martong accepted this revision.
martong added a comment.
Herald added a subscriber: rnkovacs.

In D79072#2026553 <>, @balazske wrote:

> This change is relatively small and the refactoring like part (introduction 
> of `checkVLA` if I think correct?) is connected to its use. The other change 
> is add of a new function (callback). This is probably small enough to go into 
> one change and we can see why the new function `checkVLA` is needed. So my 
> vote is to not split this change.

Okay, you convinced me. LGTM!

Comment at: clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/ExprEngineC.cpp:577
+  if (isa<TypedefNameDecl>(*DS->decl_begin())) {
+    ExplodedNodeSet DstPre;
+    getCheckerManager().runCheckersForPreStmt(DstPre, Pred, DS, *this);
balazske wrote:
> Should we not do something else with the VLA size expressions (not only call 
> the checker callbacks) because they should be evaluated, are these handled in 
> some other way automatically? (The CFG should contain these expressions 
> already so these should be evaluated by the engine, and this place is only to 
> make the checkers aware of `typedef` statements.)
Yeah, I agree with @balazske. This could be used for anything else in the 
future, not just for VLA. It is more generic than that.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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