steakhal added a comment.

In D83660#2264963 <>, @OikawaKirie wrote:

> After reviewing the code of this snippet, I think it would be very difficult 
> to make a regression test case for the crash, as far as what I know about Z3 
> and SMT solvers.
> First of all, all calls to `Solver->check()` will return `true` for sat, 
> `false` for unsat, and empty for a timeout.
> On line 132, the manager invokes Z3 for solving the constraints under the 
> current state.
> On line 137, the manager invokes Z3 for getting a model (a valid result) 
> satisfying the constraints.
> On line 141, the manager adds another constraint to exclude the model gotten 
> from the model.
> On line 149, the manager invokes Z3 for solving the excluded constraint.
> In summary, the manager will first solver the constraint for a result of the 
> queried symbolic variable. If there is a valid value, it excludes the value 
> and solves again to check whether it is the only valid result.
> To trigger the crash, we need to construct a group of constraints that are 
> sat. Then, we need to exclude a valid value for a symbolic variable and make 
> the constraints lead to a **timeout** (rather than an unsat). Simple linear 
> constraints have very few chances to lead to a timeout. I tried to create a 
> group of constraints from 
>  which are a group of non-linear unsat constraints that can trigger a timeout 
> (under a timeout of 10 seconds). However, I have not successfully made one, 
> as it has too many things to do with mathematics. And my SMT solver 
> colleagues also think it is quite difficult to make one.

I suspected this one due to my previous investigation.

> As far as I am thinking, it is also very tricky to trigger a constraint 
> solver timeout. Since it can be impacted by which version of the constraint 
> solver is used, how much time is set for the timeout, how fast your computer 
> runs, and so on. Chances are that even if I reproduced the crash with a test 
> case, the same test case may not work on your computer.

I highly agree.
This was the exact reason why I raised a discussion on the mailing list 
<> about //Limit 
Z3 without timeouts//.
That way we could reproduce this crash without depending on the actual machine.
However, we would still depend on an implementation detail of the solver - and 
I suspect that this option is highly Z3 specific, so would not fit into the 
solver-agnostic API very well.
I'm still open to discuss any ideas regarding this, but I can't put any effort 
into that :|

> Is it possible to hack the SMT solver creator to make a mock solver for 
> triggering the problem?

I suspect, no. We don't have a mechanism to do dependency injection into the 
SMT constant manager implementation. It would be nice to have IMO.

I see two options here:

1. Implement the dependency injection to let the //SMT constant manager 
implementation// use the given //SMT solver//. Create a mock solver and a 
2. Implement the //resource limit// option in the API. Introduce a flag driving 
this option and create a LIT test where we set this limit to a really small 
one, and check a toy example.

I think the second option is easier and the preferred one. At the same time, 
that would require a greater consensus about changing the corresponding API 
since that is potentially used by different out-of-tree projects of LLVM.

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