f00kat marked 4 inline comments as done.
f00kat added a comment.

Ping? :)

Comment at: clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/CheckPlacementNew.cpp:189
+  if (const MemRegion *MRegion = PlaceVal.getAsRegion()) {
+    if (const ElementRegion *TheElementRegion =
+            MRegion->getAs<ElementRegion>()) {
NoQ wrote:
> NoQ wrote:
> > The sequence of `FieldRegion`s and `ElementRegion`s on top of a base region 
> > may be arbitrary: `var.a[0].b[1][2].c.d[3]` etc.
> > 
> > I'd rather unwrap those regions one-by-one in a loop and look at the 
> > alignment of each layer.
> Alternatively, just decompose the whole region into base region and offset 
> and see if base region has the necessary alignment and the offset is 
> divisible by the necessary alignment.
> The sequence of FieldRegions and ElementRegions on top of a base region may 
> be arbitrary: var.a[0].b[1][2].c.d[3] etc.

But i think(hope) I already do this and even have tests for this cases. For 
```void test22() {
  struct alignas(alignof(short)) Z {
    char p;
    char c[10];

  struct Y {
    char p;
    Z b[10];

  struct X {
    Y a[10];
  } Xi; // expected-note {{'Xi' initialized here}}

  // ok. 2(X align) + 1 (offset Y.p) + 1(align Z.p to 'short') + 1(offset Z.p) 
+ 3(index)
  ::new (&Xi.a[0].b[0].c[3]) long;

Cases with multidimensional arrays will also be handled correctly because 
method 'TheElementRegion->getAsArrayOffset()' calculates the offset for 
multidimensional arrays
```void testXX() {
        struct Y {
                char p;
                char b[10][10];

        struct X {
                Y a[10];
        } Xi;

        ::new (&Xi.a[0].b[0][0]) long;

I can explain the code below for ElementRegion if needed.

Comment at: clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/CheckPlacementNew.cpp:189
+  if (const MemRegion *MRegion = PlaceVal.getAsRegion()) {
+    if (const ElementRegion *TheElementRegion =
+            MRegion->getAs<ElementRegion>()) {
f00kat wrote:
> NoQ wrote:
> > NoQ wrote:
> > > The sequence of `FieldRegion`s and `ElementRegion`s on top of a base 
> > > region may be arbitrary: `var.a[0].b[1][2].c.d[3]` etc.
> > > 
> > > I'd rather unwrap those regions one-by-one in a loop and look at the 
> > > alignment of each layer.
> > Alternatively, just decompose the whole region into base region and offset 
> > and see if base region has the necessary alignment and the offset is 
> > divisible by the necessary alignment.
> > The sequence of FieldRegions and ElementRegions on top of a base region may 
> > be arbitrary: var.a[0].b[1][2].c.d[3] etc.
> But i think(hope) I already do this and even have tests for this cases. For 
> example
> ```void test22() {
>   struct alignas(alignof(short)) Z {
>     char p;
>     char c[10];
>   };
>   struct Y {
>     char p;
>     Z b[10];
>   };
>   struct X {
>     Y a[10];
>   } Xi; // expected-note {{'Xi' initialized here}}
>   // ok. 2(X align) + 1 (offset Y.p) + 1(align Z.p to 'short') + 1(offset 
> Z.p) + 3(index)
>   ::new (&Xi.a[0].b[0].c[3]) long;
> }```
> Cases with multidimensional arrays will also be handled correctly because 
> method 'TheElementRegion->getAsArrayOffset()' calculates the offset for 
> multidimensional arrays
> ```void testXX() {
>       struct Y {
>               char p;
>               char b[10][10];
>       };
>       struct X {
>               Y a[10];
>       } Xi;
>       ::new (&Xi.a[0].b[0][0]) long;
> }```
> I can explain the code below for ElementRegion if needed.

Comment at: clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/CheckPlacementNew.cpp:25
   void checkPreStmt(const CXXNewExpr *NE, CheckerContext &C) const;
NoQ wrote:
> Before i forget: Ideally @martong should have subscribed to [[ 
> https://clang.llvm.org/doxygen/classclang_1_1ento_1_1CheckerDocumentation.html#a7fdb3b5ff726f4c5e782cef0d59c01ad
>  | `checkNewAllocator` ]] because it fires before the construct-expression 
> whereas this callback fires after construct-expression which is too late as 
> the UB we're trying to catch has occured much earlier.
Ops, I forgot about it. Will be fixed soon.

