sconstab created this revision.
sconstab added reviewers: zbrid, craig.topper, andrew.w.kaylor, chandlerc.
Herald added subscribers: jfb, hiraditya.

This patch is an alternate implementation of D75934 
<> that mitigates LVI indirect calls/jumps by 
making changes to the existing X86RetpolineThunks pass, instead of introducing 
a new pass.


Index: llvm/test/CodeGen/X86/lvi-hardening-indirectbr.ll
--- /dev/null
+++ llvm/test/CodeGen/X86/lvi-hardening-indirectbr.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+; RUN: llc -verify-machineinstrs -mtriple=x86_64-unknown -mattr=+lvi-cfi < %s | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=X64
+; RUN: llc -verify-machineinstrs -mtriple=x86_64-unknown -mattr=+lvi-cfi -O0 < %s | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=X64FAST
+; Note that a lot of this code was lifted from retpoline.ll.
+declare void @bar(i32)
+; Test a simple indirect call and tail call.
+define void @icall_reg(void (i32)* %fp, i32 %x) {
+  tail call void @bar(i32 %x)
+  tail call void %fp(i32 %x)
+  tail call void @bar(i32 %x)
+  tail call void %fp(i32 %x)
+  ret void
+; X64-LABEL: icall_reg:
+; X64-DAG:   movq %rdi, %[[fp:[^ ]*]]
+; X64-DAG:   movl %esi, %[[x:[^ ]*]]
+; X64:       movl %esi, %edi
+; X64:       callq bar
+; X64-DAG:   movl %[[x]], %edi
+; X64-DAG:   movq %[[fp]], %r11
+; X64:       callq __llvm_retpoline_r11
+; X64:       movl %[[x]], %edi
+; X64:       callq bar
+; X64-DAG:   movl %[[x]], %edi
+; X64-DAG:   movq %[[fp]], %r11
+; X64:       jmp __llvm_retpoline_r11 # TAILCALL
+; X64FAST-LABEL: icall_reg:
+; X64FAST:       callq bar
+; X64FAST:       callq __llvm_retpoline_r11
+; X64FAST:       callq bar
+; X64FAST:       jmp __llvm_retpoline_r11 # TAILCALL
+@global_fp = external global void (i32)*
+; Test an indirect call through a global variable.
+define void @icall_global_fp(i32 %x, void (i32)** %fpp) #0 {
+  %fp1 = load void (i32)*, void (i32)** @global_fp
+  call void %fp1(i32 %x)
+  %fp2 = load void (i32)*, void (i32)** @global_fp
+  tail call void %fp2(i32 %x)
+  ret void
+; X64-LABEL: icall_global_fp:
+; X64-DAG:   movl %edi, %[[x:[^ ]*]]
+; X64-DAG:   movq global_fp(%rip), %r11
+; X64:       callq __llvm_retpoline_r11
+; X64-DAG:   movl %[[x]], %edi
+; X64-DAG:   movq global_fp(%rip), %r11
+; X64:       jmp __llvm_retpoline_r11 # TAILCALL
+; X64FAST-LABEL: icall_global_fp:
+; X64FAST:       movq global_fp(%rip), %r11
+; X64FAST:       callq __llvm_retpoline_r11
+; X64FAST:       movq global_fp(%rip), %r11
+; X64FAST:       jmp __llvm_retpoline_r11 # TAILCALL
+%struct.Foo = type { void (%struct.Foo*)** }
+; Test an indirect call through a vtable.
