nhaehnle added a comment.

In D83088#2213886 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D83088#2213886>, @dblaikie wrote:

> In D83088#2213864 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D83088#2213864>, @nhaehnle wrote:
>> In D83088#2213802 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D83088#2213802>, @dblaikie wrote:
>>> In D83088#2213797 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D83088#2213797>, @nhaehnle 
>>> wrote:
>>>> In D83088#2208611 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D83088#2208611>, @dblaikie 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> This seems like a strange hybrid between a static-polymorphism (with 
>>>>> traits) and dynamic polymorphism (with base classes/virtual functions). 
>>>>> Could this more readily be just one or the other? (sounds like you're 
>>>>> leaning towards dynamic polymorphism)
>>>> No, it's very much this way on purpose. The idea is to support the same 
>>>> set of functionality as much as possible in both static **and** dynamic 
>>>> polymorphism.
>>> Could it be implemented statically as a primary interface, with a dynamic 
>>> wrapper? (eg: a base class, then a derived class template that takes the 
>>> static CFG type to wrap into the dynamic type) keeping the two concepts 
>>> more clearly separated?
>> That is how it is implemented. CfgTraits is the primary static interface, 
>> and then CfgInterface / CfgInterfaceImpl is the dynamic wrapper.
> Ah, fair enough. The inheritance details in the traits class confused me a 
> bit/I had a hard time following, with all the features being in the one 
> patch. Might be easier separately, but not sure.
> Would it be possible for this not to use traits - I know @asbirlea and I had 
> trouble with some things using GraphTraits owing to the traits API. An 
> alternative would be to describe a CFGGraph concept (same as a standard 
> container concept, for instance) - where there is a concrete graph object and 
> that object is queried for things like nodes, edges, etc. (actually one of 
> the significant things we tripped over was the API choice to navigate edges 
> from a node itself without any extra state - which meant nodes/edge iteration 
> had to carry state (potentially pointers back to the graph, etc) to be able 
> to manifest their edges - trait or concept could both address this by, for 
> traits, passing the graph as well as the node when querying the trait for 
> edges, or for a concept passing the node back to the graph to query for 
> edges).

So there is a bit of a part here where I may admittedly be a bit confused with 
the C++ lingo, since I don't actually like template programming that much :)  
(Which is part of the motivation for this to begin with... so that I can do the 
later changes in the stack here without *everything* being in templates.)

The way the `CfgTraits` is used is that you never use the `CfgTraits` class 
directly except to inherit from it using CRTP (curiously recurring template 
pattern). When writing algorithms that want to be generic over the type of CFG, 
those algorithms then have a derived class of CfgTraits as a template 
parameter. For example, D83094 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D83094> adds a 
`GenericCycleInfo<CfgTraitsT>` template class, where the template parameter 
should be set to e.g. `IrCfgTraits`, if you want cycle info on LLVM IR, or to 
`MachineCfgTraits`, if you want cycle info on MachineIR. Both of these classes 
are derived from `CfgTraits`.

It is definitely different from how `GraphTraits` works, which you use it as 
`GraphTraits<NodeType>`, and then `GraphTraits<BasicBlock *>` etc. are 
specialized implementations. If `GraphTraits` worked the way that `CfgTraits` 
works, then we'd instead have classes like `BasicBlockGraphTraits`.

So to sum it up, all this sounds a bit to me like maybe calling `CfgTraits` 
"traits" is wrong? Is that what you're saying here? You can't just call it 
`Cfg` though, because it's *not* a CFG -- it's a kind of interface to a CFG 
which is designed for static polymorphism, unlike `CfgInterface` which is 
designed for dynamic polymorphism. Getting the names right is important, 
unfortunately I admit that I'm a bit lost there. "Traits" seemed like the 
closest thing to what I want, but I'm definitely open to suggestions.

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