LegalizeAdulthood added a comment.

In D116386#3227236 <>, @aaron.ballman 

> We're in strong agreement that guideline checkers with untenable false 
> positive rates are a
> very bad thing. I think this particular check is of insufficient quality to 
> have been added in
> the first place because it's based on a set of rules that are not generally 
> enforceable in a
> way that isn't a constantly nagging for reasonable real world code.

I think this guideline is mostly what this check is trying to accomplish:
ES.31: Don't use macros for constants or "functions"

Now, for the first part about constants, the check was issuing way too many
false positives.  That's what I fix in this review: it now only suggests that 
macro be replaced with a `constexpr` constant when the macro expansion is
truly a constant.

Ironically I was working on my own check that covers some aspects of 
"Enum.1: Prefer enumerations over macros 
However, there isn't any way an automated tool could recognize the example
given in the guidelines because the macros in question don't share a common
prefix, which I've found is a good heuristic for enums disguised as macros.
There are additional heuristics one could apply, such as when a bunch of
constant macros are defined on successive lines.


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