kadircet marked 5 inline comments as done.
kadircet added inline comments.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/Headers.cpp:44
+                                        PreLoc.getColumn());
+          PreLoc = SM.getPresumedLoc(FilenameRange.getBegin());
+          auto FileNameBegin = SM.translateLineCol(
kadircet wrote:
> sammccall wrote:
> > This part looks a little iffy to me, with all the coordinate transforms.
> > 
> > If we're synthesizing the include, chars don't have to match 1:1 right?
> > e.g. if the original code was `#   include     /* foo */ "bar.h" // baz` 
> > and we synthesize `#include "bar.h"`, how is this going to get the 
> > coordinates of "bar.h" right?
> > 
> > This seems awkward to resolve. `R` isn't actually used much though, 
> > go-to-definition looks at its line number only, and DocumentLink uses it 
> > (but it seems OK to just to do approximate re-lexing there). Maybe we can 
> > just drop it?
> > 
> > ---
> > (Original comment disregarding above problem)
> > 
> > Isn't it the case that the filename expansion location has to be in the 
> > same file as the hashloc?
> > So can we do something like:
> > 
> > ```
> > FilenameRange = SM.getExpansionRange(FilenameRange);
> > if (SM.getFileID(FilenameRange.start()) == 
> > SM.getFileID(FilenameRange.end()) == SM.getFileID(OrigHashLoc)) {
> >   // all in the same file
> >   // compute NewStart = OrigStart - OrigHashLoc + NewHashLoc, etc
> > } else {
> >   FilenameRange = CharSourceRange();
> > }
> > ```
> > This part looks a little iffy to me, with all the coordinate transforms.
> > 
> > If we're synthesizing the include, chars don't have to match 1:1 right?
> > e.g. if the original code was #   include     /* foo */ "bar.h" // baz and 
> > we synthesize #include "bar.h", how is this going to get the coordinates of 
> > "bar.h" right?
> well, the patching actually ensures both `#` and `"filename"` starts at the 
> correct offset, by padding them with whitespaces ignoring any comments and 
> such.
> > 
> > This seems awkward to resolve. R isn't actually used much though, 
> > go-to-definition looks at its line number only, and DocumentLink uses it 
> > (but it seems OK to just to do approximate re-lexing there). Maybe we can 
> > just drop it?
> I am fine with dropping it too, the padding looks really ugly in the patching 
> code :D.
> Regarding go-to-def, I suppose we can keep storing the include line, since we 
> calculate it anyway while getting the presumed location for HashLoc.
> For DocumentLink, I suppose we can either lex while handling the request or 
> store those separately in parsedast. I would go with the former.
sent out D79315.

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