yaxunl updated this revision to Diff 265606.
yaxunl marked 2 inline comments as done.
yaxunl edited the summary of this revision.
yaxunl added a reviewer: tra.
yaxunl added a comment.

check supported fp atomics by bits.




Index: clang/test/SemaOpenCL/atomic-ops.cl
--- clang/test/SemaOpenCL/atomic-ops.cl
+++ clang/test/SemaOpenCL/atomic-ops.cl
@@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -cl-std=CL2.0 -verify -fsyntax-only -triple=spir64
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -cl-std=CL2.0 -verify -fsyntax-only -triple=amdgcn-amdhsa-amd-opencl
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -cl-std=CL2.0 -verify=expected,spir \
+// RUN:   -fsyntax-only -triple=spir64
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -cl-std=CL2.0 -verify -fsyntax-only \
+// RUN:   -triple=amdgcn-amd-amdhsa
 // Basic parsing/Sema tests for __opencl_atomic_*
 #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_int64_base_atomics : enable
 #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_int64_extended_atomics : enable
+#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp16 : enable
 typedef __INTPTR_TYPE__ intptr_t;
 typedef int int8 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(8)));
@@ -36,7 +39,7 @@
 atomic_int gn;
 void f(atomic_int *i, const atomic_int *ci,
-       atomic_intptr_t *p, atomic_float *d,
+       atomic_intptr_t *p, atomic_float *d, atomic_double *d2, atomic_half *h, // expected-error {{unknown type name 'atomic_half'}}
        int *I, const int *CI,
        intptr_t *P, float *D, struct S *s1, struct S *s2,
        global atomic_int *i_g, local atomic_int *i_l, private atomic_int *i_p,
@@ -70,7 +73,8 @@
   __opencl_atomic_fetch_add(i, 1, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_scope_work_group);
   __opencl_atomic_fetch_add(p, 1, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_scope_work_group);
-  __opencl_atomic_fetch_add(d, 1, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_scope_work_group); // expected-error {{address argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to atomic integer or pointer ('__generic atomic_float *' (aka '__generic _Atomic(float) *') invalid)}}
+  __opencl_atomic_fetch_add(d, 1.0f, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_scope_work_group); // spir-error {{address argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to atomic integer, pointer or supported floating point type ('__generic atomic_float *' (aka '__generic _Atomic(float) *') invalid)}}
+  __opencl_atomic_fetch_add(d2, 1.0, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_scope_work_group); // spir-error {{address argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to atomic integer, pointer or supported floating point type ('__generic atomic_double *' (aka '__generic _Atomic(double) *') invalid)}}
   __opencl_atomic_fetch_and(i, 1, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_scope_work_group);
   __opencl_atomic_fetch_and(p, 1, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_scope_work_group);
   __opencl_atomic_fetch_and(d, 1, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_scope_work_group); // expected-error {{address argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to atomic integer ('__generic atomic_float *' (aka '__generic _Atomic(float) *') invalid)}}
Index: clang/test/SemaCUDA/amdgpu-atomic-ops.cu
--- /dev/null
+++ clang/test/SemaCUDA/amdgpu-atomic-ops.cu
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -verify -fsyntax-only -triple=amdgcn-amd-amdhsa \
+// RUN:   -fcuda-is-device -target-cpu gfx906 -fnative-half-type \
+// RUN:   -fnative-half-arguments-and-returns
+// REQUIRES: amdgpu-registered-target
+#include "Inputs/cuda.h"
+#include <stdatomic.h>
+__device__ _Float16 test_Flot16(_Float16 *p) {
+  return __atomic_fetch_sub(p, 1.0f16, memory_order_relaxed);
+  // expected-error@-1 {{address argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to integer, pointer or supported floating point type ('_Float16 *' invalid)}}
+__device__ __fp16 test_fp16(__fp16 *p) {
+  return __atomic_fetch_sub(p, 1.0f16, memory_order_relaxed);
+  // expected-error@-1 {{address argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to integer, pointer or supported floating point type ('__fp16 *' invalid)}}
Index: clang/test/Sema/atomic-ops.c
--- clang/test/Sema/atomic-ops.c
+++ clang/test/Sema/atomic-ops.c
@@ -99,7 +99,8 @@
 #define _AS2 __attribute__((address_space(2)))
 void f(_Atomic(int) *i, const _Atomic(int) *ci,
-       _Atomic(int*) *p, _Atomic(float) *d,
+       _Atomic(int*) *p, _Atomic(float) *d, _Atomic(double) *d2,
+       _Atomic(long double) *d3,
        int *I, const int *CI,
        int **P, float *D, struct S *s1, struct S *s2) {
   __c11_atomic_init(I, 5); // expected-error {{pointer to _Atomic}}
@@ -166,13 +167,15 @@
