hokein added inline comments.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/ConfigCompile.cpp:65
+    if (F.HasUnrecognizedCondition)
+      Conditions.push_back([&](const Params &) { return false; });
sammccall wrote:
> hokein wrote:
> > I think if this case happened, we might just bail out directly -- adding 
> > the regex conditions seems unnecessary, we never execute them on Line 127 
> > (but we might still need computing the regex for diagnostics).
> > 
> > and I'm not sure the motivation of using `vector` for `Conditions` and 
> > `Apply`, it looks like Apply is just 1 element (if we do the bailout for 
> > conditions, `Conditions` will be at most 1 element).
> > 
> > I feel like using a single unique_function for `Conditions` and `Apply` 
> > might be a better fit with `Fragment`. There is a comment in 
> > `ConfigFragment.h`:
> > 
> > >  Each separate condition must match (combined with AND).
> > >  When one condition has multiple values, any may match (combined with OR).
> >  
> > so my reading is that:
> > 
> > - `Fragment` and `CompiledFragment` is a 1:1 mapping
> > - A `Fragment::Condition` represents a single condition, so the AND match 
> > applies for different `Fragment`s, which is in ConfigProvider?
> > - A single condition can have multiple values (`PathMatch`), we use OR match
> > 
> > Is that correct?
> > I think if this case happened, we might just bail out directly -- adding 
> > the regex conditions seems unnecessary, we never execute them on Line 127 
> > (but we might still need computing the regex for diagnostics).
> >
> > and I'm not sure the motivation of using vector for Conditions and Apply, 
> > it looks like Apply is just 1 element (if we do the bailout for conditions, 
> > Conditions will be at most 1 element).
> So the explanation for both of these things is that this file is going to 
> grow a lot, and in particular these sections handling PathMatch etc are going 
> to occur again and again, so we need a scalable pattern. I've deliberately 
> limited the scope of the first patchset to only support one condition, one 
> setting to apply etc, but you have to imagine there are likely to be 5 
> conditions and maybe 25 settings.
> So with that in mind:
>  - yes, actually saving the conditions isn't necessary, but we do need to 
> evaluate them for side-effects (diagnostics) and it's simpler not to keep 
> track of them. Optimizing performance of broken configs is not a big win :-)
>  - it's marginally simpler to have only one Apply function, but much simpler 
> if separate parts of compile() can push settings independently. Same goes for 
> condition in fact...
> > Fragment and CompiledFragment is a 1:1 mapping
> Yes. I think this is somewhere where the naming is helpful at least :-)
> > A Fragment::Condition represents a single condition, so the AND match 
> > applies for different Fragments, which is in ConfigProvider?
> The AND match applies to the multiple Conditions in a single 
> CompiledFragment. Each fragment only considers its own conditions. 
> So given:
> ```
> If:
>   Platform: win
>   PathMatch: [foo1/.*, foo2/.*]
> CompileFlags:
>   Add: -foo
> ---
> CompileFlags:
>   Add: -bar
> ```
> We end up with... one Provider, suppling two CompiledFragments (each compiled 
> from a separate Fragment).
> The first CompiledFragment has two Conditions, conceptually:
>  - `Params.Platform == "win"`
>  - `Regex("foo1/.*").matches(Params.File) || 
> Regex("foo2/.*").matches(Params.File)`
> The second CompiledFragment has no Conditions. Each fragment has one Apply 
> function.
> The CompiledFragments are applied independently. They each consider their own 
> Conditions, ANDing them together.
> So CompiledFragment #1 checks both conditions. If any fails, it bails out. 
> Otherwise it runs its Apply function, adding `-foo`.
> Then CompiledFragment #2 runs. It has no conditions, so never bails out. It 
> adds `-bar`.
oh, thanks for the explanation, this helps me a lot to understand the code.

so the member `Condition` in `Fragment` will be enhanced to something like 
`std::vector<XXX> Conditions` in the future? If so, can we defer that for 
`CompiledFragment` as well? 

