hubert.reinterpretcast added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/lib/CodeGen/CGDeclCXX.cpp:265
+/// Create a stub function, suitable for being passed to atexit,
+/// which passes the given address to the given destructor function.
Since the function has some specifics about the stub function type and return 
value behaviour:

Comment at: clang/lib/CodeGen/ItaniumCXXABI.cpp:2959
+        isEmittedWithConstantInitializer(VD, true) &&
+        !VD->needsDestruction(getContext())) {
+      llvm::Function *Func = llvm::Function::Create(
An assertion that `Init` is null should be appropriate here: If it is non-null, 
then the pre-existing logic above would either be defining the function to be 
an alias or is declaring the function with the expectation that the definition 
of the variable is elsewhere.

Comment at: clang/lib/CodeGen/ItaniumCXXABI.cpp:2961
+      llvm::Function *Func = llvm::Function::Create(
+          InitFnTy, llvm::GlobalVariable::ExternalLinkage, InitFnName.str(),
+          &CGM.getModule());
The linkage should be weak for a variable defined to be weak. For example, the 
code higher up uses `Var->getLinkage()` to produce the alias.

Comment at: clang/lib/CodeGen/ItaniumCXXABI.cpp:2988-2989
+    } else if (CGM.getTriple().isOSAIX()) {
+      // On AIX, thread_local vars, other than non-class types or (possibly
+      // multi-dimensional) arrays or such types, will have init routines
+      // regardless of whether they are const-initialized or not.  Since the
This does not say that a `thread_local` variable of type `int` that is not 
`constinit` //does// have a guaranteed init routine.

On AIX, except if constinit and also neither of class type or of (possibly 
multi-dimensional) array of class type, thread_local vars will have init 
routines regardless of whether they are const-initialized.

Comment at: clang/test/CodeGenCXX/cxx11-thread-local.cpp:241
   // LINUX: call i32 @__cxa_thread_atexit({{.*}}@_ZN1SD1Ev {{.*}} 
@_ZZ8tls_dtorvE1s{{.*}} @__dso_handle
+  // AIX: call i32 (i32, i32 (i32, ...)*, ...) @__pt_atexit_np(i32 0, 
   // DARWIN: call i32 @_tlv_atexit({{.*}}@_ZN1SD1Ev {{.*}} 
@_ZZ8tls_dtorvE1s{{.*}} @__dso_handle
Since the code to generate the stub is new, I believe inspecting the body of 
the stub in the test would be appropriate.


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