njames93 added inline comments.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clang-tidy/ClangTidyDiagnosticConsumer.cpp:708-710
+    return std::tie(M1.FilePath, M1.FileOffset, LHS.DiagnosticName,
+                    M1.Message) <
+           std::tie(M2.FilePath, M2.FileOffset, RHS.DiagnosticName, 
nridge wrote:
> nridge wrote:
> > sammccall wrote:
> > > nridge wrote:
> > > > njames93 wrote:
> > > > > This looks like a clang-format artifact, there are several other 
> > > > > below. Could these be removed from this patch
> > > > If you insist, I can move them to a separate patch. I don't want to 
> > > > leave it unmodified because the change will come back every time 
> > > > someone touches the file.
> > > I don't personally care about this too much, but the changes are somewhat 
> > > distracting in review, blame etc.
> > > 
> > > The policy we've mostly followed is to format changed lines only (git 
> > > clang-format, turn format-on-save off) and leave misformatted code alone 
> > > until it's next touched.
> > > 
> > > (Not sure if LLVM offers any guidance either way, but that's what Google 
> > > does internally and IME it's been great)
> > The issue I have with that is that turning format-on-save off means you 
> > inevitably end up doing a lot of manual formatting as you write the code. 
> > With format-on-save, you can just write the tokens for a statement not 
> > caring about the formatting, do a save, and have the statement be formatted 
> > before you start writing the next one.
> I guess what we really want is "format on save for modified lines only". I 
> found a [VSCode 
> extension](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Gruntfuggly.format-modified)
>  which does that, I'll give that a try.
What I do (apart from when i forget) is run git clang-format before creating 
the patch, Then just don't worry about formatting while I'm writing the code.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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