mtrofin updated this revision to Diff 238352.
mtrofin marked 4 inline comments as done.
mtrofin added a comment.
Herald added a subscriber: zzheng.

Incorporated feedback:

- tests
- updated patch description

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



Index: llvm/test/Transforms/LoopUnrollAndJam/opt-levels.ll
--- /dev/null
+++ llvm/test/Transforms/LoopUnrollAndJam/opt-levels.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+; RUN: opt < %s -S -passes="default<O2>" -unroll-runtime=true -enable-npm-unroll-and-jam -unroll-threshold-default=0 -unroll-threshold-aggressive=300 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=O2
+; RUN: opt < %s -S -passes="default<O3>" -unroll-runtime=true -enable-npm-unroll-and-jam -unroll-threshold-default=0 -unroll-threshold-aggressive=300 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=O3
+; RUN: opt < %s -S -passes="default<Os>" -unroll-runtime=true -enable-npm-unroll-and-jam -unroll-threshold-default=0 -unroll-threshold-aggressive=300 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=Os
+; RUN: opt < %s -S -passes="default<Oz>" -unroll-runtime=true -enable-npm-unroll-and-jam -unroll-threshold-default=0 -unroll-threshold-aggressive=300 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=Oz
+; Check that Os and Oz are optimized like O2, not like O3. To easily highlight
+; the behavior, we artificially disable unrolling for anything but O3 by setting
+; the default threshold to 0.
+; O3:     for.inner.1
+; O2-NOT: for.inner.1
+; Os-NOT: for.inner.1
+; Oz-NOT: for.inner.1
+target datalayout = "e-m:e-p:32:32-i64:64-v128:64:128-a:0:32-n32-S64"
+define void @test1(i32 %I, i32 %J, i32* noalias nocapture %A, i32* noalias nocapture readonly %B) #0 {
+  %cmp = icmp ne i32 %J, 0
+  %cmpJ = icmp ne i32 %I, 0
+  %or.cond = and i1 %cmp, %cmpJ
+  br i1 %or.cond, label %for.outer.preheader, label %for.end
+  br label %for.outer
+  %i = phi i32 [ %add8, %for.latch ], [ 0, %for.outer.preheader ]
+  br label %for.inner
+  %j = phi i32 [ 0, %for.outer ], [ %inc, %for.inner ]
+  %sum = phi i32 [ 0, %for.outer ], [ %add, %for.inner ]
+  %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %B, i32 %j
+  %0 = load i32, i32* %arrayidx, align 4, !tbaa !5
+  %add = add i32 %0, %sum
+  %inc = add nuw i32 %j, 1
+  %exitcond = icmp eq i32 %inc, %J
+  br i1 %exitcond, label %for.latch, label %for.inner
+  %add.lcssa = phi i32 [ %add, %for.inner ]
+  %arrayidx6 = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %A, i32 %i
+  store i32 %add.lcssa, i32* %arrayidx6, align 4, !tbaa !5
+  %add8 = add nuw i32 %i, 1
+  %exitcond25 = icmp eq i32 %add8, %I
+  br i1 %exitcond25, label %for.end.loopexit, label %for.outer
+  br label %for.end
+  ret void
+!5 = !{!6, !6, i64 0}
+!6 = !{!"int", !7, i64 0}
+!7 = !{!"omnipotent char", !8, i64 0}
+!8 = !{!"Simple C/C++ TBAA"}
Index: llvm/test/Transforms/LoopUnroll/opt-levels.ll
--- /dev/null
+++ llvm/test/Transforms/LoopUnroll/opt-levels.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+; RUN: opt < %s -S -passes="default<O2>" -unroll-runtime=true -unroll-threshold-default=0 -unroll-threshold-aggressive=300 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=O2
+; RUN: opt < %s -S -passes="default<O3>" -unroll-runtime=true -unroll-threshold-default=0 -unroll-threshold-aggressive=300 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=O3
+; RUN: opt < %s -S -passes="default<Os>" -unroll-runtime=true -unroll-threshold-default=0 -unroll-threshold-aggressive=300 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=Os
+; RUN: opt < %s -S -passes="default<Oz>" -unroll-runtime=true -unroll-threshold-default=0 -unroll-threshold-aggressive=300 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=Oz
+; Check that Os and Oz are optimized like O2, not like O3. To easily highlight
+; the behavior, we artificially disable unrolling for anything but O3 by setting
+; the default threshold to 0.
