sgatev marked an inline comment as done.
sgatev added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/lib/Analysis/FlowSensitive/TypeErasedDataflowAnalysis.cpp:49
+  // in tests.
+  std::set<const CFGBlock *> Preds;
   Preds.insert(Block.pred_begin(), Block.pred_end());
xazax.hun wrote:
> xazax.hun wrote:
> > Are we sure that the memory addresses of CFGBlocks are stable enough for a 
> > deterministic order? Alternatively, we could use the block ids for the 
> > ordering.
> Also, could you describe where the flakiness is originated from? Naively, I'd 
> expect that the order in which we process the predecessors should not change 
> the results of the analysis.
You're right, using block ids for ordering is better. I updated the code.

> Also, could you describe where the flakiness is originated from?

Say we have a block `B1` with predecessors `B2` and `B3`. Let the environment 
of `B2` after evaluating all of its statements is `B2Env = { Expr1 -> Loc1 }` 
and the environment of `B3` after evaluating all of its statement is `B3Env = { 
Expr2 -> Loc2 }` where `ExprX -> LocX` refers to a particular mapping of 
storage locations to expressions.

What we want for the input environment of `B1` is `{}` because `B2Env` and 
`B3Env` do not contain common assignments of storage locations to expressions. 
What we got before this patch is either `B2Env.join(B3Env) = { Expr1 -> Loc1 }` 
or `B3Env.join(B2Env) = { Expr2 -> Loc2 }`.

Without deterministic ordering of predecessors the test that I'm introducing in 
this patch is flaky.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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