Quuxplusone requested changes to this revision.
Quuxplusone added a comment.
This revision now requires changes to proceed.

Comment at: clang/include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticSemaKinds.td:11110-11113
+def warn_always_inline_coroutine : Warning<
+  "A coroutine marked always_inline might not be inlined properly."
+  >,
+  InGroup<AlwaysInlineCoroutine>;
ChuanqiXu wrote:
> Quuxplusone wrote:
> > ChuanqiXu wrote:
> > > Quuxplusone wrote:
> > > > FWIW, this message isn't particularly helpful to the reader. My code 
> > > > "might" not be optimized "properly"? Does that mean it might be 
> > > > mis-optimized, improperly, and thus break in some way at runtime? Or is 
> > > > the compiler just saying that the attribute will be ignored? Or that it 
> > > > //might// be ignored, but it might not? How do I (the programmer) know 
> > > > whether the bad thing will happen?
> > > > 
> > > > I think as a programmer what I'd //like// to see here is just `"the 
> > > > '%0' attribute has no effect on coroutines"`. That's very clear, and 
> > > > easy to understand. Does that wording reflect what the compiler 
> > > > actually //does//, though?
> > > Thanks for suggestion. The actual behavior isn't easy to describe and 
> > > understand. Since a coroutine would be splitted into pieces. And the 
> > > original function would be reduced and we would call it 'ramp function' 
> > > in compiler. And the call to other new functions would be indirect call. 
> > > The compiler couldn't inline indirect call. But the compiler **might** 
> > > convert the indirect call into direct call so that they could be inlined.
> > > 
> > > In summary, the actual behavior might be described as: "Only the ramp 
> > > function are guaranteed to be inlined and the other new functions may or 
> > > may not get inlined". But the term "ramp funciton" is used in compiler 
> > > only (Some guys in LWG/LEWG know it too). And I believe the term 
> > > shouldn't leak to other users. So I chose the current description. 
> > > 
> > > BTW, I thought the fact that coroutine would be splitted should be 
> > > transparent to users too. This is the reason why I wrote previous 
> > > message. But your words make sense. And I couldn't find methods to make 
> > > it more clear and don't tell the user about coroutine splitting.
> > IIUC, `"this coroutine will be split into pieces; only the first piece will 
> > be inlined"` or simply `"the '%0' attribute applies to only the initial 
> > piece of this coroutine"`. Possible synonyms for "piece" include "section", 
> > "segment", "chunk". Is there any standardese for "the run of stuff in 
> > between two suspension points"?
> > 
> > However, I stand by my initial comment that this message is not helpful to 
> > the programmer. It's warning me that something bad will happen, right? 
> > Instead of having that bad thing happen, why don't you just make the 
> > compiler //ignore the attribute// in this situation?
> > 
> > If your answer is "Because always-inlining the initial piece isn't always 
> > bad; maybe the programmer thinks it's //good//, and //wants// it to 
> > happen," then this shouldn't be a `warning` at all; it should just be 
> > documented in the attribute's documentation. Warnings should be for 
> > bad/unintentional things, not for things someone might do on purpose.
> >  Is there any standardese for "the run of stuff in between two suspension 
> > points"?
> AFAIK, there is no standard terms for it.
> ---
> Very Sorry, I made a mistake in previous comment. The behavior for 
> always-inline ramp function should be: "The ramp function is guaranteed to 
> get inlined with optimization turned on." It implies that ramp function 
> wouldn't get inlined in O0. This is what I am trying to do in: 
> https://reviews.llvm.org/D115790. The current behavior for always-inline 
> coroutine in O0 would be a crash. Here is an example: 
> https://godbolt.org/z/zssKxTPM5.
> And GCC would warn and ban for the always-inline coroutine too: 
> https://godbolt.org/z/7eajb1Gf8. (I understand that it isn't a good argument 
> to say GCC did so. Just a information sharing)
> --- 
> > Warnings should be for bad/unintentional things, not for things someone 
> > might do on purpose.
> My point is that the behavior and semantic is inconsistent. The programmer 
> might think the whole coroutine would be inlined. However, it is not the 
> case. I think it is worth a warning.
>>! In D115867#3218653, @ChuanqiXu wrote:
> @Quuxplusone do you feel good with the current message?

No, it's definitely still ungrammatical English, so it shouldn't ship in this 
Also, I think my entire previous comment stands — both the suggestions for 
improving the English (without much changing the meaning), and my higher-level 
suggestion that you should just change the compiler's behavior to //just 
quietly do the thing the user is asking for//.

If you think the user is really asking to inline 
just-the-first-segment-of-the-coroutine, then the compiler should inline the 
first segment of the coroutine (and not warn, because the user's code is 

Vice versa, if you think the user is //not// asking to inline 
just-the-first-segment-of-the-coroutine, then //the compiler should not do 
that.// (I.e., you should ignore the attribute instead.)

Either way, we should end up with a clear mental model of what this attribute 
does for coroutines, and that model should be documented in the docs.



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