+; O3:     loop2.preheader
+; O2-NOT: loop2.preheader
+; Os-NOT: loop2.preheader
+; Oz-NOT: loop2.preheader
+define void @unroll(i32 %iter, i32* %addr1, i32* %addr2) nounwind {
+  br label %loop1
+  %iv1 = phi i32 [ 0, %entry ], [ %inc1, %loop1.latch ]
+  %offset1 = getelementptr i32, i32* %addr1, i32 %iv1
+  store i32 %iv1, i32* %offset1, align 4
+  br label %loop2.header
+  %e = icmp uge i32 %iter, 1
+  br i1 %e, label %loop2, label %exit2
+  %iv2 = phi i32 [ 0, %loop2.header ], [ %inc2, %loop2 ]
+  %offset2 = getelementptr i32, i32* %addr2, i32 %iv2
+  store i32 %iv2, i32* %offset2, align 4
+  %inc2 = add i32 %iv2, 1
+  %exitcnd2 = icmp uge i32 %inc2, %iter
+  br i1 %exitcnd2, label %exit2, label %loop2
+  br label %loop1.latch
+  %inc1 = add i32 %iv1, 1
+  %exitcnd1 = icmp uge i32 %inc1, 1024
+  br i1 %exitcnd1, label %exit, label %loop1
+  ret void
Index: llvm/lib/Transforms/Scalar/LoopUnrollPass.cpp
--- llvm/lib/Transforms/Scalar/LoopUnrollPass.cpp
+++ llvm/lib/Transforms/Scalar/LoopUnrollPass.cpp
@@ -167,6 +167,16 @@
              "This shouldn't typically be needed as child loops (or their "
              "clones) were already visited."));
+static cl::opt<unsigned> UnrollThresholdAggressive(
+    "unroll-threshold-aggressive", cl::init(300), cl::Hidden,
+    cl::desc("Threshold (max size of unrolled loop) to use in aggressive (O3) "
+             "optimizations"));
+static cl::opt<unsigned>
+    UnrollThresholdDefault("unroll-threshold-default", cl::init(150),
+                           cl::Hidden,
+                           cl::desc("Default threshold (max size of unrolled "
+                                    "loop), used in all but O3 optimizations"));
 /// A magic value for use with the Threshold parameter to indicate
 /// that the loop unroll should be performed regardless of how much
 /// code expansion would result.
@@ -185,7 +195,8 @@
   TargetTransformInfo::UnrollingPreferences UP;
   // Set up the defaults
-  UP.Threshold = OptLevel > 2 ? 300 : 150;
+  UP.Threshold =
+      OptLevel > 2 ? UnrollThresholdAggressive : UnrollThresholdDefault;
   UP.MaxPercentThresholdBoost = 400;
   UP.OptSizeThreshold = 0;
   UP.PartialThreshold = 150;
Index: llvm/lib/Passes/PassBuilder.cpp
--- llvm/lib/Passes/PassBuilder.cpp
+++ llvm/lib/Passes/PassBuilder.cpp
@@ -243,20 +243,24 @@
 extern cl::opt<bool> FlattenedProfileUsed;
-static bool isOptimizingForSize(PassBuilder::OptimizationLevel Level) {
-  switch (Level) {
-  case PassBuilder::O0:
-  case PassBuilder::O1:
-  case PassBuilder::O2:
-  case PassBuilder::O3:
-    return false;
-  case PassBuilder::Os:
-  case PassBuilder::Oz:
-    return true;
-  }
-  llvm_unreachable("Invalid optimization level!");
+const PassBuilder::OptimizationLevel PassBuilder::OptimizationLevel::O0 = {
+    /*SpeedLevel*/ 0,
+    /*SizeLevel*/ 0};
+const PassBuilder::OptimizationLevel PassBuilder::OptimizationLevel::O1 = {
+    /*SpeedLevel*/ 1,
+    /*SizeLevel*/ 0};
+const PassBuilder::OptimizationLevel PassBuilder::OptimizationLevel::O2 = {
+    /*SpeedLevel*/ 2,
+    /*SizeLevel*/ 0};
+const PassBuilder::OptimizationLevel PassBuilder::OptimizationLevel::O3 = {
+    /*SpeedLevel*/ 3,
+    /*SizeLevel*/ 0};
+const PassBuilder::OptimizationLevel PassBuilder::OptimizationLevel::Os = {
+    /*SpeedLevel*/ 2,
+    /*SizeLevel*/ 1};
+const PassBuilder::OptimizationLevel PassBuilder::OptimizationLevel::Oz = {
+    /*SpeedLevel*/ 2,
+    /*SizeLevel*/ 2};
 namespace {
@@ -395,7 +399,7 @@
 PassBuilder::buildFunctionSimplificationPipeline(OptimizationLevel Level,
                                                  ThinLTOPhase Phase,
                                                  bool DebugLogging) {
-  assert(Level != O0 && "Must request optimizations!");
+  assert(Level != OptimizationLevel::O0 && "Must request optimizations!");
   FunctionPassManager FPM(DebugLogging);
   // Form SSA out of local memory accesses after breaking apart aggregates into
@@ -406,7 +410,7 @@
   FPM.addPass(EarlyCSEPass(true /* Enable mem-ssa. */));
   // Hoisting of scalars and load expressions.
