OikawaKirie added a comment.

In D102149#2768541 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D102149#2768541>, @martong wrote:

> Thank you for the patch!
> Though, the idea is nice, there is a serious technical obstacle here: we 
> cannot use the clangTooling lib as a dependency of the CTU lib because that 
> would introduce a circular dependency. Actually, this was the reason for 
> introducing the invocation list yaml file; we could not use the compilation 
> database implementation from tooling 
> (https://reviews.llvm.org/D75665?id=260238#inline-722328).

According to my recent experiences on using clang-check, converting the 
compilation database to an invocation list is also an acceptable solution.
Currently, a better solution may be adding a tool to handle the conversion, 
just as what has been mentioned in the revision you presented. Although, it 
would be a very simple python script such as:

  a = dict()
  for i in json.load(open("/path/to/compile_commands.json")):
      a[os.path.abspath(os.path.join(i['directory'], i['file']))] = \
          (shlex.split(i['command']) if 'command' in i else i['arguments']) + \
          ['-Xclang', '-working-directory=' + i['directory']]

If you agree with this idea, I will follow the way to create a tool for the 
conversion and drop this revision.

Actually, I am writing a makefile to schedule the ctu-index generation as well 
as analyzing the code with the clang-check tool. And the python script snippet 
presented above is just a part of my makefile.
Maybe I can add my makefile to as a part of the analyzer.

Comment at: clang/lib/CrossTU/CrossTranslationUnit.cpp:711-712
+      List.emplace_back("-Xclang");
+      List.emplace_back("-working-directory=" + CC.Directory);
+    }
The approach of converting a compilation database to an invocation list is just 
simply adding the `-working-directory` argument for the `"directory"` entry for 
each compile command object. Therefore, a script doing the conversion can make 
it simpler and easier to use.

The main reason why this patch is submitted is I previously do not know the 
`-working-directory` argument. Without this argument, it would be very 
difficult and complex to convert a compilation database to an invocation list.

If you agree that my approach of converting the database (presented in the for 
loop) is OK, I will continue with making a tool for the conversion.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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