Author: Yitzhak Mandelbaum
Date: 2020-07-24T12:51:54Z
New Revision: cf428778128fed5eacee884964af53bf4a9f74f2


LOG: [libTooling] Add assorted `EditGenerator` combinators.

This patch adds various combinators that help in constructing `EditGenerator`s:
   * `noEdits`
   * `ifBound`, specialized to `ASTEdit`
   * `flatten` and `flattenVector` which allow for easy construction from a set
     of sub edits.
   * `shrinkTo`, which generates edits to shrink a given range to another that
     it encloses.

Reviewers: asoffer, gribozavr2

Subscribers: cfe-commits

Tags: #clang

Differential Revision:




diff  --git a/clang/include/clang/Tooling/Transformer/MatchConsumer.h 
index f407ffce3d25..cb0a5f684b7d 100644
--- a/clang/include/clang/Tooling/Transformer/MatchConsumer.h
+++ b/clang/include/clang/Tooling/Transformer/MatchConsumer.h
@@ -99,11 +99,5 @@ llvm::Expected<T> MatchComputation<T>::eval(
   return Output;
 } // namespace transformer
-namespace tooling {
-// DEPRECATED: Temporary alias supporting client migration to the `transformer`
-// namespace.
-using transformer::ifBound;
-} // namespace tooling
 } // namespace clang

diff  --git a/clang/include/clang/Tooling/Transformer/RewriteRule.h 
index 1be572736460..c22a2da81fe6 100644
--- a/clang/include/clang/Tooling/Transformer/RewriteRule.h
+++ b/clang/include/clang/Tooling/Transformer/RewriteRule.h
@@ -107,9 +107,42 @@ struct ASTEdit {
 /// clients.  We recommend use of the \c AtomicChange or \c Replacements 
 /// for assistance in detecting such conflicts.
 EditGenerator editList(llvm::SmallVector<ASTEdit, 1> Edits);
-// Convenience form of `editList` for a single edit.
+/// Convenience form of `editList` for a single edit.
 EditGenerator edit(ASTEdit);
+/// Convenience generator for a no-op edit generator.
+inline EditGenerator noEdits() { return editList({}); }
+/// Convenience version of `ifBound` specialized to `ASTEdit`.
+inline EditGenerator ifBound(std::string ID, ASTEdit TrueEdit,
+                             ASTEdit FalseEdit) {
+  return ifBound(std::move(ID), edit(std::move(TrueEdit)),
+                 edit(std::move(FalseEdit)));
+/// Convenience version of `ifBound` that has no "False" branch. If the node is
+/// not bound, then no edits are produced.
+inline EditGenerator ifBound(std::string ID, ASTEdit TrueEdit) {
+  return ifBound(std::move(ID), edit(std::move(TrueEdit)), noEdits());
+/// Flattens a list of generators into a single generator whose elements are 
+/// concatenation of the results of the argument generators.
+EditGenerator flattenVector(SmallVector<EditGenerator, 2> Generators);
+namespace detail {
+/// Convenience function to construct an \c EditGenerator. Overloaded for 
+/// cases so that user doesn't need to specify which factory function to
+/// use. This pattern gives benefits similar to implicit constructors, while
+/// maintaing a higher degree of explicitness.
+inline EditGenerator injectEdits(ASTEdit E) { return edit(std::move(E)); }
+inline EditGenerator injectEdits(EditGenerator G) { return G; }
+} // namespace detail
+template <typename... Ts> EditGenerator flatten(Ts &&...Edits) {
+  return flattenVector({detail::injectEdits(std::forward<Ts>(Edits))...});
 /// Format of the path in an include directive -- angle brackets or quotes.
 enum class IncludeFormat {
@@ -291,6 +324,14 @@ inline ASTEdit withMetadata(ASTEdit Edit, Callable 
Metadata) {
   return Edit;
+/// Assuming that the inner range is enclosed by the outer range, creates
+/// precision edits to remove the parts of the outer range that are not 
+/// in the inner range.
+inline EditGenerator shrinkTo(RangeSelector outer, RangeSelector inner) {
+  return editList({remove(enclose(before(outer), before(inner))),
+                   remove(enclose(after(inner), after(outer)))});
 /// The following three functions are a low-level part of the RewriteRule
 /// API. We expose them for use in implementing the fixtures that interpret
 /// RewriteRule, like Transformer and TransfomerTidy, or for more advanced

diff  --git a/clang/lib/Tooling/Transformer/RewriteRule.cpp 
index a212a868c81d..c145895af7ab 100644
--- a/clang/lib/Tooling/Transformer/RewriteRule.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/Tooling/Transformer/RewriteRule.cpp
@@ -68,6 +68,24 @@ EditGenerator transformer::edit(ASTEdit Edit) {
+transformer::flattenVector(SmallVector<EditGenerator, 2> Generators) {
+  if (Generators.size() == 1)
+    return std::move(Generators[0]);
+  return
+      [Gs = std::move(Generators)](
+          const MatchResult &Result) -> llvm::Expected<SmallVector<Edit, 1>> {
+        SmallVector<Edit, 1> AllEdits;
+        for (const auto &G : Gs) {
+          llvm::Expected<SmallVector<Edit, 1>> Edits = G(Result);
+          if (!Edits)
+            return Edits.takeError();
+          AllEdits.append(Edits->begin(), Edits->end());
+        }
+        return AllEdits;
+      };
 ASTEdit transformer::changeTo(RangeSelector Target, TextGenerator Replacement) 
   ASTEdit E;
   E.TargetRange = std::move(Target);