-  if (Level > O1) {
+  if (Level.getSpeedupLevel() > 1) {
     if (EnableGVNHoist)
@@ -418,7 +422,7 @@
   // Speculative execution if the target has divergent branches; otherwise nop.
-  if (Level > O1) {
+  if (Level.getSpeedupLevel() > 1) {
     // Optimize based on known information about branches, and cleanup afterward.
@@ -426,11 +430,11 @@
-  if (Level == O3)
+  if (Level == OptimizationLevel::O3)
-  if (!isOptimizingForSize(Level))
+  if (!Level.isOptimizingForSize())
   invokePeepholeEPCallbacks(FPM, Level);
@@ -438,11 +442,11 @@
   // For PGO use pipeline, try to optimize memory intrinsics such as memcpy
   // using the size value profile. Don't perform this when optimizing for size.
   if (PGOOpt && PGOOpt->Action == PGOOptions::IRUse &&
-      !isOptimizingForSize(Level) && Level > O1)
+      (Level.getSpeedupLevel() > 1 && !Level.isOptimizingForSize()))
   // TODO: Investigate the cost/benefit of tail call elimination on debugging.
-  if (Level > O1)
+  if (Level.getSpeedupLevel() > 1)
@@ -469,7 +473,7 @@
   // Rotate Loop - disable header duplication at -Oz
-  LPM1.addPass(LoopRotatePass(Level != Oz));
+  LPM1.addPass(LoopRotatePass(Level != OptimizationLevel::Oz));
   // TODO: Investigate promotion cap for O1.
   LPM1.addPass(LICMPass(PTO.LicmMssaOptCap, PTO.LicmMssaNoAccForPromotionCap));
@@ -486,7 +490,8 @@
   if ((Phase != ThinLTOPhase::PreLink || !PGOOpt ||
        PGOOpt->Action != PGOOptions::SampleUse) &&
-    LPM2.addPass(LoopFullUnrollPass(Level, /*OnlyWhenForced=*/false,
+    LPM2.addPass(LoopFullUnrollPass(Level.getSpeedupLevel(),
+                                    /*OnlyWhenForced=*/false,
   for (auto &C : LoopOptimizerEndEPCallbacks)
@@ -509,7 +514,7 @@
   // Eliminate redundancies.
-  if (Level != O1) {
+  if (Level != OptimizationLevel::O1) {
     // These passes add substantial compile time so skip them at O1.
     if (RunNewGVN)
@@ -538,7 +543,7 @@
   // Re-consider control flow based optimizations after redundancy elimination,
   // redo DCE, etc.
-  if (Level > O1) {
+  if (Level.getSpeedupLevel() > 1) {
@@ -558,7 +563,7 @@
   invokePeepholeEPCallbacks(FPM, Level);
-  if (EnableCHR && Level == O3 && PGOOpt &&
+  if (EnableCHR && Level == OptimizationLevel::O3 && PGOOpt &&
       (PGOOpt->Action == PGOOptions::IRUse ||
        PGOOpt->Action == PGOOptions::SampleUse))
@@ -571,13 +576,13 @@
                                     bool RunProfileGen, bool IsCS,
                                     std::string ProfileFile,
                                     std::string ProfileRemappingFile) {
-  assert(Level != O0 && "Not expecting O0 here!");
+  assert(Level != OptimizationLevel::O0 && "Not expecting O0 here!");
   // Generally running simplification passes and the inliner with an high
   // threshold results in smaller executables, but there may be cases where
   // the size grows, so let's be conservative here and skip this simplification
   // at -Os/Oz. We will not do this  inline for context sensistive PGO (when
   // IsCS is true).