+define void @vcall(%struct.Foo* %obj) #0 {
+  %vptr_field = getelementptr %struct.Foo, %struct.Foo* %obj, i32 0, i32 0
+  %vptr = load void (%struct.Foo*)**, void (%struct.Foo*)*** %vptr_field
+  %vslot = getelementptr void(%struct.Foo*)*, void(%struct.Foo*)** %vptr, i32 1
+  %fp = load void(%struct.Foo*)*, void(%struct.Foo*)** %vslot
+  tail call void %fp(%struct.Foo* %obj)
+  tail call void %fp(%struct.Foo* %obj)
+  ret void
+; X64-LABEL: vcall:
+; X64:       movq %rdi, %[[obj:[^ ]*]]
+; X64:       movq (%rdi), %[[vptr:[^ ]*]]
+; X64:       movq 8(%[[vptr]]), %[[fp:[^ ]*]]
+; X64:       movq %[[fp]], %r11
+; X64:       callq __llvm_retpoline_r11
+; X64-DAG:   movq %[[obj]], %rdi
+; X64-DAG:   movq %[[fp]], %r11
+; X64:       jmp __llvm_retpoline_r11 # TAILCALL
+; X64FAST-LABEL: vcall:
+; X64FAST:       callq __llvm_retpoline_r11
+; X64FAST:       jmp __llvm_retpoline_r11 # TAILCALL
+declare void @direct_callee()
+define void @direct_tail() #0 {
+  tail call void @direct_callee()
+  ret void
+; X64-LABEL: direct_tail:
+; X64:       jmp direct_callee # TAILCALL
+; X64FAST-LABEL: direct_tail:
+; X64FAST:   jmp direct_callee # TAILCALL
+declare void @nonlazybind_callee() #1
+define void @nonlazybind_caller() #0 {
+  call void @nonlazybind_callee()
+  tail call void @nonlazybind_callee()
+  ret void
+; X64-LABEL: nonlazybind_caller:
+; X64:       movq nonlazybind_callee@GOTPCREL(%rip), %[[REG:.*]]
+; X64:       movq %[[REG]], %r11
+; X64:       callq __llvm_retpoline_r11
+; X64:       movq %[[REG]], %r11
+; X64:       jmp __llvm_retpoline_r11 # TAILCALL
+; X64FAST-LABEL: nonlazybind_caller:
+; X64FAST:   movq nonlazybind_callee@GOTPCREL(%rip), %r11
+; X64FAST:   callq __llvm_retpoline_r11
+; X64FAST:   movq nonlazybind_callee@GOTPCREL(%rip), %r11
+; X64FAST:   jmp __llvm_retpoline_r11 # TAILCALL
+; Check that a switch gets lowered using a jump table
+define void @switch_jumptable(i32* %ptr, i64* %sink) #0 {
+; X64-LABEL: switch_jumptable:
+; X64_NOT:      jmpq *
+  br label %header
+  %i = load volatile i32, i32* %ptr
+  switch i32 %i, label %bb0 [
+    i32 1, label %bb1
+    i32 2, label %bb2
+    i32 3, label %bb3
+    i32 4, label %bb4
+    i32 5, label %bb5
+    i32 6, label %bb6
+    i32 7, label %bb7
+    i32 8, label %bb8
+    i32 9, label %bb9
+  ]
+  store volatile i64 0, i64* %sink
+  br label %header
+  store volatile i64 1, i64* %sink
+  br label %header
+  store volatile i64 2, i64* %sink
+  br label %header
+  store volatile i64 3, i64* %sink
+  br label %header
+  store volatile i64 4, i64* %sink
+  br label %header
+  store volatile i64 5, i64* %sink
+  br label %header
+  store volatile i64 6, i64* %sink
+  br label %header
+  store volatile i64 7, i64* %sink
+  br label %header
+  store volatile i64 8, i64* %sink
+  br label %header
+  store volatile i64 9, i64* %sink
+  br label %header
+@indirectbr_rewrite.targets = constant [10 x i8*] [i8* blockaddress(@indirectbr_rewrite, %bb0),
+                                                   i8* blockaddress(@indirectbr_rewrite, %bb1),
+                                                   i8* blockaddress(@indirectbr_rewrite, %bb2),
+                                                   i8* blockaddress(@indirectbr_rewrite, %bb3),
+                                                   i8* blockaddress(@indirectbr_rewrite, %bb4),
+                                                   i8* blockaddress(@indirectbr_rewrite, %bb5),
+                                                   i8* blockaddress(@indirectbr_rewrite, %bb6),
+                                                   i8* blockaddress(@indirectbr_rewrite, %bb7),
+                                                   i8* blockaddress(@indirectbr_rewrite, %bb8),
+                                                   i8* blockaddress(@indirectbr_rewrite, %bb9)]
+; Check that when thunks are enabled the indirectbr instruction gets
+; rewritten to use switch, and that in turn doesn't get lowered as a jump
+; table.
