I don't feel sufficiently strongly to insist - clang-tidy's mostly outside
my wheelhouse anyway.

As for how to go about it - my rough approach would be to write a small
test case that calls an implicitly-deleted-but-explicitly-defaulted move
op, run it, check the diagnostic text, find that in DiagnosticSemaKinds,
find where the diagnostic identifier is used in the code, set a breakpoint,
break there - then trace back to when/where it got marked as deleted (find
the member function of the AST node in question that is used to mark it as
deleted - break in there, with the condition that 'this ==' the specific
instance you're looking at, etc). Then see if, at the point at which the
thing is marked as deleted, you can check that it's not dependent (not a
template, etc) and emit the appropriate warning.

- Dave

On Mon, Apr 11, 2016 at 9:44 AM, Alex Pilkiewicz via cfe-commits <
cfe-commits@lists.llvm.org> wrote:

> pilki added a comment.
> In http://reviews.llvm.org/D18961#397163, @dblaikie wrote:
> > I'd consider just making this a compiler warning, perhaps?
> I honestly don't feel competent right now to write compiler warnings:
> clang-tidy has a nice, well defined interface. A compiler warning would
> force me to dig in the internals of clang. But if you feel strongly about
> it and give me a couple of pointers (like a diff that adds a similar
> warning, and maybe a pointer to the general area in the code where I would
> add it), I can maybe give it a try in the next few days/weeks.
> http://reviews.llvm.org/D18961
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