teemperor added a comment.

In D96033#2766502 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D96033#2766502>, @phosek wrote:

> In D96033#2766372 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D96033#2766372>, @v.g.vassilev 
> wrote:
>> In D96033#2766332 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D96033#2766332>, @phosek wrote:
>>> We've started seeing `LLVM ERROR: out of memory` on our 2-stage LTO Linux 
>>> builders after this change landed. It looks like linking `clang-repl` 
>>> always fails on our bot, but I've also seen OOM when linking 
>>> `ClangCodeGenTests` and `FrontendTests`. Do you have any idea why this 
>>> could be happening? We'd appreciate any help since our bots have been 
>>> broken for several days now.
>> Ouch. Are the bot logs public? If not maybe a stacktrace could be useful. 
>> `clang-repl` combines a lot of libraries across llvm and clang that usually 
>> are compiled separately. For instance we put in memory most of the clang 
>> frontend, the backend and the JIT. Could it be we are hitting some real 
>> limit?
> Yes, they are, see 
> https://luci-milo.appspot.com/p/fuchsia/builders/prod/clang-linux-x64, but 
> there isn't much information in there unfortunately. It's possible that we're 
> hitting some limit, but these bots use 32-core instances with 128GB RAM which 
> I'd hope is enough even for the LTO build.

I think the specs are fine for just building with LTO, but I am not sure if 
that's enough to for the worst case when running `ninja -j320` with an LTO 
build (which is what your job is doing). Can you try limiting your link jobs to 
something like 16 or 32 (e.g., `-DLLVM_PARALLEL_LINK_JOBS=32`)

(FWIW, your go build script also crashes with OOM errors so you really are 
running low on memory on that node)

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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