aaron.ballman accepted this revision.
aaron.ballman added a comment.
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.

LGTM aside from some small nits in the documentation.

Comment at: 
+  StringRef TyAsString =
+      IndexExprType->isSignedIntegerType() ? "ssize_t" : "size_t";
lebedev.ri wrote:
> aaron.ballman wrote:
> > aaron.ballman wrote:
> > > One thing that's awkward about this is that there's no portable `ssize_t` 
> > > type -- that's a POSIX type but it doesn't exist on all platforms (like 
> > > Windows). We shouldn't print out a typecast that's going to cause compile 
> > > errors, but we also shouldn't use the underlying type for `ssize_t` as 
> > > that may be incorrect for other target architectures.
> > I'm still not quite certain what to do about this. Would it make sense to 
> > use the underlying type on platforms that don't have `ssize_t`? Relatedly, 
> > if we're going to suggest this as a replacement, we should also insert an 
> > include for the correct header file.
> I've been thinking about this, and i really can't come up with a better fix 
> than using `ptrdiff_t`.
I'm not super excited about using `ptrdiff_t` as there are not likely to be 
pointer subtractions in the vicinity of the code being diagnosed, but at the 
same time, `ptrdiff_t` is functionally the same as `size_t` except with a sign 
bit, which is what `ssize_t` is. I'll hold my nose for now, but if we get bug 
reports about this use, we may want to investigate more involved solutions.

Comment at: 
+   When suggesting fix-its for C++ code, should C++-style ``static_cast<>()``'s
+   be suggested, or C-style casts.
Add info about the default behavior.

Comment at: 
+   When suggesting to include the appropriate header in C++ code,
+   should ``<cstddef>`` header be suggested, or ``<stddef.h>``.
Same here.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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