Author: Michael Liao
Date: 2020-06-10T14:10:41-04:00
New Revision: 8b6821a5843bb321b3738e2519beae7142e62928


LOG: [hip] Fix device-only relocatable code compilation.

- In HIP, just as the regular device-only compilation, the device-only
  relocatable code compilation should not involve offload bundle.
- In addition, that device-only relocatable code compilation should have
  the similar 3 steps, namely preprocessor, compile, and backend, to the
  regular code generation with `-emit-llvm`.

Reviewers: yaxunl, tra

Subscribers: cfe-commits

Tags: #clang

Differential Revision:




diff  --git a/clang/lib/Driver/Driver.cpp b/clang/lib/Driver/Driver.cpp
index 8cc5eceaa512..19faf0968e08 100644
--- a/clang/lib/Driver/Driver.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/Driver/Driver.cpp
@@ -2705,9 +2705,7 @@ class OffloadingActionBuilder final {
       // backend and assemble phases to output LLVM IR. Except for generating
       // non-relocatable device coee, where we generate fat binary for device
       // code and pass to host in Backend phase.
-      if (CudaDeviceActions.empty() ||
-          (CurPhase == phases::Backend && Relocatable) ||
-          CurPhase == phases::Assemble)
+      if (CudaDeviceActions.empty())
         return ABRT_Success;
       assert(((CurPhase == phases::Link && Relocatable) ||
@@ -2781,9 +2779,11 @@ class OffloadingActionBuilder final {
       // By default, we produce an action for each device arch.
-      for (Action *&A : CudaDeviceActions)
-        A = C.getDriver().ConstructPhaseAction(C, Args, CurPhase, A,
-                                               AssociatedOffloadKind);
+      if (!Relocatable || CurPhase <= phases::Backend) {
+        for (Action *&A : CudaDeviceActions)
+          A = C.getDriver().ConstructPhaseAction(C, Args, CurPhase, A,
+                                                 AssociatedOffloadKind);
+      }
       return (CompileDeviceOnly && CurPhase == FinalPhase) ? ABRT_Ignore_Host
                                                            : ABRT_Success;
@@ -3668,7 +3668,10 @@ Action *Driver::ConstructPhaseAction(
           Args.hasArg(options::OPT_S) ? types::TY_LTO_IR : types::TY_LTO_BC;
       return C.MakeAction<BackendJobAction>(Input, Output);
-    if (Args.hasArg(options::OPT_emit_llvm)) {
+    if (Args.hasArg(options::OPT_emit_llvm) ||
+        (TargetDeviceOffloadKind == Action::OFK_HIP &&
+         Args.hasFlag(options::OPT_fgpu_rdc, options::OPT_fno_gpu_rdc,
+                      false))) {
       types::ID Output =
           Args.hasArg(options::OPT_S) ? types::TY_LLVM_IR : types::TY_LLVM_BC;
       return C.MakeAction<BackendJobAction>(Input, Output);
@@ -4588,8 +4591,19 @@ const char *Driver::GetNamedOutputPath(Compilation &C, 
const JobAction &JA,
     // When using both -save-temps and -emit-llvm, use a ".tmp.bc" suffix for
     // the unoptimized bitcode so that it does not get overwritten by the ".bc"
     // optimized bitcode output.
-    if (!AtTopLevel && C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_emit_llvm) &&
-        JA.getType() == types::TY_LLVM_BC)
+    auto IsHIPRDCInCompilePhase = [](const JobAction &JA,
+                                     const llvm::opt::DerivedArgList &Args) {
+      // The relocatable compilation in HIP implies -emit-llvm. Similarly, use 
+      // ".tmp.bc" suffix for the unoptimized bitcode (generated in the compile
+      // phase.)
+      return isa<CompileJobAction>(JA) &&
+             JA.getOffloadingDeviceKind() == Action::OFK_HIP &&
+             Args.hasFlag(options::OPT_fgpu_rdc, options::OPT_fno_gpu_rdc,
+                          false);
+    };
+    if (!AtTopLevel && JA.getType() == types::TY_LLVM_BC &&
+        (C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_emit_llvm) ||
+         IsHIPRDCInCompilePhase(JA, C.getArgs())))
       Suffixed += ".tmp";
     Suffixed += '.';
     Suffixed += Suffix;

