awarzynski added a comment.

I believe that Windows failures are due to the missing support here:
 I can disable the LIT test on Windows, but I'm not sure how to do it for unit 

Comment at: flang/lib/Frontend/FrontendActions.cpp:421
+  // Set-up the MLIR pass manager
+  fir::setTargetTriple(*mlirModule_, "native");
+  auto &defKinds = ci.invocation().semanticsContext().defaultKinds();
kiranchandramohan wrote:
> awarzynski wrote:
> > rovka wrote:
> > > Nit: Should we assert that mlirModule exists?
> > > Also, why doesn't it already have a triple and a kind mapping?
> > > Nit: Should we assert that mlirModule exists?
> > 
> > We could do, yes. However, `mlirModule` is created in 
> > `CodeGenAction::BeginSourceFileAction`. If that method fails, the driver 
> > should stop immediately. So perhaps that would be a better for place for an 
> > assert?
> > 
> > On a related note, `mlirModule` is obtained via [[ 
> >
> >  | LoweringBridge::getModule ]]. But if the corresponding module is 
> > `nullptr` than that getter should probably assert. See 
> >
> > 
> > >  Also, why doesn't it already have a triple and a kind mapping?
> > Good catch, this is not needed yet. I didn't notice this when going over 
> > `tco`.
>  D118985 creates a bridge with an empty triple. The patch here was switching 
> it to "native". Please cross-check what the expected behaviour.
> ```
>   lower::LoweringBridge lb = Fortran::lower::LoweringBridge::create(*mlirCtx,
>       defKinds, ci.invocation().semanticsContext().intrinsics(),
>       ci.parsing().allCooked(), "", kindMap);
> ```
> Please cross-check what the expected behaviour.
That's a good point, Kiran! Thanks :) 

The constructor for `LoweringBridge` will call [[
 | fir::setTargetTriple ]]. This, in turn, will call [[
 | fir::determineTargetTriple ]], which (for an empty triple) selects the 
target as follows:
  if (triple.empty() || triple == "default")
    return llvm::sys::getDefaultTargetTriple()
AFAIK, `native` and `default` are compatible (I couldn't find any indication 
otherwise). So, empty triple above and "native" will lead to the same thing. So 
we are still just using `native` here.

This made me realise though that we should be explicit in D118985  and set the 
triple there. I'll update it shortly.

Comment at: flang/lib/Frontend/FrontendActions.cpp:440
+  // Translate to LLVM IR
+  auto optName = mlirModule->getName();
+  llvmCtx = std::make_unique<llvm::LLVMContext>();
kiranchandramohan wrote:
> Nit: Remove auto.
Sure! I will also rename this as `moduleName`.

Comment at: flang/lib/Frontend/FrontendActions.cpp:471
+  if (!ci.IsOutputStreamNull()) {
+    llvmModule->print(
rovka wrote:
> Nit: Can this be folded into the above if? (I.e. just write to os if you 
> managed to create it, and add an else branch for the other case)
Good suggestion, thanks!

I recall having a good reason to write it like this, but don't remember what it 
was. Let me simplify!

Comment at: flang/unittests/Frontend/FrontendActionTest.cpp:176
+  // stream, as opposed to an actual file (or a file descriptor).
+  llvm::SmallVector<char, 256> outputFileBuffer;
+  std::unique_ptr<llvm::raw_pwrite_stream> outputFileStream(
kiranchandramohan wrote:
> Nit: Is the size important?
No, thanks for noting this!

In fact, the generated output is larger than 256 characters.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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