-  if (!isOptimizingForSize(Level) && !IsCS) {
+  if (!Level.isOptimizingForSize() && !IsCS) {
     InlineParams IP;
     IP.DefaultThreshold = PreInlineThreshold;
@@ -662,10 +667,7 @@
 static InlineParams
 getInlineParamsFromOptLevel(PassBuilder::OptimizationLevel Level) {
-  auto O3 = PassBuilder::O3;
-  unsigned OptLevel = Level > O3 ? 2 : Level;
-  unsigned SizeLevel = Level > O3 ? Level - O3 : 0;
-  return getInlineParams(OptLevel, SizeLevel);
+  return getInlineParams(Level.getSpeedupLevel(), Level.getSizeLevel());
@@ -711,7 +713,7 @@
-  if (Level == O3)
+  if (Level == OptimizationLevel::O3)
   // In SamplePGO ThinLTO backend, we need instcombine before profile annotation
@@ -830,7 +832,7 @@
   // When at O3 add argument promotion to the pass pipeline.
   // FIXME: It isn't at all clear why this should be limited to O3.
-  if (Level == O3)
+  if (Level == OptimizationLevel::O3)
   // Lastly, add the core function simplification pipeline nested inside the
@@ -974,11 +976,11 @@
   // across the loop nests.
   // We do UnrollAndJam in a separate LPM to ensure it happens before unroll
   if (EnableUnrollAndJam && PTO.LoopUnrolling) {
-    OptimizePM.addPass(LoopUnrollAndJamPass(Level));
+    OptimizePM.addPass(LoopUnrollAndJamPass(Level.getSpeedupLevel()));
-  OptimizePM.addPass(LoopUnrollPass(
-      LoopUnrollOptions(Level, /*OnlyWhenForced=*/!PTO.LoopUnrolling,
-                        PTO.ForgetAllSCEVInLoopUnroll)));
+  OptimizePM.addPass(LoopUnrollPass(LoopUnrollOptions(
+      Level.getSpeedupLevel(), /*OnlyWhenForced=*/!PTO.LoopUnrolling,
+      PTO.ForgetAllSCEVInLoopUnroll)));
   OptimizePM.addPass(RequireAnalysisPass<OptimizationRemarkEmitterAnalysis, Function>());
@@ -1040,7 +1042,8 @@
 PassBuilder::buildPerModuleDefaultPipeline(OptimizationLevel Level,
                                            bool DebugLogging, bool LTOPreLink) {
-  assert(Level != O0 && "Must request optimizations for the default pipeline!");
+  assert(Level != OptimizationLevel::O0 &&
+         "Must request optimizations for the default pipeline!");
   ModulePassManager MPM(DebugLogging);
@@ -1067,7 +1070,8 @@
 PassBuilder::buildThinLTOPreLinkDefaultPipeline(OptimizationLevel Level,
                                                 bool DebugLogging) {
-  assert(Level != O0 && "Must request optimizations for the default pipeline!");
+  assert(Level != OptimizationLevel::O0 &&
+         "Must request optimizations for the default pipeline!");
   ModulePassManager MPM(DebugLogging);
@@ -1128,7 +1132,7 @@
     MPM.addPass(LowerTypeTestsPass(nullptr, ImportSummary));
-  if (Level == O0)
+  if (Level == OptimizationLevel::O0)
     return MPM;
   // Force any function attributes we want the rest of the pipeline to observe.
@@ -1147,10 +1151,11 @@
 PassBuilder::buildLTOPreLinkDefaultPipeline(OptimizationLevel Level,
                                             bool DebugLogging) {
-  assert(Level != O0 && "Must request optimizations for the default pipeline!");
+  assert(Level != OptimizationLevel::O0 &&
+         "Must request optimizations for the default pipeline!");
   // FIXME: We should use a customized pre-link pipeline!
   return buildPerModuleDefaultPipeline(Level, DebugLogging,
-                                       /* LTOPreLink */true);
+                                       /* LTOPreLink */ true);
@@ -1158,7 +1163,7 @@
                                      ModuleSummaryIndex *ExportSummary) {
   ModulePassManager MPM(DebugLogging);
-  if (Level == O0) {
+  if (Level == OptimizationLevel::O0) {
     // The WPD and LowerTypeTest passes need to run at -O0 to lower type
     // metadata and intrinsics.
