ABataev added a comment.

In D71179#1775834 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D71179#1775834>, @jdoerfert wrote:

> >> This is neither true, nor relevant. It is not true because OpenMP 5.0 
> >> declare variant is so broken it cannot be used for what it was intended 
> >> for. That means people (as for example we for math) will inevitably use 
> >> begin/end declare variant.
> > 
> > I rather doubt that it is so much broken. The fact, that you need some new 
> > construct to express some functionality does not mean that the previous one 
> > is incorrect. It is incomplete, maybe. But not broken.
> Broken in the sense that we (in the OpenMP accelerator subcommittee) don't 
> think it can be used for what we envisioned it initially. It can be used for 
> certain things though.
> > And even for begin/end stuff, multiversioning is only required for 
> > construct traits, for all other traits we can reuse the existing 
> > implementation.
> Again, this is not the case. begin/end *always* caused multiple definitions 
> with the same name. Even if we ignore that for a second, why should we not 
> use the powerful infrastructure we have (=multi-versioning) that supports 
> `construct` traits and not use it for the other traits? Or asked differently, 
> why should we have a second codegen rewriting scheme?

Not always. If we see that the context selector does not match, we can skip 
everything between begin/end. It means exactly what I said - multiversioning is 
needed only for `construct` because all other traits can be easily resolved at 
the compile time. Generally speaking, there are 2 kinds of traits - global 
traits (like `vendor`, `kind`, `isa`, etc.), which can be resolved completely 
statically and do not need multiversioning, and local traits, like `construct`, 
which depend on the OpenMP directives and require something similar to the 

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