Comment at: clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/CheckPlacementNew.cpp:25
   void checkPreStmt(const CXXNewExpr *NE, CheckerContext &C) const;
f00kat wrote:
> NoQ wrote:
> > Before i forget: Ideally @martong should have subscribed to [[ 
> > https://clang.llvm.org/doxygen/classclang_1_1ento_1_1CheckerDocumentation.html#a7fdb3b5ff726f4c5e782cef0d59c01ad
> >  | `checkNewAllocator` ]] because it fires before the construct-expression 
> > whereas this callback fires after construct-expression which is too late as 
> > the UB we're trying to catch has occured much earlier.
> Ops, I forgot about it. Will be fixed soon.
When I use checkNewAllocator instead of check::PreStmt<CXXNewExpr> an error 
occures in method PathDiagnosticBuilder::generate.
In the code ErrorNode->getLocation().getTag() because ProgramPoint contains an 
empty ProgramPointTag. 
I`m not very good with analyzer so its hard to understand what`s going on, but 
I`m still trying..

Comment at: clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/CheckPlacementNew.cpp:165-166
+  if (const MemRegion *MRegion = PlaceVal.getAsRegion()) {
+    if (const FieldRegion *TheFieldRegion = MRegion->getAs<FieldRegion>())
+      MRegion = TheFieldRegion->getBaseRegion();
NoQ wrote:
> You're saying that `A` is a struct and `a` is of type `A` and `&a` is 
> sufficiently aligned then for //every// field `f` in the struct `&a.f` is 
> sufficiently aligned. I'm not sure it's actually the case.
Yeah..Maybe we should take into account struct type align plus field offset? 
Currently, I am relying only on the fact that just struct type is aligned 

For example
```struct X
  char a;
  int b;
} x;```

Type X is aligned to 'int' and thus field 'x.a' is also aligned to 'int' 
because it goes first

```struct Y
  char a;
  int b;
  char c;
  char d;
} y;```

But here field 'y.d' is aligned to 'char'

I will learn more about RegionOffset and will be back :)

Comment at: clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/CheckPlacementNew.cpp:196-197
+    }
+  } else if (Optional<loc::ConcreteInt> TheConcreteInt =
+                 PlaceVal.getAs<loc::ConcreteInt>()) {
+    uint64_t PlaceAlign = *TheConcreteInt.getValue().getValue().getRawData();
NoQ wrote:
> I don't think you'll ever see this case in a real-world program. Even if you 
> would, i doubt we'll behave as expected, because we have [[ 
> https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/blob/llvmorg-10.0.0/clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/Store.cpp#L456
>  | certain hacks ]] in place that mess up arithmetic on concrete pointers. I 
> appreciate your thinking but i suggest removing this section for now as it'll 
> probably cause more false positives than true positives.
Okay I will remove it!

Comment at: clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/CheckPlacementNew.cpp:125
+        Msg = std::string(llvm::formatv(
+            "Possibly not enough {0} bytes for array allocation which "
+            "requires "
martong wrote:
> Maybe the below could be a wording that's more easy to follow?
> `{0} bytes is possibly not enough for array allocation which ...`
Yeah. Sure. I have some troubles with english :)

Comment at: clang/test/Analysis/placement-new.cpp:265
+  // bad 2(custom align) + 1(index '2' offset)
+  ::new (&Xi.b[1]) long; // expected-warning{{Storage type is aligned to 3 
bytes but allocated type is aligned to 8 bytes}} expected-note 1 {{}}
martong wrote:
> Maybe it is just me, but the contents of the parens here and above seems a 
> bit muddled `(index '2' offset)`. This should be `(index '1' offset)`, 
> shouldn't it?
> What is the exact meaning of the number in the hyphens (`'2'` in this case), 
> could you please elaborate?
Yeah, sorry it is copy-paste error. Of course there should be '1'.
```// bad 2(custom align) + 1(index '1' offset)```

Comment at: clang/test/Analysis/placement-new.cpp:256
+void f9() {
+  struct X {
martong wrote:
> First I was wondering if we indeed handle correctly structs with nested 
> arrays whose element's type is a structs with nested arrays (... and so on).
> So, I tried the below test, and it seems okay. Thus I think it might be worth 
> to add something similar to it.
> ```
> void f9_1() {
>   struct Y {
>     char a;
>     alignas(alignof(short)) char b[20];
>   };
>   struct X {
>     char e;
>     Y f[20];
>   } Xi; // expected-note {{'Xi' initialized here}}
>   // ok 2(custom align) + 6*1(index '6' offset)
>   ::new (&Xi.f[6].b[6]) long;
>   // bad 2(custom align) + 1*1(index '1' offset)
>   ::new (&Xi.f[1].b[1]) long; // expected-warning{{Storage type is aligned to 
> 3 bytes but allocated type is aligned to 8 bytes}} expected-note 1 {{}}
> }
> ```
Thanks! Added tests for this cases.



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