diff  --git a/clang/test/Driver/hip-rdc-device-only.hip 
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4bdff628466a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clang/test/Driver/hip-rdc-device-only.hip
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+// REQUIRES: clang-driver
+// REQUIRES: x86-registered-target
+// REQUIRES: amdgpu-registered-target
+// RUN: %clang -### -target x86_64-linux-gnu \
+// RUN:   -x hip --cuda-gpu-arch=gfx803 --cuda-gpu-arch=gfx900 \
+// RUN:   -c -nogpuinc -nogpulib --cuda-device-only -fgpu-rdc \
+// RUN:   %S/Inputs/hip_multiple_inputs/ \
+// RUN:   %S/Inputs/hip_multiple_inputs/b.hip \
+// RUN: 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefixes=COMMON,EMITBC %s
+// With `-emit-llvm`, the output should be the same as the aforementioned line
+// as `-fgpu-rdc` in HIP implies `-emit-llvm`.
+// RUN: %clang -### -target x86_64-linux-gnu \
+// RUN:   -x hip --cuda-gpu-arch=gfx803 --cuda-gpu-arch=gfx900 \
+// RUN:   -c -emit-llvm -nogpuinc -nogpulib --cuda-device-only -fgpu-rdc \
+// RUN:   %S/Inputs/hip_multiple_inputs/ \
+// RUN:   %S/Inputs/hip_multiple_inputs/b.hip \
+// RUN: 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefixes=COMMON,EMITBC %s
+// RUN: %clang -### -target x86_64-linux-gnu \
+// RUN:   -x hip --cuda-gpu-arch=gfx803 --cuda-gpu-arch=gfx900 \
+// RUN:   -S -nogpuinc -nogpulib --cuda-device-only -fgpu-rdc \
+// RUN:   %S/Inputs/hip_multiple_inputs/ \
+// RUN:   %S/Inputs/hip_multiple_inputs/b.hip \
+// RUN: 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefixes=COMMON,EMITLL %s
+// With `-emit-llvm`, the output should be the same as the aforementioned line
+// as `-fgpu-rdc` in HIP implies `-emit-llvm`.
+// RUN: %clang -### -target x86_64-linux-gnu \
+// RUN:   -x hip --cuda-gpu-arch=gfx803 --cuda-gpu-arch=gfx900 \
+// RUN:   -S -emit-llvm -nogpuinc -nogpulib --cuda-device-only -fgpu-rdc \
+// RUN:   %S/Inputs/hip_multiple_inputs/ \
+// RUN:   %S/Inputs/hip_multiple_inputs/b.hip \
+// RUN: 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefixes=COMMON,EMITLL %s
+// With `-save-temps`, commane lines for each steps are dumped. For assembly
+// output, there should 3 steps (preprocessor, compile, and backend) per source
+// and per target, totally 12 steps.
+// RUN: %clang -### -save-temps -target x86_64-linux-gnu \
+// RUN:   -x hip --cuda-gpu-arch=gfx803 --cuda-gpu-arch=gfx900 \
+// RUN:   -S -nogpuinc -nogpulib --cuda-device-only -fgpu-rdc \
+// RUN:   %S/Inputs/hip_multiple_inputs/ \
+// RUN:   %S/Inputs/hip_multiple_inputs/b.hip \
+// RUN: 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix=SAVETEMP %s
+// COMMON: [[CLANG:".*clang.*"]] "-cc1" "-triple" "amdgcn-amd-amdhsa"
