lxfind added a comment.

In D98638#2628082 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D98638#2628082>, @ChuanqiXu wrote:

> It looks like there are two things this patch wants to do:
> 1. Don't put the temporary generated by symmetric-transfer on the coroutine 
> frame.
> 2. Offer a mechanism to force some values (it is easy to extend Alloca to 
> Value) to put in the stack instead of the coroutine frame.
> I am a little confused about the first problem. Would it cause the program to 
> crash? (e.g., we access the fields of coroutine frame after the frame gets 
> destroyed). Or it just wastes some storage?
> And I want to ask about the change of the AST nodes and SemaCoroutine. Can we 
> know if a CoroutineSuspendExpr stands for a symmetric-transfer? If yes, it 
> seems we can only do changes in CodeGen part.

It will result in a crash, because we will be accessing memory that's already 
freed.  If you run:

  bin/clang -fcoroutines-ts -std=c++14 -stdlib=libc++ 
../clang/test/CodeGenCoroutines/coro-symmetric-transfer-01.cpp -o - -emit-llvm 
-S -Xclang -disable-llvm-passes

You can see that in the `final.suspend` basic block, there are IRs like this:

    %call19 = call i8* 
 nonnull dereferenceable(1) %ref.tm
  p10, i8* %22) #2
    %coerce.dive20 = getelementptr inbounds 
%"struct.std::experimental::coroutines_v1::coroutine_handle.0"* %coerce, i32 0, 
i32 0
    store i8* %call19, i8** %coerce.dive20, align 8
    %call21 = call i8* 
 nonnull dereferenceable(8) %coerce) #2
    call void @llvm.coro.resume(i8* %call21)

The temporary variable %coerce will be put on the frame because it's used by 
the call to `address` function and LLVM thinks it may escape. But the call to 
await_suspend() (the first line) in reality could destroy the current coroutine 
frame. Hence after the call to await_suspend, it will be accessing the frame, 
leading to memory corruption.

> Then I agree to introduce new intrinsic to hint the middle end to put some 
> values on the stack. And the design of `@llvm.coro.forcestack.begin()` and 
> `@llvm.coro.forcestack.end()` is a little strange to me. It says they mark a 
> region where only data from the local stack can be accessed. But it looks 
> error-prone since it is hard for the front-end to decide whether all the 
> access of the region should be put on the stack. I think we could introduce 
> only one intrinisic `@llvm.coro.forcestack(Value* v)`, we can use the 
> argument to mark the value need to be put on the stack.

This is a good idea. Let me play with it. Thanks!

> And about the problem you mentioned in D96922 
> <https://reviews.llvm.org/D96922>: "The lifetime of  %coro.gro" starts early 
> and %coro.gro" would be used after `coro.end` (Possibly the destructor?) 
> which would cause the program to access destroyed coroutine frame". It looks 
> like the mechanism could solve this problem by a call to 
> `@llvm.coro.forcestack(%coro.gro)`.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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