aaron.ballman added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/lib/Basic/Attributes.cpp:101-103
+  for (ParsedAttrInfoRegistry::iterator it = ParsedAttrInfoRegistry::begin(),
+                                        ie = ParsedAttrInfoRegistry::end();
+       it != ie; ++it) {
john.brawn wrote:
> aaron.ballman wrote:
> > Range-based for loop? Also, `it` and `ie` don't meet the usual naming 
> > conventions.
> > 
> > One thing I'm not keen on with this is the performance hit. We spent a 
> > decent amount of effort making this lookup fast and it's now a linear 
> > search through all of the attributes and requires memory allocations and 
> > deallocations to perform the search.
> Yes, I've done some experiments and in the pathological case (lots of trivial 
> functions with the xray_log_args attribute) the slowdown is noticeable. I've 
> done some tinkering and I think the best way to resolve this is to first use 
> a generated function (i.e. something like the current getAttrKind) to look up 
> the attributes that are compiled into clang, then if that fails look in the 
> registry to find a match.
I think that approach makes sense and is something we should probably do up 
front. It doesn't seem like `llvm::Registry` has a way for us to mark where the 
plugin attributes start to allow for quickly searching for plugin attributes in 
the fallback case.

I don't see a particularly good way around the memory allocations, however. 
Ideally, this could be something that's arena allocated on the `ASTContext` 
rather than using `unique_ptr`, but I think that would be tricky here because 
of library layering. After switching the lookup functionality, I'd be curious 
to know if there is a noticeable performance degredation still, or if that 
falls out into the noise.



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