sammccall added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/include/clang/Tooling/Inclusions/StandardLibrary.h:56
+// C++ and C Standard Library symbols are considered distinct: e.g. std::printf
+// and ::printf are not treated as the same symbol. The callers have to act
+// accordingly based on available LanguageOptions.
I'm not sure what "the callers have to act accordingly..." means - can you drop 
it or elaborate?

Comment at: clang/include/clang/Tooling/Inclusions/StandardLibrary.h:37
+  static llvm::Optional<Symbol> named(llvm::StringRef Scope,
+                                      llvm::StringRef Name);
kbobyrev wrote:
> kadircet wrote:
> > should scope have trailing `::` ?
> This is consistent with the current behavior; we can probably change it later.
Please document the behavior that's being added here.

(In clangd, "scope" fairly consistently includes "::" - I don't think that 
convention exists here)

Comment at: clang/include/clang/Tooling/Inclusions/StandardLibrary.h:66
+  Recognizer();
+  llvm::Optional<Symbol> operator()(const Decl *D);
kbobyrev wrote:
> kadircet wrote:
> > what about macros?
> For now, I'm just moving the code without adding any new capabilities. The 
> only change is in `namespaceSymbols` (to break the dependency on clangd 
> helpers) that Sam pointed out.
Please add a mention of macros to the docs.

Comment at: clang/lib/Tooling/Inclusions/StandardLibrary.cpp:119
+        return namespaceSymbols(Parent);
+    return NamespaceSymbols->lookup(D->getQualifiedNameAsString() + "::");
+  }();
Does this do the right thing for `std::__1::chrono` where `__1` is inline?

Comment at: clang/unittests/Tooling/StandardLibraryTest.cpp:61
+    namespace chrono {}
should there be symbols in this NS and a test for them?

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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