+// COMMON-SAME: "-aux-triple" "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
+// EMITBC-SAME: "-emit-llvm-bc"
+// EMITLL-SAME: "-emit-llvm"
+// COMMON-SAME: {{.*}} "-main-file-name" "" {{.*}} "-target-cpu" "gfx803"
+// COMMON-SAME: "-fcuda-is-device" "-fgpu-rdc" 
"-fcuda-allow-variadic-functions" "-fvisibility" "hidden"
+// COMMON-SAME: "-fapply-global-visibility-to-externs"
+// EMITBC-SAME: {{.*}} "-o" {{"a.*bc"}} "-x" "hip"
+// EMITLL-SAME: {{.*}} "-o" {{"a.*ll"}} "-x" "hip"
+// CHECK-SAME: {{.*}} {{".*"}}
+// COMMON: [[CLANG]] "-cc1" "-triple" "amdgcn-amd-amdhsa"
+// COMMON-SAME: "-aux-triple" "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
+// EMITBC-SAME: "-emit-llvm-bc"
+// EMITLL-SAME: "-emit-llvm"
+// COMMON-SAME: {{.*}} "-main-file-name" "" {{.*}} "-target-cpu" "gfx900"
+// COMMON-SAME: "-fcuda-is-device" "-fgpu-rdc" 
"-fcuda-allow-variadic-functions" "-fvisibility" "hidden"
+// COMMON-SAME: "-fapply-global-visibility-to-externs"
+// EMITBC-SAME: {{.*}} "-o" {{"a.*bc"}} "-x" "hip"
+// EMITLL-SAME: {{.*}} "-o" {{"a.*ll"}} "-x" "hip"
+// COMMON-SAME: {{.*}} {{".*"}}
+// COMMON: [[CLANG]] "-cc1" "-triple" "amdgcn-amd-amdhsa"
+// COMMON-SAME: "-aux-triple" "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
+// EMITBC-SAME: "-emit-llvm-bc"
+// EMITLL-SAME: "-emit-llvm"
+// COMMON-SAME: {{.*}} "-main-file-name" "b.hip" {{.*}} "-target-cpu" "gfx803"
+// COMMON-SAME: "-fcuda-is-device" "-fgpu-rdc" 
"-fcuda-allow-variadic-functions" "-fvisibility" "hidden"
+// COMMON-SAME: "-fapply-global-visibility-to-externs"
+// EMITBC-SAME: {{.*}} "-o" {{"b.*bc"}} "-x" "hip"
+// EMITLL-SAME: {{.*}} "-o" {{"b.*ll"}} "-x" "hip"
+// COMMON-SAME: {{.*}} {{".*b.hip"}}
+// COMMON: [[CLANG]] "-cc1" "-triple" "amdgcn-amd-amdhsa"
+// COMMON-SAME: "-aux-triple" "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
+// EMITBC-SAME: "-emit-llvm-bc"
+// EMITLL-SAME: "-emit-llvm"
+// COMMON-SAME: {{.*}} "-main-file-name" "b.hip" {{.*}} "-target-cpu" "gfx900"
+// COMMON-SAME: "-fcuda-is-device" "-fgpu-rdc" 
"-fcuda-allow-variadic-functions" "-fvisibility" "hidden"
+// COMMON-SAME: "-fapply-global-visibility-to-externs"
+// EMITBC-SAME: {{.*}} "-o" {{"b.*bc"}} "-x" "hip"
+// EMITLL-SAME: {{.*}} "-o" {{"b.*ll"}} "-x" "hip"
+// COMMON-SAME: {{.*}} {{".*b.hip"}}
+// SAVETEMP: [[CLANG:".*clang.*"]] "-cc1" "-triple" "amdgcn-amd-amdhsa" 
"-aux-triple" "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
+// SAVETEMP-SAME: {{.*}} "-main-file-name" "" {{.*}} "-target-cpu" "gfx803"
+// SAVETEMP-SAME: {{.*}} "-o" [[A_GFX803_CUI:"a.*cui"]] "-x" "hip" {{".*"}}
+// SAVETEMP-NEXT: [[CLANG]] "-cc1" "-triple" "amdgcn-amd-amdhsa" "-aux-triple" 
+// SAVETEMP-SAME: "-emit-llvm-bc"
+// SAVETEMP-SAME: {{.*}} "-main-file-name" "" {{.*}} "-target-cpu" "gfx803"
