dblaikie added a comment.

>> In D93747#2470178 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D93747#2470178>, @tmsriram wrote:
>>> In D93747#2469556 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D93747#2469556>, @hoy wrote:
>>>>> In D93656 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D93656>, @dblaikie wrote:
>>>>> Though the C case is interesting - it means you'll end up with C 
>>>>> functions with the same DWARF 'name' but different linkage name. I don't 
>>>>> know what that'll do to DWARF consumers - I guess they'll probably be 
>>>>> OK-ish with it, as much as they are with C++ overloading. I think there 
>>>>> are some cases of C name mangling so it's probably supported/OK-ish with 
>>>>> DWARF Consumers. Wouldn't hurt for you to take a look/see what happens in 
>>>>> that case with a debugger like gdb/check other cases of C name mangling 
>>>>> to see what DWARF they end up creating (with both GCC and Clang).
>>>> I did a quick experiment with C name managing with GCC and -flto. It turns 
>>>> out the `DW_AT_linkage_name` field of `DW_TAG_subprogram` is never set for 
>>>> C programs. If set, the gdb debugger will use that field to match the user 
>>>> input and set breakpoints. Therefore, giving `DW_AT_linkage_name` a 
>>>> uniquefied name prevents the debugger from setting a breakpoint based on 
>>>> source names unless the user specifies a decorated name.
>>>> Hence, this approach sounds like a workaround for us when the profile 
>>>> quality matters more than debugging experience. I'm inclined to have it 
>>>> under a switch. What do you think?
>>> Just a thought, we could always check if rawLinkageName is set and only set 
>>> it when it is not null.  That seems safe without needing the option. Not a 
>>> strong opinion.
>> Was this thread concluded? Doesn't look like any check was added?
> Thanks for the detailed analysis! Moving forward I would like to see a more 
> clear contract about debug linkage names between the compiler and debugger as 
> a guideline to code cloning work. For this patch, I'm adding a switch for it 
> with a default value "on" since AutoFDO and propeller are the primary 
> consumers of the work here and they mostly care about profile quality more 
> than debugging experience. But correct me if I'm wrong and I'll flip the 
> default value.

Presumably people are going to want to debug these binaries - I'm not sure it's 
a "one or the other" situation as it sounds like @tmsriram was suggesting by 
only modifying the linkage name when it's already set this might produce a 
better debugging experience, if I'm following the discussion correctly?

But I'm pretty sure there are places where C supports name mangling, so I 
wouldn't mind understanding the gdb behavior in more detail - perhaps there's a 
way to make it work better.

Using Clang's __attribute__((overloadable)) support, I was able to produce a C 
program with mangled names, with DW_AT_linkage_names on those functions, like 

  $ cat test.c
  void __attribute__((overloadable)) f(int i) {
  void __attribute__((overloadable)) f(long l) {
  int main() {
  blaikie@blaikie-linux2:~/dev/scratch$ clang-tot test.c -g
  blaikie@blaikie-linux2:~/dev/scratch$ llvm-dwarfdump-tot a.out
  a.out:  file format elf64-x86-64
  .debug_info contents:
  0x00000000: Compile Unit: length = 0x0000009e, format = DWARF32, version = 
0x0004, abbr_offset = 0x0000, addr_size = 0x08 (next unit at 0x000000a2)
  0x0000000b: DW_TAG_compile_unit
                DW_AT_producer    ("clang version 12.0.0 
                DW_AT_language    (DW_LANG_C99)
                DW_AT_name        ("test.c")
                DW_AT_stmt_list   (0x00000000)
                DW_AT_comp_dir    ("/usr/local/google/home/blaikie/dev/scratch")
                DW_AT_low_pc      (0x0000000000401110)
                DW_AT_high_pc     (0x000000000040114c)
  0x0000002a:   DW_TAG_subprogram
                  DW_AT_low_pc    (0x0000000000401110)
                  DW_AT_high_pc   (0x0000000000401119)
                  DW_AT_frame_base        (DW_OP_reg6 RBP)
                  DW_AT_linkage_name      ("_Z1fi")
                  DW_AT_name      ("f")
                  DW_AT_decl_line (1)
                  DW_AT_prototyped        (true)
                  DW_AT_external  (true)
  0x00000043:     DW_TAG_formal_parameter
                    DW_AT_location        (DW_OP_fbreg -4)
                    DW_AT_name    ("i")
                    DW_AT_decl_line       (1)
                    DW_AT_type    (0x00000093 "int")
  0x00000051:     NULL
  0x00000052:   DW_TAG_subprogram
                  DW_AT_low_pc    (0x0000000000401120)
                  DW_AT_high_pc   (0x000000000040112a)
                  DW_AT_frame_base        (DW_OP_reg6 RBP)
                  DW_AT_linkage_name      ("_Z1fl")
                  DW_AT_name      ("f")
                  DW_AT_decl_line (3)
                  DW_AT_prototyped        (true)
                  DW_AT_external  (true)
  0x0000006b:     DW_TAG_formal_parameter
                    DW_AT_location        (DW_OP_fbreg -8)
                    DW_AT_name    ("l")
                    DW_AT_decl_line       (3)
                    DW_AT_type    (0x0000009a "long int")
  0x00000079:     NULL
  0x0000007a:   DW_TAG_subprogram
                  DW_AT_low_pc    (0x0000000000401130)
                  DW_AT_high_pc   (0x000000000040114c)
                  DW_AT_frame_base        (DW_OP_reg6 RBP)
                  DW_AT_name      ("main")
                  DW_AT_decl_line (5)
                  DW_AT_type      (0x00000093 "int")
                  DW_AT_external  (true)
  0x00000093:   DW_TAG_base_type
                  DW_AT_name      ("int")
                  DW_AT_encoding  (DW_ATE_signed)
                  DW_AT_byte_size (0x04)
  0x0000009a:   DW_TAG_base_type
                  DW_AT_name      ("long int")
                  DW_AT_encoding  (DW_ATE_signed)
                  DW_AT_byte_size (0x08)
  0x000000a1:   NULL
  $ gdb ./a.out
  GNU gdb (GDB) 10.0-gg5
  Copyright (C) 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
  This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
  There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
  Type "show copying" and "show warranty" for details.
  This GDB was configured as "x86_64-grtev4-linux-gnu".
  Type "show configuration" for configuration details.
  <http://go/gdb-home FAQ: http://go/gdb-faq Email: c-toolchain-team>
  Find the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at:
  For help, type "help".
  Type "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word".
  Reading symbols from ./a.out...
  Unable to determine compiler version.
  Skipping loading of libstdc++ pretty-printers for now.
  Loading libc++ pretty-printers.
  Non-google3 binary detected.
  (gdb) b f(int)
  Breakpoint 1 at 0x401117: file test.c, line 2.
  (gdb) b f(long)
  Breakpoint 2 at 0x401128: file test.c, line 4.
  (gdb) del 1
  (gdb) r
  Starting program: /usr/local/google/home/blaikie/dev/scratch/a.out
  Breakpoint 2, _Z1fl (l=5) at test.c:4 
  4       }
  (gdb) c
  [Inferior 1 (process 497141) exited normally]

@tmsriram - any ideas what your case/example was like that might've caused 
degraded debugging experience? Would be good to understand if we're producing 
some bad DWARF with this patch/if there might be some way to avoid it (as it 
seems like gdb can handle mangled names/overloading in C in this example I've 

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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