OikawaKirie added a comment.

I think I have found out the reason for the problem, and it proved my guesses.

When executing the test case of the static analyzer, we usually use 
`%clang_analyze_cc1` as the entry, which is `%clang_cc1 -analyze`.  And we 
usually do not set a target triple, as it is not required by the analyzer. 
However, things are complicated in Darwin Unix.

In Darwin, the default target triple is `ARCH-apple-darwinXX.XX.XX`, where 
`ARCH` is the architecture (e.g. `x86_64`) and `XX.XX.XX` is the version of the 
Darwin system. And the default target triple will be then adjusted to 
`ARCH-apple-SYSTEMXX.XX.XX` by the 
`Driver::Darwin::ComputeEffectiveClangTriple` in driver related code, where 
`SYSTEM` can be `watchos`, `tvos`, `ios` and `macosx`.

In the clang driver, the adjusted target triple will be passed to the new cc1 
process; whereas in tooling and `ASTUnit::LoadFromCommandLine`, the adjusted 
target triple will be used to generate cc1 arguments to create 
`CompilerInvocation`. But when executing bare `clang -cc1`, if the target 
triple argument is not provided, it remains the default 
`ARCH-apple-darwinXX.XX.XX`. And this is the reason for the conflict.

The CTU on-demand-parsing mechanism uses `ASTUnit::LoadFromCommandLine` to load 
external ASTs. The tool `clang-check` uses clang tooling to parse the entry 
file. Therefore, both target triples are the adjusted ones, which can be 
matched. And so is the driver (`clang --analyze ...`). But not the bare 
`%clang_cc1`, its target triple is the default one.


Let's have a look at the simple example, suppose externalDefMap.txt and 
invocations.yaml are generated correctly.


  void bar();
  void foo() { bar(); }


  void bar() { }


Using driver:

  clang -v --analyze input.cc -Xanalyzer -analyzer-config -Xanalyzer 

Output: OK, adjusted to adjusted

  /path/to/clang-15 -cc1 -triple x86_64-apple-macosx10.15.0 ...


Using clang-check:

  clang-check -analyze input.cc -- -v -Xanalyzer -analyzer-config -Xanalyzer 

Output: OK, adjusted to adjusted

  clang Invocation:
   "/path/to/clang-tool" "-cc1" "-triple" "x86_64-apple-macosx10.15.0"


Using cc1:

  clang -cc1 -v -analyze input.cc  -analyzer-checker=core -analyzer-config 

Output: ERROR, default to adjusted

  warning: imported AST from 'importee.cc' had been generated for a different 
target, current: x86_64-apple-darwin19.6.0, imported: 
x86_64-apple-macosx10.15.0 [-Wctu]


What do you think is a better way to fix this problem? @gamesh411 @steakhal 
Using `clang-check` to run the test case seems to be a good way to overcome the 
problem, but the problem still exists.
However, IMO it is not a good idea to make clang cc1 to adjust the default 
target triple manually.



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