   __c11_atomic_fetch_add(i, 1, memory_order_seq_cst);
   __c11_atomic_fetch_add(p, 1, memory_order_seq_cst);
-  __c11_atomic_fetch_add(d, 1, memory_order_seq_cst); // expected-error {{must be a pointer to atomic integer or pointer}}
+  __c11_atomic_fetch_add(d, 1.0f, memory_order_seq_cst); // expected-error {{must be a pointer to atomic integer, pointer or supported floating point type}}
+  __c11_atomic_fetch_add(d2, 1.0, memory_order_seq_cst); // expected-error {{must be a pointer to atomic integer, pointer or supported floating point type}}
+  __c11_atomic_fetch_add(d3, 1.0, memory_order_seq_cst); // expected-error {{must be a pointer to atomic integer, pointer or supported floating point type}}
-  __atomic_fetch_add(i, 3, memory_order_seq_cst); // expected-error {{pointer to integer or pointer}}
+  __atomic_fetch_add(i, 3, memory_order_seq_cst); // expected-error {{pointer to integer, pointer or supported floating point type}}
   __atomic_fetch_sub(I, 3, memory_order_seq_cst);
   __atomic_fetch_sub(P, 3, memory_order_seq_cst);
-  __atomic_fetch_sub(D, 3, memory_order_seq_cst); // expected-error {{must be a pointer to integer or pointer}}
-  __atomic_fetch_sub(s1, 3, memory_order_seq_cst); // expected-error {{must be a pointer to integer or pointer}}
+  __atomic_fetch_sub(D, 3, memory_order_seq_cst); // expected-error {{must be a pointer to integer, pointer or supported floating point type}}
+  __atomic_fetch_sub(s1, 3, memory_order_seq_cst); // expected-error {{must be a pointer to integer, pointer or supported floating point type}}
   __atomic_fetch_min(D, 3, memory_order_seq_cst); // expected-error {{must be a pointer to integer}}
   __atomic_fetch_max(P, 3, memory_order_seq_cst); // expected-error {{must be a pointer to integer}}
   __atomic_fetch_max(p, 3);                       // expected-error {{too few arguments to function call, expected 3, have 2}}
Index: clang/test/CodeGenOpenCL/atomic-ops.cl
--- clang/test/CodeGenOpenCL/atomic-ops.cl
+++ clang/test/CodeGenOpenCL/atomic-ops.cl
@@ -1,12 +1,17 @@
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -cl-std=CL2.0 -emit-llvm -O0 -o - -triple=amdgcn-amd-amdhsa-amdgizcl | opt -instnamer -S | FileCheck %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -cl-std=CL2.0 -emit-llvm -O0 -o - -triple=amdgcn-amd-amdhsa \
+// RUN:   | opt -instnamer -S | FileCheck %s
 // Also test serialization of atomic operations here, to avoid duplicating the test.
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -cl-std=CL2.0 -emit-pch -O0 -o %t -triple=amdgcn-amd-amdhsa-amdgizcl
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -cl-std=CL2.0 -include-pch %t -O0 -triple=amdgcn-amd-amdhsa-amdgizcl -emit-llvm -o - | opt -instnamer -S | FileCheck %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -cl-std=CL2.0 -emit-pch -O0 -o %t -triple=amdgcn-amd-amdhsa
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -cl-std=CL2.0 -include-pch %t -O0 -triple=amdgcn-amd-amdhsa \
+// RUN:   -emit-llvm -o - | opt -instnamer -S | FileCheck %s
+#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_int64_base_atomics : enable
+#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_int64_extended_atomics : enable
 typedef __INTPTR_TYPE__ intptr_t;
 typedef int int8 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(8)));
@@ -185,6 +190,18 @@
   return __opencl_atomic_exchange(d, 2, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_scope_work_group);
+float ff4(global atomic_float *d, float a) {
+  // CHECK-LABEL: @ff4
+  // CHECK: atomicrmw fadd float addrspace(1)* {{.*}} syncscope("workgroup-one-as") monotonic
+  return __opencl_atomic_fetch_add(d, a, memory_order_relaxed, memory_scope_work_group);
+float ff5(global atomic_double *d, double a) {
+  // CHECK-LABEL: @ff5
+  // CHECK: atomicrmw fadd double addrspace(1)* {{.*}} syncscope("workgroup-one-as") monotonic
+  return __opencl_atomic_fetch_add(d, a, memory_order_relaxed, memory_scope_work_group);
 // CHECK-LABEL: @atomic_init_foo
 void atomic_init_foo()
Index: clang/test/CodeGenCUDA/amdgpu-atomic-ops.cu
--- /dev/null
+++ clang/test/CodeGenCUDA/amdgpu-atomic-ops.cu
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -emit-llvm -o - -triple=amdgcn-amd-amdhsa \
+// RUN:   -fcuda-is-device -target-cpu gfx906 -fnative-half-type \
+// RUN:   -fnative-half-arguments-and-returns | FileCheck %s
+// REQUIRES: amdgpu-registered-target
+#include "Inputs/cuda.h"
+#include <stdatomic.h>
+__device__ float ffp1(float *p) {
+  // CHECK-LABEL: @_Z4ffp1Pf
+  // CHECK: atomicrmw fadd float* {{.*}} monotonic
+  return __atomic_fetch_add(p, 1.0f, memory_order_relaxed);
+__device__ double ffp2(double *p) {
+  // CHECK-LABEL: @_Z4ffp2Pd
+  // CHECK: atomicrmw fsub double* {{.*}} monotonic
+  return __atomic_fetch_sub(p, 1.0, memory_order_relaxed);
+// long double is the same as double for amdgcn.
