salman-javed-nz added a comment.

Every review comment so far should be addressed now, with the exception of the 
following 2 points.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clang-tidy/NoLintPragmaHandler.cpp:420
+  // file if it is a <built-in>.
+  Optional<StringRef> FileName = SrcMgr.getNonBuiltinFilenameForID(File);
+  if (!FileName)
kadircet wrote:
> filenames in source manager could be misleading depending on how the file is 
> accessed (there might be an override, symlinks, includemaps etc.) and 
> different fileids can also refer to same file (e.g. when header is not 
> include guarded). so both can result in reading the same file contents 
> multiple times, but at least fileids are not strings so should be better keys 
> for the cache && get rid of this step around fetching the filename from 
> fileid.
> Hence can we switch the cache from stringmap to a `densemap<fileid, 
> vector<nolinttoken>>` instead.
> filenames in source manager could be misleading depending on how the file is 
> accessed (there might be an override, symlinks, includemaps etc.) and 
> different fileids can also refer to same file (e.g. when header is not 
> include guarded). so both can result in reading the same file contents 
> multiple times, but at least fileids are not strings so should be better keys 
> for the cache && get rid of this step around fetching the filename from 
> fileid.
> Hence can we switch the cache from stringmap to a `densemap<fileid, 
> vector<nolinttoken>>` instead.

I used FileIDs in an earlier attempt at this patch, but I had issues when 
specifying multiple input files to clang-tidy on the command line, e.g. 
`clang-tidy file1.cpp file2.cpp`. The analysis of each file begins with a fresh 
instance of SourceManager, so both file1.cpp and file2.cpp have a FileID of 1. 
It looks to me that I would need to clear the NoLintBlock cache each time a new 
SourceManager is used.

This is what the `nolintbeginend-multiple-TUs.cpp` test is all about.

The file path is a SourceManager-independent means of identifying the file for 
use in a map, so that's why it's being used. What are your thoughts on what map 
key to use? Neither looks ideal to me.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clang-tidy/NoLintPragmaHandler.cpp:469
+      (NoLint.type() == NoLintType::NoLintBegin)
+          ? ("unmatched 'NOLINTBEGIN' comment without a subsequent 'NOLINT"
+             "END' comment")
kadircet wrote:
> maybe just `'NOLINTBEGIN' comment without a matching 'NOLINTEND' comment`, 
> vice versa for the other case.
> maybe just `'NOLINTBEGIN' comment without a matching 'NOLINTEND' comment`, 
> vice versa for the other case.
Could we do this in another patch? Quite a number of unit tests will need 

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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