NoQ added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/utils/analyzer/projects/box2d/run_static_analyzer.cmd:1
+cmake . -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Bbuild -GNinja
+cmake --build build
vsavchenko wrote:
> NoQ wrote:
> > Is there a flag to enable assertions or something like that? Usually we 
> > recommend people to enable assertions during analysis. It's also valuable 
> > to test that assertions are actually working.
> > 
> > Disabling assertions is in fact relatively good for reference results 
> > testing because all the false positives that they suppress are suddenly 
> > visible, and therefore the signal we receive from such testing is amplified 
> > significantly. But i wouldn't force such workflow on our 
> > solution-for-everyone because that requires a certain level of masochism in 
> > order to distinguish between "my patch introduced a false positive and it's 
> > bad" and "my patch introduced a false positive but it would have been 
> > suppressed by assertions and we do actually want to emit the warning in 
> > absence of assertions so it's good".
> CMake doesn't have a unified solution for "Release with assertions" type of 
> build.  It is usually done on per-project basis (like in LLVM).  I guess 
> rather than searching for such a flag for every project, we can indeed change 
> it to **Debug**.
Maybe something like `-DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-UNDEBUG` could also work (or use 
`scan-build --force-analyze-debug-code` which is basically the same thing) but 
choosing `Debug` indeed sounds like the sanest solution.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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