+__device__ long double ffp3(long double *p) {
+  // CHECK-LABEL: @_Z4ffp3Pe
+  // CHECK: atomicrmw fsub double* {{.*}} monotonic
+  return __atomic_fetch_sub(p, 1.0, memory_order_relaxed);
Index: clang/lib/Sema/SemaChecking.cpp
--- clang/lib/Sema/SemaChecking.cpp
+++ clang/lib/Sema/SemaChecking.cpp
@@ -4546,9 +4546,11 @@
   // For an arithmetic operation, the implied arithmetic must be well-formed.
   if (Form == Arithmetic) {
     // gcc does not enforce these rules for GNU atomics, but we do so for sanity.
-    if (IsAddSub && !ValType->isIntegerType()
-        && !ValType->isPointerType()) {
-      Diag(ExprRange.getBegin(), diag::err_atomic_op_needs_atomic_int_or_ptr)
+    if (IsAddSub && !ValType->isIntegerType() && !ValType->isPointerType() &&
+        (!ValType->isFloatingType() ||
+         !Context.getTargetInfo().isFPAtomicFetchAddSubSupportedByBits(
+             Context.getTypeSize(ValType)))) {
+      Diag(ExprRange.getBegin(), diag::err_atomic_op_needs_atomic_int_ptr_or_fp)
           << IsC11 << Ptr->getType() << Ptr->getSourceRange();
       return ExprError();
@@ -4675,7 +4677,8 @@
         // passed by address. For the rest, GNU uses by-address and C11 uses
         // by-value.
         assert(Form != Load);
-        if (Form == Init || (Form == Arithmetic && ValType->isIntegerType()))
+        if (Form == Init || (Form == Arithmetic && ValType->isIntegerType()) ||
+            (IsAddSub && ValType->isFloatingType()))
           Ty = ValType;
         else if (Form == Copy || Form == Xchg) {
           if (IsPassedByAddress) {
Index: clang/lib/CodeGen/CGAtomic.cpp
--- clang/lib/CodeGen/CGAtomic.cpp
+++ clang/lib/CodeGen/CGAtomic.cpp
@@ -595,21 +595,25 @@
   case AtomicExpr::AO__atomic_add_fetch:
-    PostOp = llvm::Instruction::Add;
+    PostOp = E->getValueType()->isFloatingType() ? llvm::Instruction::FAdd
+                                                 : llvm::Instruction::Add;
   case AtomicExpr::AO__c11_atomic_fetch_add:
   case AtomicExpr::AO__opencl_atomic_fetch_add:
   case AtomicExpr::AO__atomic_fetch_add:
-    Op = llvm::AtomicRMWInst::Add;
+    Op = E->getValueType()->isFloatingType() ? llvm::AtomicRMWInst::FAdd
+                                             : llvm::AtomicRMWInst::Add;
   case AtomicExpr::AO__atomic_sub_fetch:
-    PostOp = llvm::Instruction::Sub;
+    PostOp = E->getValueType()->isFloatingType() ? llvm::Instruction::FSub
+                                                 : llvm::Instruction::Sub;
   case AtomicExpr::AO__c11_atomic_fetch_sub:
   case AtomicExpr::AO__opencl_atomic_fetch_sub:
   case AtomicExpr::AO__atomic_fetch_sub:
-    Op = llvm::AtomicRMWInst::Sub;
+    Op = E->getValueType()->isFloatingType() ? llvm::AtomicRMWInst::FSub
+                                             : llvm::AtomicRMWInst::Sub;
   case AtomicExpr::AO__atomic_min_fetch:
@@ -807,6 +811,7 @@
   bool Oversized = getContext().toBits(sizeChars) > MaxInlineWidthInBits;
   bool Misaligned = (Ptr.getAlignment() % sizeChars) != 0;
   bool UseLibcall = Misaligned | Oversized;
+  bool ShouldCastToIntPtrTy = true;
   if (UseLibcall) {
     CGM.getDiags().Report(E->getBeginLoc(), diag::warn_atomic_op_misaligned)
@@ -876,11 +881,16 @@
       EmitStoreOfScalar(Val1Scalar, MakeAddrLValue(Temp, Val1Ty));
   case AtomicExpr::AO__atomic_fetch_add:
   case AtomicExpr::AO__atomic_fetch_sub:
   case AtomicExpr::AO__atomic_add_fetch:
