaller change in behavior. The path component iterators below need to use the 
correct style.



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