ilya-biryukov added inline comments.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/index/FileIndex.cpp:86
+    // Add macro references.
+    for (const auto &IDToRefs : MacroRefsToIndex->MacroRefs) {
+      for (const auto &Range : IDToRefs.second) {
hokein wrote:
> ilya-biryukov wrote:
> > This is trying to emulate existing logic in `SymbolCollector::finish`. Is 
> > there a way we could share this?
> > Would avoid creating extra copies of reference slabs and allow to keep the 
> > code in one place, rather than scattering it between `FileIndex.cpp` and 
> > `SymbolCollector.cpp`. Would also allow to keep `toURI` private, meaning we 
> > don't have to worry about naming it and the fact it's exposed in the public 
> > interface.
> > 
> > One potential way to do this is to have an alternative version of 
> > `handleMacroOccurence`, which would fill `SymbolCollector::MacroRefs` 
> > directly and call this right after `indexTopLevelDecls`.
> > Would that work?
> +1 on the concern about performance (this is a hot function, we are paying an 
> extra cost of copying all refs, which should be avoided), and the layering of 
> `toURI`.
> > One potential way to do this is to have an alternative version of 
> > handleMacroOccurence, which would fill SymbolCollector::MacroRefs directly 
> > and call this right after indexTopLevelDecls.
> > Would that work?
> the main problem is that at this point (parsing is finished), preprocessor 
> callback is not available, so we won't see macro references 
> (`SymbolCollector::handleMacroOccurence` will only receive macro definitions).
> I think two options:
> - as mentioned above, add alternative version of `handleMacroOccurence` in 
> SymbolCollector, calling it **before** `indexTopLevelDecls` (because `finish` 
> is called in `indexTopLevelDecls` which we have no way to customize);
> - or we could add a finish callback to the `SymbolCollector` which is called 
> in `SymbolCollector::finish`, and put this logic to the callback.
Thanks, good point, in my proposal we should populate macro references before 
calling `indexTopLevelDecls`.

I would still suggest going with the first option, it seems simpler to me. But 
up to you, @usaxena95.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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