     MPM.addPass(WholeProgramDevirtPass(ExportSummary, nullptr));
@@ -1187,7 +1192,7 @@
   // libraries and other oracles.
-  if (Level > 1) {
+  if (Level.getSpeedupLevel() > 1) {
     FunctionPassManager EarlyFPM(DebugLogging);
@@ -1225,7 +1230,7 @@
   MPM.addPass(WholeProgramDevirtPass(ExportSummary, nullptr));
   // Stop here at -O1.
-  if (Level == 1) {
+  if (Level == OptimizationLevel::O1) {
     // The LowerTypeTestsPass needs to run to lower type metadata and the
     // type.test intrinsics. The pass does nothing if CFI is disabled.
     MPM.addPass(LowerTypeTestsPass(ExportSummary, nullptr));
@@ -1250,7 +1255,7 @@
   // function pointers.  When this happens, we often have to resolve varargs
   // calls, etc, so let instcombine do this.
   FunctionPassManager PeepholeFPM(DebugLogging);
-  if (Level == O3)
+  if (Level == OptimizationLevel::O3)
   invokePeepholeEPCallbacks(PeepholeFPM, Level);
@@ -1886,13 +1891,13 @@
     assert(Matches.size() == 3 && "Must capture two matched strings!");
     OptimizationLevel L = StringSwitch<OptimizationLevel>(Matches[2])
-                              .Case("O0", O0)
-                              .Case("O1", O1)
-                              .Case("O2", O2)
-                              .Case("O3", O3)
-                              .Case("Os", Os)
-                              .Case("Oz", Oz);
-    if (L == O0) {
+                              .Case("O0", OptimizationLevel::O0)
+                              .Case("O1", OptimizationLevel::O1)
+                              .Case("O2", OptimizationLevel::O2)
+                              .Case("O3", OptimizationLevel::O3)
+                              .Case("Os", OptimizationLevel::Os)
+                              .Case("Oz", OptimizationLevel::Oz);
+    if (L == OptimizationLevel::O0) {
       // Add instrumentation PGO passes -- at O0 we can still do PGO.
       if (PGOOpt && Matches[1] != "thinlto" &&
           (PGOOpt->Action == PGOOptions::IRInstr ||
@@ -1909,8 +1914,10 @@
     // This is consistent with old pass manager invoked via opt, but
     // inconsistent with clang. Clang doesn't enable loop vectorization
     // but does enable slp vectorization at Oz.
-    PTO.LoopVectorization = L > O1 && L < Oz;
-    PTO.SLPVectorization = L > O1 && L < Oz;
+    PTO.LoopVectorization =
+        L.getSpeedupLevel() > 1 && L != OptimizationLevel::Oz;
+    PTO.SLPVectorization =
+        L.getSpeedupLevel() > 1 && L != OptimizationLevel::Oz;
     if (Matches[1] == "default") {
       MPM.addPass(buildPerModuleDefaultPipeline(L, DebugLogging));
Index: llvm/lib/LTO/LTOBackend.cpp
--- llvm/lib/LTO/LTOBackend.cpp
+++ llvm/lib/LTO/LTOBackend.cpp
@@ -203,16 +203,16 @@
     llvm_unreachable("Invalid optimization level");
   case 0:
-    OL = PassBuilder::O0;
+    OL = PassBuilder::OptimizationLevel::O0;
   case 1:
-    OL = PassBuilder::O1;
+    OL = PassBuilder::OptimizationLevel::O1;
   case 2:
-    OL = PassBuilder::O2;
+    OL = PassBuilder::OptimizationLevel::O2;
   case 3:
-    OL = PassBuilder::O3;
+    OL = PassBuilder::OptimizationLevel::O3;
Index: llvm/include/llvm/Passes/PassBuilder.h
--- llvm/include/llvm/Passes/PassBuilder.h
+++ llvm/include/llvm/Passes/PassBuilder.h
@@ -143,11 +143,26 @@
   /// This enumerates the LLVM-provided high-level optimization levels. Each
   /// level has a specific goal and rationale.
