aaronpuchert added a comment.

In D100733#2760890 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D100733#2760890>, @mizvekov wrote:

> - I still think a new value category is simpler than the two phase overload 
> resolution it replaces :D

Not sure if it's simpler, but it'll produce less confusing results.

> - This new value category would (so far as this is only an experiment I am 
> running), only apply to standards older than c++23, where from then on it's 
> just the current categories and the rules as in P2266 
> <https://reviews.llvm.org/P2266>.
> - Even in the old standards it replaces, it does not introduce any drastic 
> changes. This new category is the same as XValues as far as overload 
> resolution is concerned (with the small addition that it binds less 
> preferentially to non-const l-value references), and as far as type deduction 
> goes, it behaves exactly as LValues.

A new value category feels like a global change for a local problem. We can 
explain the behavior that we want without introducing a new value category: 
either as a “combined” overload resolution for xvalue and lvalue, where all 
candidates for the xvalue are strictly better than any candidate for the 
lvalue, or as a two-phase resolution that falls back only if there are no 
candidates. These explanations are equivalent.

In D100733#2761031 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D100733#2761031>, @rsmith wrote:

> What do we think about renaming `isRValue()` to `isPRValue()` and renaming 
> `VK_RValue` to `VK_PRValue`, adding a "real" `isRValue()`, and then 
> performing this cleanup?

One problem might be that C and C++ have different terminology, right? I like 
the idea of going with prvalue instead of rvalue, then it's the right thing for 
C++ and if you're coming from the C world it's at least not confusing. But 
perhaps I would not introduce for now an `isRValue` function. (Although C 
doesn't have xvalues, so maybe it doesn't matter?)

In D100733#2761052 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D100733#2761052>, @mizvekov wrote:

> Is there any special reason we ended up in this state of affairs with the 
> swapped out names?

My impression is that some people didn't like the changes that came with C++11 
and that it made the terminology of C and C++ somewhat inconsistent. (Though I 
think you can work with the C++ terminology in C, there are just no xvalues, 
but you can't work the other way around.)

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