Charusso added a comment.

In D97699#2601804 <>, @NoQ wrote:

> Why are you even tracking `reg_$0<envp>`? It's obvious from the structure of 
> the symbol that it's an environment pointer, there's no need to keep it in 
> maps.

`envp` is confusable with `argv`: `int main(int argc, char *argv[], char 
*envp[])` so we obtain `envp`'s region from `main()` to match it later.

Comment at: clang/docs/analyzer/checkers.rst:2103-2104
+        puts(envp[i]);
+        // envp may no longer point to the current environment
+        // this program has unanticipated behavior.
+      }
NoQ wrote:
> It's very important to explain whether the "unanticipated behavior" is an 
> entirely psychological concept ("most people don't understand how this works 
> but this can occasionally also be a valid solution if you know what you're 
> doing") or a 100% clear indication of a bug ("such code can never be 
> correct", eg. it instantly causes undefined behavior, or the written value 
> can never be read later so there's absolutely no point in writing it, or 
> something like that).
The standard terminology is very vague, like that:
The getenv function returns a pointer to a string associated with the matched 
list member. The string pointed to shall not be modified by the program but may 
be overwritten by a subsequent call to the getenv function.
What the hell. 😕  I think it is about table-doubling and reallocating the 
entire environment pointer table at some point which makes sense in case of the 
non-getter function calls. For the getters I think another processes could 
overwrite the `environ` pointer between two getter calls and problem could 
occur because of such table-doubling. To resolve the issue we need to call 
`strdup()` and create a copy of the current environment entry instead of having 
a pointer to it as I see.

@zukatsinadze it would be great to see a real reference with real issues in 
real world software. Is the true evil the multiple chained getter calls?

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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