+define void @indirectbr_rewrite(i64* readonly %p, i64* %sink) #0 {
+; X64-LABEL: indirectbr_rewrite:
+; X64-NOT:     jmpq *
+  %i0 = load i64, i64* %p
+  %target.i0 = getelementptr [10 x i8*], [10 x i8*]* @indirectbr_rewrite.targets, i64 0, i64 %i0
+  %target0 = load i8*, i8** %target.i0
+  indirectbr i8* %target0, [label %bb1, label %bb3]
+  store volatile i64 0, i64* %sink
+  br label %latch
+  store volatile i64 1, i64* %sink
+  br label %latch
+  store volatile i64 2, i64* %sink
+  br label %latch
+  store volatile i64 3, i64* %sink
+  br label %latch
+  store volatile i64 4, i64* %sink
+  br label %latch
+  store volatile i64 5, i64* %sink
+  br label %latch
+  store volatile i64 6, i64* %sink
+  br label %latch
+  store volatile i64 7, i64* %sink
+  br label %latch
+  store volatile i64 8, i64* %sink
+  br label %latch
+  store volatile i64 9, i64* %sink
+  br label %latch
+ = load i64, i64* %p
+ = getelementptr [10 x i8*], [10 x i8*]* @indirectbr_rewrite.targets, i64 0, i64
+ = load i8*, i8**
+  ; Potentially hit a full 10 successors here so that even if we rewrite as
+  ; a switch it will try to be lowered with a jump table.
+  indirectbr i8*, [label %bb0,
+                                label %bb1,
+                                label %bb2,
+                                label %bb3,
+                                label %bb4,
+                                label %bb5,
+                                label %bb6,
+                                label %bb7,
+                                label %bb8,
+                                label %bb9]
+; Lastly check that the necessary thunks were emitted.
+; X64-LABEL:         .section        .text.__llvm_retpoline_r11,{{.*}},__llvm_retpoline_r11,comdat
+; X64-NEXT:          .hidden __llvm_retpoline_r11
+; X64-NEXT:          .weak   __llvm_retpoline_r11
+; X64:       __llvm_retpoline_r11:
+; X64-NEXT:  # {{.*}}                                # %entry
+; X64-NEXT:          lfence
+; X64-NEXT:          jmpq     *%r11
+attributes #1 = { nonlazybind }
Index: llvm/lib/Target/X86/X86Subtarget.h
--- llvm/lib/Target/X86/X86Subtarget.h
+++ llvm/lib/Target/X86/X86Subtarget.h
@@ -425,6 +425,12 @@
   /// than emitting one inside the compiler.
   bool UseRetpolineExternalThunk = false;
+  /// Prevent generation of indirect call/branch instructions from memory,
+  /// and force all indirect call/branch instructions from a register to be
+  /// preceded by an LFENCE. Also decompose RET instructions into a
+  /// POP+LFENCE+JMP sequence.
+  bool UseLVIControlFlowIntegrity = false;
   /// Use software floating point for code generation.
   bool UseSoftFloat = false;
@@ -713,6 +719,7 @@
   bool useRetpolineExternalThunk() const { return UseRetpolineExternalThunk; }
   bool preferMaskRegisters() const { return PreferMaskRegisters; }
   bool useGLMDivSqrtCosts() const { return UseGLMDivSqrtCosts; }
+  bool useLVIControlFlowIntegrity() const { return UseLVIControlFlowIntegrity; }
   unsigned getPreferVectorWidth() const { return PreferVectorWidth; }
   unsigned getRequiredVectorWidth() const { return RequiredVectorWidth; }
@@ -860,7 +867,7 @@
   /// If we are using retpolines, we need to expand indirectbr to avoid it
   /// lowering to an actual indirect jump.
   bool enableIndirectBrExpand() const override {
-    return useRetpolineIndirectBranches();
+    return useRetpolineIndirectBranches() || useLVIControlFlowIntegrity();
   /// Enable the MachineScheduler pass for all X86 subtargets.
Index: llvm/lib/Target/X86/X86RetpolineThunks.cpp
--- llvm/lib/Target/X86/X86RetpolineThunks.cpp
+++ llvm/lib/Target/X86/X86RetpolineThunks.cpp
@@ -246,6 +246,21 @@
   while (MF.size() > 1)
+  // This code mitigates LVI by replacing each indirect call/jump with a direct
+  // call/jump to a thunk that looks like:
+  // ```
+  // lfence
+  // jmpq *%r11
+  // ```
+  // This ensures that if the value in register %r11 was loaded from memory, then
+  // the value in %r11 is (architecturally) correct prior to the jump.
