HazardyKnusperkeks added a comment.

In D108765#2972159 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D108765#2972159>, @FederAndInk 

> And again, I don't really understand if we are allowed or not to pull in a 
> dependency such as pluralizer or inflect, this would be another idea

My Python knowledge is very limited, but if it runs out of the box, or with 
very limited required user action with a reasonably new Python (if Python 2 can 
be reasonably new is another question), I think it would be fine.

Comment at: clang/docs/tools/dump_format_style.py:9
 import re
+import inspect
+import subprocess
I think these should be sorted.

Comment at: clang/docs/tools/dump_format_style.py:18
+PLURAL_FILE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'plurals.txt')
+subprocess.check_call(['git', 'checkout', '--', PLURAL_FILE])
+plurals = set(open(PLURAL_FILE).read().splitlines())
So you would add a plurals.txt in git and make the change visible through git 
diff? What about just reordering? I.e. `Strings` is on line 2, but after a 
change in line 1. Maybe sort the output?

I'm not against this procedure, but also not in favor. :)

Comment at: clang/docs/tools/dump_format_style.py:26
+def register_plural(singular: str, plural: str):
+  if plural not in plurals:
FederAndInk wrote:
> MyDeveloperDay wrote:
> > This failed for me with invalid syntax
> Oh, ok, sorry, I might be using to recent python features, I'll remove type 
> specifier, what is the recommended python version to use?
> Oh, ok, sorry, I might be using to recent python features, I'll remove type 
> specifier, what is the recommended python version to use?

That **I** can not answer. I run
```$ python --version
Python 3.9.5

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