diff  --git a/clang/unittests/Tooling/TransformerTest.cpp 
index 59b334b0ea5a..1a68eb1d172a 100644
--- a/clang/unittests/Tooling/TransformerTest.cpp
+++ b/clang/unittests/Tooling/TransformerTest.cpp
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 #include "clang/ASTMatchers/ASTMatchers.h"
 #include "clang/Tooling/Tooling.h"
 #include "clang/Tooling/Transformer/RangeSelector.h"
+#include "clang/Tooling/Transformer/RewriteRule.h"
 #include "clang/Tooling/Transformer/Stencil.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/Errc.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
@@ -378,6 +379,41 @@ TEST_F(TransformerTest, NodePartMemberMultiToken) {
            Input, Expected);
+TEST_F(TransformerTest, NoEdits) {
+  using transformer::noEdits;
+  std::string Input = "int f(int x) { return x; }";
+  testRule(makeRule(returnStmt().bind("return"), noEdits()), Input, Input);
+TEST_F(TransformerTest, IfBound2Args) {
+  using transformer::ifBound;
+  std::string Input = "int f(int x) { return x; }";
+  std::string Expected = "int f(int x) { CHANGE; }";
+  testRule(makeRule(returnStmt().bind("return"),
+                    ifBound("return", changeTo(cat("CHANGE;")))),
+           Input, Expected);
+TEST_F(TransformerTest, IfBound3Args) {
+  using transformer::ifBound;
+  std::string Input = "int f(int x) { return x; }";
+  std::string Expected = "int f(int x) { CHANGE; }";
+  testRule(makeRule(returnStmt().bind("return"),
+                    ifBound("nothing", changeTo(cat("ERROR")),
+                            changeTo(cat("CHANGE;")))),
+           Input, Expected);
+TEST_F(TransformerTest, ShrinkTo) {
+  using transformer::shrinkTo;
+  std::string Input = "int f(int x) { return x; }";
+  std::string Expected = "return x;";
+  testRule(makeRule(functionDecl(hasDescendant(returnStmt().bind("return")))
+                        .bind("function"),
+                    shrinkTo(node("function"), node("return"))),
+           Input, Expected);
 TEST_F(TransformerTest, InsertBeforeEdit) {
   std::string Input = R"cc(
     int f() {
@@ -497,6 +533,90 @@ TEST_F(TransformerTest, MultiChange) {
       Input, Expected);
+TEST_F(TransformerTest, EditList) {
+  using clang::transformer::editList;
+  std::string Input = R"cc(
+    void foo() {
+      if (10 > 1.0)
+        log(1) << "oh no!";
+      else
+        log(0) << "ok";
+    }
+  )cc";
+  std::string Expected = R"(
+    void foo() {
+      if (true) { /* then */ }
+      else { /* else */ }
+    }
+  )";
+  StringRef C = "C", T = "T", E = "E";
+  testRule(makeRule(ifStmt(hasCondition(expr().bind(C)),
+                           hasThen(stmt().bind(T)), hasElse(stmt().bind(E))),
+                    editList({changeTo(node(std::string(C)), cat("true")),
+                              changeTo(statement(std::string(T)),
+                                       cat("{ /* then */ }")),
+                              changeTo(statement(std::string(E)),
+                                       cat("{ /* else */ }"))})),
+           Input, Expected);
+TEST_F(TransformerTest, Flatten) {
+  using clang::transformer::editList;
+  std::string Input = R"cc(
+    void foo() {
+      if (10 > 1.0)
+        log(1) << "oh no!";
+      else
+        log(0) << "ok";
+    }
+  )cc";
+  std::string Expected = R"(
+    void foo() {
+      if (true) { /* then */ }
+      else { /* else */ }
+    }
+  )";
+  StringRef C = "C", T = "T", E = "E";
+  testRule(
+      makeRule(
+          ifStmt(hasCondition(expr().bind(C)), hasThen(stmt().bind(T)),
+                 hasElse(stmt().bind(E))),
+          flatten(changeTo(node(std::string(C)), cat("true")),
+                  changeTo(statement(std::string(T)), cat("{ /* then */ }")),
+                  changeTo(statement(std::string(E)), cat("{ /* else */ }")))),
+      Input, Expected);
+TEST_F(TransformerTest, FlattenWithMixedArgs) {
+  using clang::transformer::editList;
+  std::string Input = R"cc(
+    void foo() {
+      if (10 > 1.0)
+        log(1) << "oh no!";
+      else
+        log(0) << "ok";
+    }
+  )cc";
+  std::string Expected = R"(
+    void foo() {
+      if (true) { /* then */ }
+      else { /* else */ }
+    }
+  )";
+  StringRef C = "C", T = "T", E = "E";
+  testRule(makeRule(ifStmt(hasCondition(expr().bind(C)),
+                           hasThen(stmt().bind(T)), hasElse(stmt().bind(E))),
+                    flatten(changeTo(node(std::string(C)), cat("true")),
+                            edit(changeTo(statement(std::string(T)),
+                                          cat("{ /* then */ }"))),
+                            editList({changeTo(statement(std::string(E)),
+                                               cat("{ /* else */ }"))}))),
+           Input, Expected);
 TEST_F(TransformerTest, OrderedRuleUnrelated) {
   StringRef Flag = "flag";
   RewriteRule FlagRule = makeRule(

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