aaron.ballman accepted this revision.
aaron.ballman added a comment.
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.

In D112773#3135975 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D112773#3135975>, @beccadax wrote:

>> My reading of 
>> https://clang.llvm.org/docs/LanguageExtensions.html#specifying-an-attribute-for-multiple-declarations-pragma-clang-attribute
>>  suggests that any() /could/ apply to everything. (`The any rule applies 
>> attributes to all declarations that are matched by at least one of the rules 
>> in the any.`)
> My reading of that rule suggest that an `any()` with no subrules would not 
> match anything because, if you fed in a declaration, none of the 
> (nonexistent) subrules of the `any()` would match it.
>> My recollection of the discussions when we adopted #pragma clang attribute 
>> is that we tried our best to limit the damage from the pragma over-applying 
>> attributes, but I don't recall if we explicitly talked about any() with no 
>> subjects. What would make me comfortable with this patch is 1) doing some 
>> archeology to find the original reviews for pragma clang attribute to see if 
>> we made any sort of explicit decision here but forgot to document it. If we 
>> didn't make an explicit decision in this area, we should make one now. We 
>> can either decide "any() with no subjects applies to everything", "any() 
>> with no subjects is dangerous and will apply to nothing", or "any() with no 
>> subjects is dangerous and we will diagnose if the user tries this" (probably 
>> other ideas we could consider). Ultimately, I would like to see the pragma 
>> clang attribute documentation updated before/when we land this bit so that 
>> our documentation clearly sets user expectations.
> Looking at https://reviews.llvm.org/D30009, I don't see any relevant 
> discussion of how `any()` (without subrules) should behave. What I do see is 
> that they started with "match everything always" behavior, but concerns about 
> users not knowing which declarations it would be applied to (and how that 
> behavior might change as the compiler evolved) led them to the idea of 
> requiring users to list the declarations they expected the compiler to match 
> and having a way to allow a subset <https://reviews.llvm.org/D30009#679481>; 
> then they realized that only the subset version was actually useful 
> <https://reviews.llvm.org/D30009#706171>. What I take from this is that there 
> was clearly concern about users not being able to tell what the pragma would 
> affect and they changed the design so that users would need to specify it 
> clearly, which suggests that a way to leave it unspecified was seen as an 
> anti-goal.
> Looking at the implementation of 
> `Parser::ParsePragmaAttributeSubjectMatchRuleSet()`, it looks like `any` or 
> `any()` would cause a parse error—we return `true` (as in the error branches) 
> if we do not parse an open parenthesis or do not parse an identifier after 
> the open parenthesis—which again makes me think that the design intentionally 
> left out any mechanism to match all subjects.
> We don't have a statement that there is and should be no way to apply 
> `attribute push` to everything, but I think we can conclude that having such 
> a capability wasn't a goal of the final design.
> What would you like me to do from here?

Thank you for diving into those details! I'm now sold on the idea that `any` 
with no subjects is dangerous and we will diagnose if the user tries this. So I 
think the only thing that needs to happen is a documentation update and some 
additional test coverage for this scenario, which I'm happy to take care of 
myself since it's orthogonal to these changes. Based on that, this LGTM as-is.

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