klimek added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/lib/Format/MacroExpander.cpp:35
+  SmallVector<FormatToken *, 8> Params;
+  SmallVector<FormatToken *, 8> Tokens;
sammccall wrote:
> Tokens -> Expansion? (semantics rather than type)
Changed to "Body".

Comment at: clang/lib/Format/MacroExpander.cpp:81
+    do {
+      Def.Tokens.push_back(Current);
+      nextToken();
sammccall wrote:
> this assumes the expansion is nonempty, which the grammar doesn't. while{} 
> instead?
I have no clue how this ever worked tbh O.O
Has been reworked as part of the move to use = to separate the macro signature 
from the body.

Comment at: clang/lib/Format/MacroExpander.cpp:113
+void MacroExpander::parseDefinitions(
+    const std::vector<std::string> &MacroExpander) {
+  for (const std::string &Macro : MacroExpander) {
sammccall wrote:
> weird param name!
Copy-paste gone wrong I assume.

Comment at: clang/lib/Format/MacroExpander.cpp:116
+    Buffers.push_back(
+        llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBufferCopy(Macro, "<scratch space>"));
+    clang::FileID FID =
sammccall wrote:
> This is a slightly spooky buffer name - it's the magic name the PP uses for 
> pasted tokens.
> A closer fit for config is maybe "<command line>" (like macro definitions 
> passed with `-D`).
> Is it necessary to use one of clang's magic buffer names at all? If so, 
> comment! Else maybe "<clang-format style>" or something?
We need source locations, and apparently only:
<built-in>, <inline asm> and <scratch space>
are allowed to have source locations.

Comment at: clang/lib/Format/MacroExpander.cpp:133
+                                                          ArgsList Args) {
+  assert(defined(ID->TokenText));
+  SmallVector<FormatToken *, 8> Result;
sammccall wrote:
> is the caller responsible for checking the #args matches #params?
> If so, document and assert here?
> Looking at the implementation, it seems you don't expand if there are too few 
> args, and expand if there are too many args (ignoring the last ones). Maybe 
> it doesn't matter, but it'd be nice to be more consistent here.
> (Probably worth calling out somewhere explicitly that variadic macros are not 
> supported)
Added docs in the class comment for MacroExpander.
(so far I always expand, too few -> empty, too many -> ignore)

Comment at: clang/lib/Format/MacroExpander.cpp:194
+    assert(New->MacroCtx.Role == MR_None);
+    // Tokens that are not part of the user code do not need to be formatted.
+    New->MacroCtx.Role = MR_Hidden;
sammccall wrote:
> (I don't know exactly how this is used, but consider whether you mean "do not 
> need to", "should not" or "cannot" here)
Replaced with "are not".

Comment at: clang/lib/Format/MacroExpander.h:10
+/// \file
+/// This file contains the declaration of MacroExpander, which handles macro
sammccall wrote:
> I think this comment is too short (and doesn't really say much that you can't 
> get from the filename). IME many people's mental model of macros is based on 
> how they're used rather than how they formally work, so I think it's worth 
> spelling out even the obvious implementation choices.
> I'd like to see:
>  - rough description of the scope/goal of the feature (clang-format doesn't 
> see macro definitions, so macro uses tend to be pseudo-parsed as function 
> calls. When this isn't appropriate [example], a macro definition can be 
> provided as part of the style. When such a macro is used in the code, 
> clang-format will expand it as the preprocessor would before determining the 
> role of tokens. [example])
>  - explicitly call out here that only a single level of expansion is 
> supported, which is a divergence from the real preprocessor. (This influences 
> both the implementation and the mental model)
>  - what the MacroExpander does and how it relates to MacroContext. I think 
> this should give the input and output token streams names, as it's often 
> important to clearly distinguish the two. (TokenBuffer uses "Spelled tokens" 
> and "Expanded tokens" for this, which is not the same as how these terms are 
> used in SourceManager, but related and hasn't been confusing in practice).
>  - a rough sketch of how the mismatch between what was annotated and what 
> must be formatted is resolved e.g. -- just guessing here -- the spelled 
> stream is formatted but for macro args, the annotations from the expanded 
> stream are used.
> (I'm assuming this is the best file to talk about the implementation of this 
> feature in general - i'm really hoping that there is such a file. If there 
> are a bunch of related utilities you might even consider renaming the header 
> as an umbrella to make them easier to document. This is a question of 
> taste...)
Moved to Macros.h and added file comment that tries to address all of these.

Comment at: clang/lib/Format/MacroExpander.h:66
+  /// each element in \p Args is a positional argument to the macro call.
+  llvm::SmallVector<FormatToken *, 8> expand(FormatToken *ID, ArgsList Args);
sammccall wrote:
> (I can't see the real callsite but...)
> If we care about performance here, is 8 a little small? should we have a 
> `vector &Out` instead?
I don't think we particularly care about performance here, but the llvm docs 
say I should use SmallVector. Happy to bump down to 0 if you feel that the 
magic 8 is a problem here as a gut-feeling premature optimization.


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