steakhal marked an inline comment as done.
steakhal added inline comments.

Comment at: 
+  const SymbolMetadata *getMetadataSymbol(const MemRegion *R, QualType T,
                                           const void *SymbolTag = nullptr);
NoQ wrote:
> steakhal wrote:
> > Why do we even need the tag?
> > Why is it defaulted to `nullptr` if it asserts later that the `tag` must 
> > not be `null`.
> > I'm confused, somebody help me out :D
> The tag is necessary so that different checkers could attach different 
> metadata to the same region (possibly even of the same type). A null value 
> indeed makes no sense here.

Comment at: 
   /// Unconditionally marks a symbol as live.
   /// This should never be
   /// used by checkers, only by the state infrastructure such as the store and
   /// environment. Checkers should instead use metadata symbols and markInUse.
+  /// TODO: update this comment!!!
   void markLive(SymbolRef sym);
NoQ wrote:
> steakhal wrote:
> > Is it true for modeling checkers too?
> This comment is much older than the concept of a "modeling checker" and it 
> has never been true. Checkers need to mark things live. It's part of life! 
> (no pun intended) Like, i agree that non-modeling checkers probably don't 
> need to use this method, but that wasn't what the author was trying to say :) 
> And also there's nothing special about `SymbolMetadata`; any data that the 
> checker helps keep track of may need to be marked live by the checker, so 
> `markInUse()` is insufficient.
Ok, I will rephrase the comment expressing that this should be used only in 
modeling checkers.

Comment at: clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/CStringChecker.cpp:2417
 void CStringChecker::checkDeadSymbols(SymbolReaper &SR,
     CheckerContext &C) const {
NoQ wrote:
> martong wrote:
> > Seems like `checkDeadSymbols` could have a generic implementation. Perhaps 
> > in the following form:
> > ```
> > class CStringChecker : public Checker<
> >                                          check::DeadSymbols<CStringLength>
> > ```
> > But this should be done in a separate patch.
> > 
> > Maybe it would make sense to have a generic default 
> > check::LiveSymbols<GDM0, GDM1, ...> implementation as well. In that 
> > implementation we could iterate over the GDM entries and could mark the 
> > dependent (sub)symbols live.
> > 
> > (Note, this is a reminder from our verbal discussion with @steakhal.)
> Nope, there can't be a generic implementation. It depends a lot on the data 
> structure tracked by the checker (the checker's technically allowed to track 
> "a map from regions to maps from lists of expressions to sets of SVals", good 
> luck coming up with a generic `checkLiveSymbols()` for that) and it most 
> likely isn't uniquely determined by the data structure either.
> But what we can do is provide half-baked implementations for the common 
> situations such as "a map from regions to symbols" (eg. this checker, smart 
> pointer checker) or "a map from symbols to an enum of states the object 
> associated with the symbol is in" (malloc checker, stream checker). And even 
> better, we could provide half-baked implementations of entire state traits, 
> not just `checkDeadSymbols`
> /`checkLiveSymbols()`.
I think we can postprone the experiments with the generic 
`checkDeadSymbols`/`checkLiveSymbols` implementations.
This patch does not aim to solve that.

Comment at: clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/CStringChecker.cpp:2429
     if (SymbolRef Sym = Len.getAsSymbol()) {
       if (SR.isDead(Sym))
+        Entries = F.remove(Entries, MR);
NoQ wrote:
> Ok, this doesn't look correct (looks like it never was). It's liveness of the 
> region that's important to us, not liveness of the symbol. Because it's the 
> liveness of the region that causes the program to be able to access the map 
> entry.
Let's say we have this:
void foo() {
  char *p = malloc(12);
  // strlen(p); // no-leak if strlen called, leak warning otherwise...
} // expected-warning {{leak}}
If we were marking the region live here, we would miss the `leak` warning. That 
warning is only triggered if the region of the `p` becomes dead. Which will 
never become dead if we have a cstring length symbol associated to that region.
I came to this conclusion after implementing your suggested edit above 
(checking regions instead of symbols).

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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