+// SAVETEMP-SAME: {{.*}} "-o" [[A_GFX803_TMP_BC:"a.*tmp.bc"]] "-x" 
"hip-cpp-output" [[A_GFX803_CUI]]
+// SAVETEMP-NEXT: [[CLANG]] "-cc1" "-triple" "amdgcn-amd-amdhsa" "-aux-triple" 
+// SAVETEMP-SAME: "-emit-llvm"
+// SAVETEMP-SAME: {{.*}} "-main-file-name" "" {{.*}} "-target-cpu" "gfx803"
+// SAVETEMP-SAME: {{.*}} "-o" {{"a.*.ll"}} "-x" "ir" [[A_GFX803_TMP_BC]]
+// SAVETEMP: [[CLANG]] "-cc1" "-triple" "amdgcn-amd-amdhsa" "-aux-triple" 
+// SAVETEMP-SAME: {{.*}} "-main-file-name" "" {{.*}} "-target-cpu" "gfx900"
+// SAVETEMP-SAME: {{.*}} "-o" [[A_GFX900_CUI:"a.*cui"]] "-x" "hip" {{".*"}}
+// SAVETEMP-NEXT: [[CLANG]] "-cc1" "-triple" "amdgcn-amd-amdhsa" "-aux-triple" 
+// SAVETEMP-SAME: "-emit-llvm-bc"
+// SAVETEMP-SAME: {{.*}} "-main-file-name" "" {{.*}} "-target-cpu" "gfx900"
+// SAVETEMP-SAME: {{.*}} "-o" [[A_GFX900_TMP_BC:"a.*tmp.bc"]] "-x" 
"hip-cpp-output" [[A_GFX900_CUI]]
+// SAVETEMP-NEXT: [[CLANG]] "-cc1" "-triple" "amdgcn-amd-amdhsa" "-aux-triple" 
+// SAVETEMP-SAME: "-emit-llvm"
+// SAVETEMP-SAME: {{.*}} "-main-file-name" "" {{.*}} "-target-cpu" "gfx900"
+// SAVETEMP-SAME: {{.*}} "-o" {{"a.*.ll"}} "-x" "ir" [[A_GFX900_TMP_BC]]
+// SAVETEMP: [[CLANG]] "-cc1" "-triple" "amdgcn-amd-amdhsa" "-aux-triple" 
+// SAVETEMP-SAME: {{.*}} "-main-file-name" "b.hip" {{.*}} "-target-cpu" 
+// SAVETEMP-SAME: {{.*}} "-o" [[B_GFX803_CUI:"b.*cui"]] "-x" "hip" 
+// SAVETEMP-NEXT: [[CLANG]] "-cc1" "-triple" "amdgcn-amd-amdhsa" "-aux-triple" 
+// SAVETEMP-SAME: "-emit-llvm-bc"
+// SAVETEMP-SAME: {{.*}} "-main-file-name" "b.hip" {{.*}} "-target-cpu" 
+// SAVETEMP-SAME: {{.*}} "-o" [[B_GFX803_TMP_BC:"b.*tmp.bc"]] "-x" 
"hip-cpp-output" [[B_GFX803_CUI]]
+// SAVETEMP-NEXT: [[CLANG]] "-cc1" "-triple" "amdgcn-amd-amdhsa" "-aux-triple" 
+// SAVETEMP-SAME: "-emit-llvm"
+// SAVETEMP-SAME: {{.*}} "-main-file-name" "b.hip" {{.*}} "-target-cpu" 
+// SAVETEMP-SAME: {{.*}} "-o" {{"b.*.ll"}} "-x" "ir" [[B_GFX803_TMP_BC]]
+// SAVETEMP: [[CLANG]] "-cc1" "-triple" "amdgcn-amd-amdhsa" "-aux-triple" 
+// SAVETEMP-SAME: {{.*}} "-main-file-name" "b.hip" {{.*}} "-target-cpu" 
+// SAVETEMP-SAME: {{.*}} "-o" [[B_GFX900_CUI:"b.*cui"]] "-x" "hip" 
+// SAVETEMP-NEXT: [[CLANG]] "-cc1" "-triple" "amdgcn-amd-amdhsa" "-aux-triple" 
+// SAVETEMP-SAME: "-emit-llvm-bc"
+// SAVETEMP-SAME: {{.*}} "-main-file-name" "b.hip" {{.*}} "-target-cpu" 
+// SAVETEMP-SAME: {{.*}} "-o" [[B_GFX900_TMP_BC:"b.*tmp.bc"]] "-x" 
"hip-cpp-output" [[B_GFX900_CUI]]
+// SAVETEMP-NEXT: [[CLANG]] "-cc1" "-triple" "amdgcn-amd-amdhsa" "-aux-triple" 
+// SAVETEMP-SAME: "-emit-llvm"
+// SAVETEMP-SAME: {{.*}} "-main-file-name" "b.hip" {{.*}} "-target-cpu" 
+// SAVETEMP-SAME: {{.*}} "-o" {{"b.*.ll"}} "-x" "ir" [[B_GFX900_TMP_BC]]

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