luismarques added a comment.

In D74847#1883028 <>, @efriedma wrote:

> I'm not really a big fan of running tests with the host target triple, 
> anyway; it seems to create work with almost no benefit.  I'd be happy to just 
> run the test with one target that has native atomics, and one target that 
> doesn't.  (The relevant code is all target-independent, aside from the atomic 
> widths, so we aren't really gaining anything by testing more targets.)

That sounds fine to me. I might need to rewrite the tests with two different 
prefixes though (e.g. `NATIVE-` vs `LIBCALL-`), since I can't see how to mix 
substitution blocks with regex alternatives. For instance, we have this:

  // CHECK: %[[load:.*]] = {{load atomic i8, i8\* @b seq_cst|}}

You need to add an alternative for an `__atomic_load` libcall instead of the 
`load atomic`, but then the "assignment" to `%atomic-temp` moves to the right, 
as an out argument, so you'd need the variable capture to move to inside the 
regex, which I don't think is supported.
Is that OK, using different prefixes? Arguably that's a better test anyway, 
since you can then check your expectation that certain targets triples match 
certain alternative matches.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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