Since `Fragment` and `CompiledFragment` is 1:1 mapping, I think it is important 
to keep their implementation aligned, it'd help a lot for readers to understand 
the code. The condition logic (AND, OR) is subtle and complicated,  I was 
reading this part of code back and forth, still inferred it in an incorrect way.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/ConfigCompile.cpp:40
+struct Impl {
+  std::vector<llvm::unique_function<bool(const Params &) const>> Conditions;
nit: I'd use a more verbose name, `CompiledFragmentImpl`.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/ConfigCompile.cpp:46
+      if (!C(P)) {
+        dlog("config::Fragment {0}: condition not met", this);
+        return false;
maybe `Impl::applying config ...` to allow better debug logging?

this reminds us: since the config can easily become a monster, think about 
multiple config files from different sources (user config file, project config 
file, LSP, flags) are applied together, we might need a tracing mechanism (at 
least some useful logs) to help us diagnose a final complicated config. no need 
to do anything in this patch, just something we should keep in mind.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/ConfigCompile.cpp:126
+CompiledFragment Fragment::compile(DiagnosticCallback D) && {
+  llvm::StringRef SourceFile = "<unknown>";
+  std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> LineCol = {0, 0};
nit: maybe name it ConfigFile, SourceFile sounds like a .cpp file.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/ConfigFragment.h:35
+#include "ConfigProvider.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
the dependence ( `ConfigFragment.h` depends on `ConfigProvider.h`) seems a bit 

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/ConfigFragment.h:81
+  /// The returned function is a cheap-copyable wrapper of refcounted 
+  CompiledFragment compile(DiagnosticCallback) &&;
this API is neat, thanks!

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/ConfigProvider.h:47
+  /// This always produces a usable compiled fragment (errors are recovered).
+  explicit CompiledFragment(Fragment, DiagnosticCallback);
sammccall wrote:
> sammccall wrote:
> > hokein wrote:
> > > sammccall wrote:
> > > > hokein wrote:
> > > > > Would it be more nature to have a function `compile`(or so) to do the 
> > > > > actual compile (Fragment -> CompiledFragment) rather than doing it in 
> > > > > a constructor?
> > > > I'm not sure. The idea that the input/result is 
> > > > Fragment/CompiledFragment, and that the compilation cannot fail, 
> > > > suggests to me that a constructor is OK here.
> > > > On the other hand, the DiangosticCallback param (which we don't keep a 
> > > > reference to) is a bit weird.
> > > > 
> > > > So I don't really feel strongly about it one way or the other, happy to 
> > > > change it if you do think it would be significantly better.
> > > You point is fair. 
> > > I'm not sure using `compile` is *significantly* better, but it is better 
> > > IMO -- conceptually, the class name `CompiledFragment` implies that there 
> > > should be a `compile` API (this was my impression when reading the code 
> > > at the first time)
> > > 
> > > it might be ok to keep as-is.
> > Argh, you convinced me this would be better, but I can't come up with a 
> > form I like.
> > 
> > - `static CompiledFragment::compile` repeats itself in a weird way. But any 
> > other option requires messing around with friend functions, which feels off
> > - `Fragment::compile` is maybe the most natural, but the dependencies are 
> > backwards (needs the CompiledFragment type, it gets implemented in the 
> > wrong file...).
> > - standalone `compile()` is maybe the most palatable, but seems a little 
> > undiscoverable
> > - having a function return CompiledFragment means that putting it into a 
> > shared_ptr is annoying work, and breaks our pointer-logging trick, but 
> > having the factory function return a pointer also seems odd.
> > 
> > I'm starting to think maybe the CompiledFragment class shouldn't be public 
> > at all, and we should just `using CompiledFragment = 
> > unique_function<bool(const Params&, Config&) const>`. WDYT?
> > I'm starting to think maybe the CompiledFragment class shouldn't be public 
> > at all
> Thinking more about this:
>  - making it std::function<...> instead lets us wrap the shared_ptr inside 
> which makes a few APIs a bit cleaner
>  - as its an interface type, this leaves config providers free to use other 
> ways of manipulating config rather than going via fragments, which is 
> potentially nice for embedders
>  - the main downside is we're committing to not exposing any more structure 
> (e.g. querying a fragment for which directory it applies to)
> starting to quite like this idea.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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