   case AtomicExpr::AO__atomic_sub_fetch:
+    if (MemTy->isFloatingType()) {
+      ShouldCastToIntPtrTy = false;
+    }
   case AtomicExpr::AO__c11_atomic_store:
   case AtomicExpr::AO__c11_atomic_exchange:
   case AtomicExpr::AO__opencl_atomic_store:
@@ -921,15 +931,23 @@
   LValue AtomicVal = MakeAddrLValue(Ptr, AtomicTy);
   AtomicInfo Atomics(*this, AtomicVal);
-  Ptr = Atomics.emitCastToAtomicIntPointer(Ptr);
-  if (Val1.isValid()) Val1 = Atomics.convertToAtomicIntPointer(Val1);
-  if (Val2.isValid()) Val2 = Atomics.convertToAtomicIntPointer(Val2);
-  if (Dest.isValid())
-    Dest = Atomics.emitCastToAtomicIntPointer(Dest);
-  else if (E->isCmpXChg())
+  if (ShouldCastToIntPtrTy) {
+    Ptr = Atomics.emitCastToAtomicIntPointer(Ptr);
+    if (Val1.isValid())
+      Val1 = Atomics.convertToAtomicIntPointer(Val1);
+    if (Val2.isValid())
+      Val2 = Atomics.convertToAtomicIntPointer(Val2);
+  }
+  if (Dest.isValid()) {
+    if (ShouldCastToIntPtrTy)
+      Dest = Atomics.emitCastToAtomicIntPointer(Dest);
+  } else if (E->isCmpXChg())
     Dest = CreateMemTemp(RValTy, "cmpxchg.bool");
-  else if (!RValTy->isVoidType())
-    Dest = Atomics.emitCastToAtomicIntPointer(Atomics.CreateTempAlloca());
+  else if (!RValTy->isVoidType()) {
+    Dest = Atomics.CreateTempAlloca();
+    if (ShouldCastToIntPtrTy)
+      Dest = Atomics.emitCastToAtomicIntPointer(Dest);
+  }
   // Use a library call.  See: http://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/Atomic/GCCMM/LIbrary .
   if (UseLibcall) {
Index: clang/lib/Basic/Targets/AMDGPU.h
--- clang/lib/Basic/Targets/AMDGPU.h
+++ clang/lib/Basic/Targets/AMDGPU.h
@@ -356,6 +356,12 @@
   void setAuxTarget(const TargetInfo *Aux) override;
   bool hasExtIntType() const override { return true; }
+  bool isFPAtomicFetchAddSubSupportedByBits(unsigned Bits) const override {
+    if (Bits == 32 || Bits == 64)
+      return true;
+    return false;
+  }
 } // namespace targets
Index: clang/include/clang/Basic/TargetInfo.h
--- clang/include/clang/Basic/TargetInfo.h
+++ clang/include/clang/Basic/TargetInfo.h
@@ -1420,6 +1420,11 @@
   /// Whether target allows debuginfo types for decl only variables.
   virtual bool allowDebugInfoForExternalVar() const { return false; }
+  /// Whether floating point atomic fetch add/sub is supported.
+  virtual bool isFPAtomicFetchAddSubSupportedByBits(unsigned Bits) const {
+    return false;
+  }
   /// Copy type and layout related info.
   void copyAuxTarget(const TargetInfo *Aux);
Index: clang/include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticSemaKinds.td
--- clang/include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticSemaKinds.td
+++ clang/include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticSemaKinds.td
@@ -7919,6 +7919,9 @@
 def err_atomic_op_needs_trivial_copy : Error<
   "address argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to a "
   "trivially-copyable type (%0 invalid)">;
+def err_atomic_op_needs_atomic_int_ptr_or_fp : Error<
+  "address argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to %select{|atomic }0"
+  "integer, pointer or supported floating point type (%1 invalid)">;
 def err_atomic_op_needs_atomic_int_or_ptr : Error<
   "address argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to %select{|atomic }0"
   "integer or pointer (%1 invalid)">;
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