+  if (STI->useLVIControlFlowIntegrity()) {
+    BuildMI(Entry, DebugLoc(), TII->get(X86::LFENCE));
+    BuildMI(Entry, DebugLoc(), TII->get(X86::JMP64r)).addReg(Reg);
+    Entry->addLiveIn(Reg);
+    return;
+  }
   MachineBasicBlock *CaptureSpec = MF.CreateMachineBasicBlock(Entry->getBasicBlock());
   MachineBasicBlock *CallTarget = MF.CreateMachineBasicBlock(Entry->getBasicBlock());
   MCSymbol *TargetSym = MF.getContext().createTempSymbol();
Index: llvm/lib/Target/X86/
--- llvm/lib/Target/X86/
+++ llvm/lib/Target/X86/
@@ -431,6 +431,15 @@
           "ourselves. Only has effect when combined with some other retpoline "
           "feature", [FeatureRetpolineIndirectCalls]>;
+// Mitigate LVI attacks against indirect calls/branches and call returns
+def FeatureLVIControlFlowIntegrity
+    : SubtargetFeature<
+          "lvi-cfi", "UseLVIControlFlowIntegrity", "true",
+          "Prevent indirect calls/branches from using a memory operand, and "
+          "precede all indirect calls/branches from a register with an "
+          "LFENCE instruction to serialize control flow. Also decompose RET "
+          "instructions into a POP+LFENCE+JMP sequence.", [FeatureRetpoline]>;
 // Direct Move instructions.
 def FeatureMOVDIRI  : SubtargetFeature<"movdiri", "HasMOVDIRI", "true",
                                        "Support movdiri instruction">;
Index: clang/lib/Driver/ToolChains/Arch/X86.cpp
--- clang/lib/Driver/ToolChains/Arch/X86.cpp
+++ clang/lib/Driver/ToolChains/Arch/X86.cpp
@@ -146,6 +146,7 @@
   // flags). This is a bit hacky but keeps existing usages working. We should
   // consider deprecating this and instead warn if the user requests external
   // retpoline thunks and *doesn't* request some form of retpolines.
+  auto SpectreOpt = clang::driver::options::ID::OPT_INVALID;
   if (Args.hasArgNoClaim(options::OPT_mretpoline, options::OPT_mno_retpoline,
                          options::OPT_mno_speculative_load_hardening)) {
@@ -153,12 +154,14 @@
                      false)) {
+      SpectreOpt = options::OPT_mretpoline;
     } else if (Args.hasFlag(options::OPT_mspeculative_load_hardening,
                             false)) {
       // On x86, speculative load hardening relies on at least using retpolines
       // for indirect calls.
+      SpectreOpt = options::OPT_mspeculative_load_hardening;
   } else if (Args.hasFlag(options::OPT_mretpoline_external_thunk,
                           options::OPT_mno_retpoline_external_thunk, false)) {
@@ -166,6 +169,20 @@
     // eventually switch to an error here.
+    SpectreOpt = options::OPT_mretpoline_external_thunk;
+  }
+  auto LVIOpt = clang::driver::options::ID::OPT_INVALID;
+  if (Args.hasFlag(options::OPT_mlvi_cfi, options::OPT_mno_lvi_cfi, false)) {
+    Features.push_back("+lvi-cfi");
+    LVIOpt = options::OPT_mlvi_cfi;
+  }
+  if (SpectreOpt != clang::driver::options::ID::OPT_INVALID &&
+      LVIOpt != clang::driver::options::ID::OPT_INVALID) {
+    D.Diag(diag::err_drv_argument_not_allowed_with)
+        << D.getOpts().getOptionName(SpectreOpt)
+        << D.getOpts().getOptionName(LVIOpt);
   // Now add any that the user explicitly requested on the command line,
Index: clang/include/clang/Driver/
--- clang/include/clang/Driver/
+++ clang/include/clang/Driver/
@@ -2295,6 +2295,10 @@
   Group<m_Group>, Flags<[CoreOption,CC1Option]>;
 def mno_speculative_load_hardening : Flag<["-"], "mno-speculative-load-hardening">,
   Group<m_Group>, Flags<[CoreOption]>;
+def mlvi_cfi : Flag<["-"], "mlvi-cfi">, Group<m_Group>, Flags<[CoreOption,DriverOption]>,
+  HelpText<"Enable only control-flow mitigations for Load Value Injection (LVI)">;
+def mno_lvi_cfi : Flag<["-"], "mno-lvi-cfi">, Group<m_Group>, Flags<[CoreOption,DriverOption]>,
+  HelpText<"Disable control-flow mitigations for Load Value Injection (LVI)">;
 def mrelax : Flag<["-"], "mrelax">, Group<m_riscv_Features_Group>,
   HelpText<"Enable linker relaxation">;
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