-  enum OptimizationLevel {
+  class OptimizationLevel final {
+    unsigned SpeedLevel = 2;
+    unsigned SizeLevel = 0;
+    OptimizationLevel(unsigned SpeedLevel, unsigned SizeLevel)
+        : SpeedLevel(SpeedLevel), SizeLevel(SizeLevel) {
+      // Check that only valid combinations are passed.
+      assert(SpeedLevel <= 3 &&
+             "Optimization level for speed should be 0, 1, 2, or 3");
+      assert(SizeLevel <= 2 &&
+             "Optimization level for size should be 0, 1, or 2");
+      assert((SizeLevel == 0 || SpeedLevel == 2) &&
+             "Optimize for size should be encoded with speedup level == 2");
+    }
+  public:
+    OptimizationLevel() = default;
     /// Disable as many optimizations as possible. This doesn't completely
     /// disable the optimizer in all cases, for example always_inline functions
     /// can be required to be inlined for correctness.
-    O0,
+    static const OptimizationLevel O0;
     /// Optimize quickly without destroying debuggability.
@@ -161,10 +176,9 @@
     /// As an example, complex loop transformations such as versioning,
     /// vectorization, or fusion don't make sense here due to the degree to
-    /// which the executed code differs from the source code, and the compile time
-    /// cost.
-    O1,
+    /// which the executed code differs from the source code, and the compile
+    /// time cost.
+    static const OptimizationLevel O1;
     /// Optimize for fast execution as much as possible without triggering
     /// significant incremental compile time or code size growth.
@@ -181,8 +195,7 @@
     /// This is expected to be a good default optimization level for the vast
     /// majority of users.
-    O2,
+    static const OptimizationLevel O2;
     /// Optimize for fast execution as much as possible.
     /// This mode is significantly more aggressive in trading off compile time
@@ -197,8 +210,7 @@
     /// order to make even significantly slower compile times at least scale
     /// reasonably. This does not preclude very substantial constant factor
     /// costs though.
-    O3,
+    static const OptimizationLevel O3;
     /// Similar to \c O2 but tries to optimize for small code size instead of
     /// fast execution without triggering significant incremental execution
     /// time slowdowns.
@@ -209,8 +221,7 @@
     /// A consequence of the different core goal is that this should in general
     /// produce substantially smaller executables that still run in
     /// a reasonable amount of time.
-    Os,
+    static const OptimizationLevel Os;
     /// A very specialized mode that will optimize for code size at any and all
     /// costs.
@@ -218,7 +229,24 @@
     /// any effort taken to reduce the size is worth it regardless of the
     /// execution time impact. You should expect this level to produce rather
     /// slow, but very small, code.
-    Oz
+    static const OptimizationLevel Oz;
+    bool isOptimizingForSpeed() const {
+      return SizeLevel == 0 && SpeedLevel > 0;
+    }
+    bool isOptimizingForSize() const { return SizeLevel > 0; }
+    bool operator==(const OptimizationLevel &Other) const {
+      return SizeLevel == Other.SizeLevel && SpeedLevel == Other.SpeedLevel;
+    }
+    bool operator!=(const OptimizationLevel &Other) const {
+      return SizeLevel != Other.SizeLevel || SpeedLevel != Other.SpeedLevel;
+    }
+    unsigned getSpeedupLevel() const { return SpeedLevel; }
+    unsigned getSizeLevel() const { return SizeLevel; }
   explicit PassBuilder(TargetMachine *TM = nullptr,
Index: clang/lib/CodeGen/BackendUtil.cpp
--- clang/lib/CodeGen/BackendUtil.cpp
+++ clang/lib/CodeGen/BackendUtil.cpp
@@ -924,7 +924,7 @@
     llvm_unreachable("Invalid optimization level!");
   case 1:
-    return PassBuilder::O1;
+    return PassBuilder::OptimizationLevel::O1;
   case 2:
     switch (Opts.OptimizeSize) {
@@ -932,17 +932,17 @@
       llvm_unreachable("Invalid optimization level for size!");
     case 0:
-      return PassBuilder::O2;
+      return PassBuilder::OptimizationLevel::O2;
     case 1:
-      return PassBuilder::Os;
+      return PassBuilder::OptimizationLevel::Os;
     case 2:
-      return PassBuilder::Oz;
+      return PassBuilder::OptimizationLevel::Oz;
   case 3:
-    return PassBuilder::O3;
+    return PassBuilder::OptimizationLevel::O3;
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